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Colin Traive

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Posts posted by Colin Traive

  1. 8 hours ago, cushynumber said:

    I don't disagree with what boyd is saying. What I completely disagree with is a pro for another club current playing against us commenting on our players. That is not right. Ex player or not.

    I think he’s a supporter who just happens to be employed as a player (as opposed to an office worker or a pipe fitter) elsewhere and it’s from that perspective he’s talking. His main target is the poor leadership and the morale, neither of which are the fault of the playing staff

  2. 47 minutes ago, berkshirebear said:

    Even Alex Feguson had his managerial failures, and I  honestly think you learn more from failures than successes. Hopefully FDB is even more motivated after what happened at Palace

    If you learn from failures, then Murty must be fucking Einstein by now?

  3. We’d be as well with Miller as player-manager for the last few games because it is abundantly clear Murty has no idea and, more importantly, no authority.

    There is no upside to keeping him in post until the end of the season.

    Go now, please.

  4. 5 minutes ago, .Williamson. said:

    If only our players understood mate 

    Not enough bears in the team. People like Halliday, for all his limitations as a player, gets it. Not suggesting we play him but we need them to all want to die for the jersey. Look at that marathon runner that literally ran himself into the ground overnight. That’s the kind of total commitment we need today. Show that and the scum will crumble 

  5. Started feeling upset for the guy then got angrier as one cunt after another leans over the barrier for a better picture. Steve Cram usually talks shite but he was right calling it a disgrace. Nearly two minutes ahead and a stick-on for gold. Fucking shame?

  6. 9 hours ago, Heshootshescores said:

    For a player with poor vision, passing ability, heading ability, limited pace and an engine which is nowhere near what it was... 'Broonie'  gets amazing adulation on here and elsewhere. Get in his face and he'll offer nothing to this game. 

    He’s always their out ball. He makes himself available and rarely gives or receives a pass further than 10 yards. Just keeps recycling and keeping them moving. If you put someone like Dorrans (probably our most advanced midfielder) on Brown with the instruction “stay within three yards of him unless we have the ball”, they would resort to playing long balls. Hate the idea adapting our play to flatter an arsehole like Brown but he really does make them tick and I really want to beat them

  7. 12 minutes ago, james_85 said:

    Seems daft to me that they are worried about the old firm game being the game that they win the league so they send them to hibs and then make it the 2nd game. Wouldn't surprise me that hibs win that first game and then it will be panic stations for the spfl. 

    Aye, Lenny will want to deny celtic a party then a gloatfest against us:duh:

  8. 1 hour ago, eejay the dj said:

    Remember 1 year ,2006 I think . The jambos were in a position to finish second and steal the remaining  Champions league Place. It was 2 in those days

    The season was nearing it's end . They were playing the scum .

    Hearts won 3-0 in the easiest win you will ever see

    It was the biggest lie down I had seen since St Mirren in 86

    I wished I had put money on it . Even if it killed me .

    The same thing is going to unfold in a few weeks time

    There is a picture of one of the celtic players (useless big CB who went to Motherwell) grinning as the celtic keeper retrieved the ball from the net for, I think, Hearts second that day. Most blatant example of throwing a game in fifty years watching football.

  9. “We need to keep on improving...”

    4 points out of 12 in last four games is not “improving” at least not for any Rangers manager worth his salt.

    He needs taken into a quiet room and handed a pistol so that he can do the honourable thing like the gentleman he clearly is.

    A letter beginning with the words “I hereby tender my resignation” would be an acceptable and perhaps  less extreme alternative.

    Either way, he’s a dead man walking.

  10. 11 hours ago, Deanzmeanzheinz said:

    Totally agree with the article - which is easy enough to do i suppose.

    So, over to the board. For me this is chicken and egg. Whatever finance they offer the new manager (by that i mean to build the squad) will dictate what standard of manager they get. If they go after someone of a certain stature he will demand the tools to do the job - overcome the rhats. If it's modest budgets it will be an out of contract manager somewhere desparate for a job (or currently working at a much lower level) - best of that bunch Preudhomme. If they are putting together significant funding then FdB 

    It will be perfectly clear what funding is available when that appointment is made. 

    Very true. The best indicator of the financial backing available will be in the name of the man chosen. FDB will want time AND money to mould a squad so, if he is appointed, we can assume that they’ve found some money behind the sofa. 

    I just don’t have confidence in them, that’s the problem. If you sent your kid to the shop three times for a loaf and he came back with a pint of milk, six eggs and a packet of Brillo pads, would you send him again, would you have the confidence to get the butter out the fridge this time?

  11. 7 minutes ago, roboscot said:

    From wiki; 

    In January 2014 the club announced that they had signed a half-billion kronor deal with the government of Libya to develop and educate Libyan football players. Under the terms of the deal, Östersunds FK would train 250 young men from Libya every year, except the first year in which they will receive 60 students. Those players would be taught English and computer skills in addition to sports theory and football training. The deal was expected to raise Östersund FKs yearly profits by over 50%.[7] The deal with the Libyan state never came to life, thus meaning no students came to Östersund and no money was received by the club.[8]

    .....which means that he and his Rangers-supporting assistant went from non-league to Europa League the hard way.

  12. 5 minutes ago, ForeverAndEver said:

    No, he isn't. Lennon is, if you mean Premiership. 

    He couldn't save Alloa, then had them second. Done well with St Mirren but realistically they should be at the top.

    He's done well, I know. Don't know if they're a team that only done it with high levels of money or whatever. Jimmy Nicholl is the same, never changed anything let's be fair.

    I’d put Clarke’s achievement ahead of Lennon although it’s hard to be neutral where that bastard is concerned! Lennon has gradually built that team, whereas Clarke was parachuted in when Killie were in freefall. 

    As far as the championship is concerned, I would suggest that Dundee United would be favourites ahead of St Mirren. But it’s a tough league and his team have walked it and he’s raised a few bob for them too through the sale of Lewis Morgan.

    If we had loads to spend, my choices might be different but, given where we are, these three are our best bets

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