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Do you find you hate Celtic less the older you get?

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Sorry, misread that.

I have no problems with 'Loyalists'. My biggest respects in the Rangers support is for the 'Loyalists'. They are the ones who get Ibrox going on matchdays and are the ones who defend our club when it's name is being tarnished! No problems, whatsoever.

(tu) Merry Christmas ;)

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i have never seen that much difference between it and the cos.

same songs, same prayers, same bible, same communion. sure they have a few more rituals but every church has those.

my point on christmas dinner and you are living proof of it was simply that you cant tar everyone with the same brush.

there are some on here it seems who would reject the sex with your ten year old bird tonight simply for going to the chapel.

You dont think there is that much difference but i have never felt as uncomfortable as i did when in one the el chapels, Its not exactly a great place to be. There little rituals etc are that of a brainwashed cult. Altho i would say alot of religions tend to brainwash its followers.

You cant tar every person in life with the same brush thats a given but a vast bigger majority of shellick fans are scum.

Maybe one on one discussions about life, tv etc they are decent just dont mention football to them. Then you see their true colours.

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thats what they chose to take from a religion.

its not the core values of the relgion.

alqueda claim to be religious but islam expresly teaches peace and love for all.

your using peoples twisted logic to bash a religion.

Naw im using the fact that Priests knew and were involved to the core with IRA terrorists.

Now if im not mistaken isn't a Priest the person who is part of the Catholic church. :rolleyes:

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You dont think there is that much difference but i have never felt as uncomfortable as i did when in one the el chapels, Its not exactly a great place to be. There little rituals etc are that of a brainwashed cult. Altho i would say alot of religions tend to brainwash its followers.

You cant tar every person in life with the same brush thats a given but a vast bigger majority of shellick fans are scum.

Maybe one on one discussions about life, tv etc they are decent just dont mention football to them. Then you see their true colours.

i have no issues talking to them about football. never have.

i would say the vast majority are decent normal people.

but everyones experiances are different.

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Naw im using the fact that Priests knew and were involved to the core with IRA terrorists.

Now if im not mistaken isn't a Priest the person who is part of the Catholic church. :rolleyes:

sure every catholic is part of the church. they arent catholicismt though thats and ideal and a belief system.

cos ministers have done some unsavory stuff but you cant confuse peoples actions with the belief system of a religion. any religion.

i had a wank last night you shouldnt hold that against my church its not there fault.

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Personally I hate them more. The older I get the more I understand they are rotten to the core. The more history I read. And the last 2 years has highlighted them so much more even people outside Glasgow see there paranoid people who love playing the victim.

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Personally I hate them more. The older I get the more I understand they are rotten to the core. The more history I read. And the last 2 years has highlighted them so much more even people outside Glasgow see there paranoid people who love playing the victim.

Come on Kaiser hate is a strong word, as I said in an earlier post "Fucking Despise" is so much better. :uk:

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Can't stand the club, and as i've got older that feeling has increased. Their behaviour this season plus Lennon being their manager probably has my hatred for them at an all time high.

But i have no prejudice against people that are Celtic fans, in fact there's Celtic fans i consider friends. At the end of the day i'll make my judgement on someone by how they are as human beings, not who they support. Like everyone else i've come across people I can't stand in life and some of them have supported Rangers.

Banter is all well and good but anyone who genuinely holds something against someone because of the team they support leads a sad life.

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Can't stand the club, and as i've got older that feeling has increased. Their behaviour this season plus Lennon being their manager probably has my hatred for them at an all time high.

But i have no prejudice against people that are Celtic fans, in fact there's Celtic fans i consider friends. At the end of the day i'll make my judgement on someone by how they are as human beings, not who they support. Like everyone else i've come across people I can't stand in life and some of them have supported Rangers.

Banter is all well and good but anyone who genuinely holds something against someone because of the team they support leads a sad life.

Well spoken. (tu)

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i have never seen that much difference between it and the cos.

same songs, same prayers, same bible, same communion. sure they have a few more rituals but every church has those.

my point on christmas dinner and you are living proof of it was simply that you cant tar everyone with the same brush.

there are some on here it seems who would reject the sex with your ten year old bird tonight simply for going to the chapel.

The big difference is that they can abuse young kids, murder people, mug old ladies, can rape someone then go to confession on a Sunday and all their sins are forgiven.

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The big difference is that they can abuse young kids, murder people, mug old ladies, can rape someone then go to confession on a Sunday and all their sins are forgiven.

its not just as simple as that in fairness but if your simplifying it then in the cos you only need to pray after the event and you are forgiven.

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its not just as simple as that in fairness but if your simplifying it then in the cos you only need to pray after the event and you are forgiven.

Some of their priests hide guns for the IRA and made a safe haven for their members. They also shift different priests to other parishes who have been involved in child abuse.

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Some of their priests hide guns for the IRA and made a safe haven for their members. They also shift different priests to other parishes who have been involved in child abuse.

yes they do.

some prods do bad things as well.

but those are pople they arent the religion.

