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The Subway Loyal - Numbers On The Rise!

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It has been the same since i was a young boy, they used to open the gates with 20 min to go. There was always a crowd waiting to get in just to watch the last 20 min, that was fans who could not afford to pay to see the game.

that was back when we could stand and those waiting just piled in beside us but for the life of me i cant remember folk leaving in the numbers they do now ok perhaps a couple of hundred would leave but not a couple of thousand like now.if they had they would have got dogs abuse from the other fans but thats not allowed now is it we cant tell folks what we think. :angry:

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Perhaps if GCC had decided to tart up our stadium instead of the cesspit then all these reasons for leaving early would be sorted.

More Subway trains at peak hours.A new railway link and station to help with the flow of fans leaving Ibrox.

I suspect though that no matter what happens the same people will leave early regardless of what is happening on the pitch.

Personally i think 95% of the excuses are complete and utter bullshit.

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that was back when we could stand and those waiting just piled in beside us but for the life of me i cant remember folk leaving in the numbers they do now ok perhaps a couple of hundred would leave but not a couple of thousand like now.if they had they would have got dogs abuse from the other fans but thats not allowed now is it we cant tell folks what we think. :angry:

tbf mate it was probably the same back then as well, but it's harder to notice when standing.

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Perhaps if GCC had decided to tart up our stadium instead of the cesspit then all these reasons for leaving early would be sorted.

More Subway trains at peak hours.A new railway link and station to help with the flow of fans leaving Ibrox.

I suspect though that no matter what happens the same people will leave early regardless of what is happening on

the pitch.

Personally i think 95% of the excuses are complete utter bullshit.

On sat I left on 85 mins; my train home was at 17.50 and if I duff it I can't get home. The subway on sat was packed and despite leaving early, I only got back to Central 15mins before my train left.

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Always stay to the end now, used to leave at the 90th to get the train home but just started getting a couple of mates coming with me to the games then we just walk back into town after it, didn't get back until later on saturday though as I took a wrong turn to get on the clydeside doh wasted about half an hour was still a good laugh but :craphead:

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this will never change, it's not increasing or decreasing. People's choice what they do. To many fans on this website post this shit these days, trying to act like they are better fans that anyone else

I know it's mostly in wind up to get a reaction but it's dull as feck. It's always from wee fuds in there late teens early twenties that think they are rangers biggest fan because they have attented a few games.

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It would be better if people didnt but a lot of people have good reasons and have to go at that point so its better doing that than not going at all, also Ibrox is rarely full anyway so id rather people that fuck off with 15 minutes to go than them to not go at all they arent doing anyone any harm or doing them out a ticket

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this will never change, it's not increasing or decreasing. People's choice what they do. To many fans on this website post this shit these days, trying to act like they are better fans that anyone else

I know it's mostly in wind up to get a reaction but it's dull as feck. It's always from wee fuds in there late teens early twenties that think they are rangers biggest fan because they have attented a few games.

GC. Have you been to a game recently - I eft my 20s behind a long time ago and the issues is pretty drastic - its an 'emptying' not a few early leavers (and as I sit with stairs to my right and 3/4 of the pitch to my right irritating as fk as it spoins my view but I dont want to give up the seat I have had for 24 years.

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Surely those, who are based near Glasgow and can afford to go to the football, who sit on RM/FF/Vanguard during the games instead of actually going are more worthy of criticism than those who bother to turn up, yet I never see a thread of that ilk....

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Surely those, who are based near Glasgow and can afford to go to the football, who sit on RM/FF/Vanguard during the games instead of actually going are more worthy of criticism than those who bother to turn up, yet I never see a thread of that ilk....

:pipe: this.

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Surely those, who are based near Glasgow and can afford to go to the football, who sit on RM/FF/Vanguard during the games instead of actually going are more worthy of criticism than those who bother to turn up, yet I never see a thread of that ilk....

Go on, papa, start one. (tu)

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Sometimes i need to leave early. (tu)

When Hibs scored their third midweek I left,raging with how shite we were playing.Maybe a wee wake up call when the players look around and the stadium is practically empty.

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Deja vu.

People make their choice, nothing can be done bar locking fans in. I don't like it and have never done it but hey, that's me, not about to try and claim some morale high ground over it.

No point constantly moaning about people leaving early over and over again.

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this will never change, it's not increasing or decreasing. People's choice what they do. To many fans on this website post this shit these days, trying to act like they are better fans that anyone else

I know it's mostly in wind up to get a reaction but it's dull as feck. It's always from wee fuds in there late teens early twenties that think they are rangers biggest fan because they have attented a few games.

1. It's my opinion that The Subway Loyal are gaining in number... just have a wee look around the stadium before the final whistle and you'll see exactly where I'm coming from.

2. It's my opinion that fans leaving early on a weekly basis are letting themselves, the team and the club down. Yes, it's their choice, but that doesn't make it right.

3. I didn't post this to wind up anyone, nor am I a wee fud in my late teens. But I am a Rangers supporter and for me that means sticking with the team through the good times and the bad and backing them with everything I've got for the entire game - not 70 minutes!

Does that make me a better Rangers fan than those that are sneaking out with 20 minutes to go....? I'll leave that for you and others to decide.

TSL are letting us all down and if threads such as help them realise it then it's a step in the right direction.

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Surely those, who are based near Glasgow and can afford to go to the football, who sit on RM/FF/Vanguard during the games instead of actually going are more worthy of criticism than those who bother to turn up, yet I never see a thread of that ilk....

Lets beat up TSL first and then we can set about them. :pipe:

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Surely those, who are based near Glasgow and can afford to go to the football, who sit on RM/FF/Vanguard during the games instead of actually going are more worthy of criticism than those who bother to turn up, yet I never see a thread of that ilk....

Bingo !

At least someone has some sense.

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I have only ever left a match before full time once. Was midweek CL game and I took my pals 14 year old boy to see his first competetive Rangers match. Had to get him home early cause he has school next day. Novo scored our only goal as we walked to tube. I was gutted the lad didn't see it.

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What part of it are you struggling with?

Read the rest of my post.. I dont think that you buy a season ticket to give you the option to do as you please, you buy it to support the team, and leaving early to beat the traffic isnt supporting the team.

just my opinion tho. I know some people do have genuine reasons for leaving early, and i respect that but the majority dont.

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