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Colin Traive

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  1. Like
    Colin Traive got a reaction from Bears in ***** The Official Rangers v Motherwell Match Thread *****   
    For a big bloke, Mugabi is remarkably unstable if an opponent goes with two yards of him.
  2. Like
    Colin Traive got a reaction from BlueAvenger in ***** The Official Rangers v Motherwell Match Thread *****   
    He’s worked wonders so far considering the absence of two forwards who would almost certainly be first picks and adding Cortes to the injury list makes his job even harder.
    I wish we were like other teams where players miss two or three games when injured - at Ibrox, it seems to be half a season at least minimum.😡
  3. Like
    Colin Traive got a reaction from Jakes Pal in ***** The Official Rangers v Motherwell Match Thread *****   
    He’s worked wonders so far considering the absence of two forwards who would almost certainly be first picks and adding Cortes to the injury list makes his job even harder.
    I wish we were like other teams where players miss two or three games when injured - at Ibrox, it seems to be half a season at least minimum.😡
  4. Like
    Colin Traive got a reaction from Bad Robot in Souness & Clement, 3 March   
    Jack Butland now confirmed as a guest alongside Souness and Clement this Sunday.
    A five point lead going in to this would be nice

  5. Like
    Colin Traive reacted to Hadron Collider in ***** The Official Rangers v Motherwell Match Thread *****   
    “Happy Feet” mate? 😉
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  10. Like
    Colin Traive got a reaction from Hadron Collider in Welcome to Rangers, Dujon Sterling   
    Impossible to estimate what kind of fee we’d need to be offered to let him go.
    He’s done superbly since getting his chance.
    Whatever happens between now and May, Sterling and Butland are the greatest successes of the season along with, of course, the manager.
  11. Like
    Colin Traive got a reaction from Blueshoff in Welcome to Rangers, Dujon Sterling   
    Impossible to estimate what kind of fee we’d need to be offered to let him go.
    He’s done superbly since getting his chance.
    Whatever happens between now and May, Sterling and Butland are the greatest successes of the season along with, of course, the manager.
  12. Like
    Colin Traive reacted to Blueshoff in Welcome to Rangers, Dujon Sterling   
    Probably my favourite player ATM.
    What an engine and attitude.
  13. Like
    Colin Traive got a reaction from OrangeRab in ***** The Official Rangers v Motherwell Match Thread *****   
    Sterling alongside Lundstram with Wright in for Raskin sadly more likely 
  14. Like
    Colin Traive reacted to SeparateEntityMyArse in Welcome to Rangers, Oscar Cortes   
    When players go down clutching a hammy, then hobble off, they're typically out for more than a few games.
    You seem particularly irritated by this assumption, which is a pretty logical one, which is fucking bizarre tbh 😂
  15. Like
    Colin Traive reacted to graeme_4 in See that tonight   
    Can’t believe people are defending Borna. He was a disgrace last night. 
  16. Like
    Colin Traive got a reaction from HG5 in See that tonight   
    Barisic is gutless and even his one asset, good crossing, has started to fail.
    His default instinct is to pass back the minute an opponent gets within twenty yards of him.
    Easily the worst LB in many, many years.
    Hopefully Clement has learned tonight that Yilmaz, while not perfect, is miles ahead now.
    Rather play Yfeko at left back or even play a back three which is effectively what we have when the coward plays.
    Get him as far away from the first team as possible.
  17. Like
    Colin Traive got a reaction from OrangeRab in ***** The Official Kilmarnock v Rangers Match Thread *****   
    Him and Lennon Miller are two of the best youngsters in the SPFL and I’d be happy to see both in our squad next season.
    But right now, neither would displace Lundstram or Diomande.
  18. Like
    Colin Traive got a reaction from OrangeRab in ***** The Official Kilmarnock v Rangers Match Thread *****   
    I felt before the Hearts game that we were playing their recent form as opposed to playing them, a team of journeymen, none of whom (with the possible exception of their captain) would get near our squad let alone our team.
    We got the potential threat out of proportion - Hearts at Ibrox has never been a fixture to fear.
    Same thing applies to Killie.
    A strike force of van Veen and Greg Stewart?
    I’d have Danny Armstrong ahead of Wright or McCausland but, beyond that, once again they are simply inferior in every position.
    Their greatest weapon is their pitch ffs 
    With Clement in charge, I expect us to be fully prepared and to be coming back up the road with three points.
  19. Like
    Colin Traive reacted to Hadron Collider in The other mob   
    It’s condescending that’s what it is mate. Don’t think he’ll live this down. 
  20. Like
    Colin Traive got a reaction from Ben10 in ***** The Official Kilmarnock v Rangers Match Thread *****   
    I felt before the Hearts game that we were playing their recent form as opposed to playing them, a team of journeymen, none of whom (with the possible exception of their captain) would get near our squad let alone our team.
    We got the potential threat out of proportion - Hearts at Ibrox has never been a fixture to fear.
    Same thing applies to Killie.
    A strike force of van Veen and Greg Stewart?
    I’d have Danny Armstrong ahead of Wright or McCausland but, beyond that, once again they are simply inferior in every position.
    Their greatest weapon is their pitch ffs 
    With Clement in charge, I expect us to be fully prepared and to be coming back up the road with three points.
  21. Angry
    Colin Traive got a reaction from Bad Robot in The other mob   
    Isa’s second goal.
    What’s that? Jersey pull you say?

  22. Like
    Colin Traive got a reaction from Hadron Collider in ***** The Official Kilmarnock v Rangers Match Thread *****   
    I felt before the Hearts game that we were playing their recent form as opposed to playing them, a team of journeymen, none of whom (with the possible exception of their captain) would get near our squad let alone our team.
    We got the potential threat out of proportion - Hearts at Ibrox has never been a fixture to fear.
    Same thing applies to Killie.
    A strike force of van Veen and Greg Stewart?
    I’d have Danny Armstrong ahead of Wright or McCausland but, beyond that, once again they are simply inferior in every position.
    Their greatest weapon is their pitch ffs 
    With Clement in charge, I expect us to be fully prepared and to be coming back up the road with three points.
  23. Angry
    Colin Traive got a reaction from scottyscott1963 in The other mob   
    Isa’s second goal.
    What’s that? Jersey pull you say?

  24. Like
    Colin Traive reacted to stuart1994 in The other mob   
    Get McGinn aff
  25. Like
    Colin Traive got a reaction from BillyG91 in The other mob   
    Bite your hand off for 1-1 now.
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