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Yes, there was a time. Which was down to our founders of the time being Protestant and wanting the club to follow that identity.


I dont think thats historically accurate. If you read some of the books by Graham Walker or Bill Murray (not the Ghostbusters one :happy: ) its quite clear that whilst probably being Protestant in principle (Moses McNeil's mother was an Ulster Scot after all) there was no religious context to Rangers formation - just a bunch of lads with a love of the game.

The formation of Celtic saw a cataclysmic change - and despite the re-writing of history by them - it quite clear they set out to be an all out Catholic club (even stealing players from Hibernian so that they could field an all Catholic team). Their early directors were staunch republicans and early directors spoke publicly about Irish independence. They very much represented the Irish Catholic in Scotland so much so that they were often referred to in the press of that time as the "Irishmen".

The evolvement of Rangers Protestant identity had a number of factors....the very strong Irish Catholic flavour to Celtic left Protestant Scotland looking for a football club which gave them the same representation with regard to their culture.

There were a number of clubs at that time in Glasgow who could have offered that mantle. 2 Factors probably influenced Rangers becoming that vehicle of expression more than anything else.

1. The existing transport links at that time made it much easier for working class men to access Ibrox rather than the likes of Queens Park or Clyde.

2. The establishment of Harland & Wolff Shipyard in Govan in 1912 saw a huge influx of Protestant ship workers to Govan right on the doorstep of Ibrox.

Historically the latter co-incided with the Home Rule crisis in Northern Ireland. John Ure Primrose, who at that time was a Rangers official, took the stage with the visting Lord Carson when he appeared in Glasgow to recruit support. Primrose went on to become Rangers Chairman as well as Glasgow's Lord Provost.

I would suggest that those factors were the main contributors to our Protestant identity.

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yes they do.

some prods do bad things as well.

but those are pople they arent the religion.

Sorry GS

I have tried my best to stay out of this one....but there is a real issue here...

The promotion of the Catholic Church in this thread is to say the least unedifying.

This is a church which throughout history has left a mark of shame.

From the inquisition to their pact with the Nazis...their lies across the African Continent which has consigned hundreds of thousands of Africans to the HIV virus....their cover up of child abuse and torture and abuse of children across 2 continents...

I woulld not wish to be part of any church who had that as a curriculum vitae.

Perhaps the doctrines taught are very similar....but knowledge is nothing without application.

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Its easier as a youngster to think its a one way thing, I still can't stand the club, just hearing the name or seeing those horrible colours. I wouldn't say any of my proper mates are Celtic fans but there are a few that I would gladly have a pint or a laugh with. I've met some Celtic fans who are ok and some Rangers fans that are cocks, it still takes me a while to befriend a tim but as long as they're ok then I can get along with them. Still can't stand the club though

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Do you find you hate Celtic less the older you get?

I believe this was the title of this thread was it not?

The club and all it stands for are the focus of my disgust.

Individual fans differ and the few i know are friends....very good friends.

The irony is though that i am a bigot according to 1 or 2 bores on here.

The other irony is that a couple of my friends down South aren't white...how can that be when i am a white supremist..or should that be supremecist doh

Some people refuse to seperate the club from the fans (although obviously they are linked)

The club,its ideals,its lies,its cheating,its intolerable paranoia,its treatment of abused boys in its care,its treatment of individuals in their employment,their executives,their employees.....i despise the lot of them and all they stand for.


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These songs all concern Northern Ireland. Yeah, it's a part of the UK, but I've never been to NI; feel a bit weird signing how beautiful Co. Down is when I've never been...

So you're on about Build My Gallows if i am correct?

Well if you know the song it says "i must see before i die The Antrim Glen and the Hills of Co Down"

Right. So John Greig and Nacho Novo are not Rangers fans?

Anyway, we're top of the league, Celtic are shite, and it's under 5 hours until Christmas....these are good times. Merry Christmas to each and every bear out there :cheers:

They seen the light.

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Do you find you hate Celtic less the older you get?

I believe this was the title of this thread was it not?

The club and all it stands for are the focus of my disgust.

Individual fans differ and the few i know are friends....very good friends.

The irony is though that i am a bigot according to 1 or 2 bores on here.

The other irony is that a couple of my friends down South aren't white...how can that be when i am a white supremist..or should that be supremecist doh

Some people refuse to seperate the club from the fans (although obviously they are linked)

The club,its ideals,its lies,its cheating,its intolerable paranoia,its treatment of abused boys in its care,its treatment of individuals in their employment,their executives,their employees.....i despise the lot of them and all they stand for.


A Bigot is a person who has a strong view against another race or faith.

So in my eyes we are all Bigots even the handwringers who hate everything we stand for.

Bigot a Political Correct word with no real foundation like all the rest of the political correct stuff

no sense and more or less a hypocrites word.

The same goes with sectarian we are all sectarian in our own ways.

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