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Paisley Blue Loyal

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Posts posted by Paisley Blue Loyal

  1. Girlfriend works in House of Fraser in Glasgow and was running late this morning so got a taxi to the train station, Got talking to the taxi driver about work and stuff and he tells her that he's heard Mike Ashley wants to take over Rangers once he has offloaded Newcastle United, I told her I couldn't see it and probably a lot of rubbish, She comes home tonight and tells me that a customer she was serving has told her the exact same thing again.

  2. 2 minutes ago, They Gnu said:

    Not in Scotland. Let’s be honest we have been surprised if the Paedos didn’t mobilise their many friends in the press to push their rancid agenda. The media have ignored a Paedophile Ring at their favorite club for decades. Had Rangers behaved as celtic have done and covered up child rape we would have been driven out of business.

    I genuinely believe this is a golden opportunity for our club to put the cat amongst the pigeons so to speak regarding the rancid historical goings on at their club, I would fucking ramp it up by releasing a statement saying that Rangers F.C have kept a dignified silence long enough regarding sensitive issues labelled against separate identity fc followed by Rangers note Celtics concerns of Scottish refereeing standards regarding no disciplinary action being taken against one of our players and wonder if this is a tactic to deflect attention away from former celtic employees recent court cases and convictions for Child Abuse, Want to knock us out our stride, Ruffle our feathers do you, Bring It Fucking On 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  3. 1 minute ago, Cedrick said:

    Class mate 👍🏻👌🏻😂😂and we call that enjoyment 🙈😂😂

    Forgot to mention, Just as Wee Morelos was running the clock down with the ball up at their corner flag the phone rang and the conversation went something like this,

    Me, Hello

    Girlfriend who was at her work, Hiya

    Me in what probably sounded to her as a nervous voice, You'll have to phone me back, Give it 5 mins

    Her, What's wrong

    Me, I think I'm about to have a fucking heart attack, Rangers are about 30 secs away from beating celtic, 

    5mins later she phones back, Did they win she says and have you calmed down any, Aye we won and naw I haven't calmed down I'm fucking buzzing and emotionally fucking drained and btw we are going out tonight to celebrate 😂😂😂😂😂

  4. 2 minutes ago, Cedrick said:

    😂😂😂telling ye mate give it a try 😂😂😂🙈

    Had to work Saturday morning, Got back home with about 10mins of the first half still to play, Never even took my coat off for the remainder of the game, Couldn't sit down, Paced up and down in the living room kicking every ball and screaming at the telly like a fucking loony, Sank to my knees in fucking bits when Ryan Kent went thru 1 on 1 and fucking missed thinking we were gonna fuck this up, My wee Mammy who is 81 and suffers with dementia who was sitting on her chair watching it with me turned to me and said you you you're taking this too ssseriously 😂😂😂😂😂

  5. 8 hours ago, theblueoysterbar said:

    Venetia's doing alright just now. 4 from 6 the last three days, 5 from 11 over the last week. Decent prices too

    Two out at Exeter and two out at Cheltenham. Haven't decided what to go for yet.



    Just seen your post bud and went straight to my bet365 account, Stuck a wee £2.50 e.w double on her two runners at Cheltenham, Aso 4/1 and Shalakar 13/2 so fingers crossed, On a side note I'm going to Ayr Races again on the 20th of this month so you can probably expect a wee message before I go to pick your brains 😂😂 Happy New Year to you mate🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  6. 5 minutes ago, Bristol loyal said:

    Believe me mate the rest of the UK is fucking loving it, had texts yesterday off people I’ve not spoke to in months and in the pub tonight the amount of people who normally pay no attention to scottish football that spoke to me who were delighted with yesterday’s result was amazing 🇬🇧

    Good to hear bud 👍🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  7. 1 minute ago, Sparkle said:

    Alexander was a good politician but rested on his laurels and got caught out.  I seem to remember her accepting her win with a real lack of class and grace as well.


    You're probably right Sparkle, I was still living in England at the time so don't know to much about it, Just remember my mum telling me about her friend and neighbour

  8. 1 minute ago, plumbGER said:

    :lol: There are quite a few of us on here now who have learned to just ignore the clown, he does the same shit constantly and you still get the same people expecting answers off him:lol:

    It's not going to happen and admin won't ban him so ignoring him is the best way imo, don't give him what he wants.

    I'm the same mate, I read his posts and move on if they are on a thread that I'm looking at, Everything about The SNP and their band of followers I find abhorrent, Will do my protesting at The Ballot Box ??????????

  9. 5 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    That's right about them being traditional labour supporters.  Douglas Alexander was regarded being in one of safest labour seats. Black was dropped in there as a gap filler, even the SNP didn't expect any kind of result in Paisley and were astounded when she won. It's a shame but Labour thought they were safe in Scotland and let their core voters down.

    Now they have the loudmouth Black who because of the snps cost cutting centralisation policies, stood by and watched her party remove the children's wards from local services (even though there was a huge local campaign to save it) and locally elected councillors who are more interested in the mantra of Independence at any cost, stunts like burning other parties manifestos in public and the more recent obvious hatred of our team and traditions.  

    One of my mums neighbours who is also a good friend of my mums is an ex labour councillor for Paisley helped with Douglas Alexanders campaign and was in tears when he lost his seat to that loud mouthed wee fucking chav, Still seething to this day just at the mention of her name.

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