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Sing when your entertained

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Having read both the threads about our dire atmosphere today, and some fans actually trying to defend morgue-like atmosphere with a "we weren't playing well, so what was there to sing about" response.

Your a f*cking eejit if you think that. Let me get that straight. Being lucky enough to be a Rangers fan, you should be prepared to sing your heart out for 90minutes of the game. Even if we're playing shite. I wouldn't care if we were getting humped by Partick Thistle, you should still never be silenced. To be silent is the equivalent of sticking two fingers up to our never say die attitude.

If anything, it's more important to sing when your playing shite. To give the players a lift, to intimidate the opposition into believing its not yet over. The majority of our fans did none of this today. The final 15minutes before half time you could hear a pin drop. If you'd been watching the game on telly, it would probably of sounded like it was on mute.

For all you part time supporters, or fans who only sing when we're winning...fuck you. A disgrace to our club. Go sit in a library if you want to be quiet. I'm not trying to defend our players performances today, as they were shite. But there was nothing (aside from a small minority as always) for them to believe the fans were behind them.

No Surrender from our fans? Aye fucking right :sherlock:

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Having read both the threads about our dire atmosphere today, and some fans actually trying to defend morgue-like atmosphere with a "we weren't playing well, so what was there to sing about" response.

Your a f*cking eejit if you think that. Let me get that straight. Being lucky enough to be a Rangers fan, you should be prepared to sing your heart out for 90minutes of the game. Even if we're playing shite. I wouldn't care if we were getting humped by Partick Thistle, you should still never be silenced. To be silent is the equivalent of sticking two fingers up to our never say die attitude.

If anything, it's more important to sing when your playing shite. To give the players a lift, to intimidate the opposition into believing its not yet over. The majority of our fans did none of this today. The final 15minutes before half time you could hear a pin drop. If you'd been watching the game on telly, it would probably of sounded like it was on mute.

For all you part time supporters, or fans who only sing when we're winning...fuck you. A disgrace to our club. Go sit in a library if you want to be quiet. I'm not trying to defend our players performances today, as they were shite. But there was nothing (aside from a small minority as always) for them to believe the fans were behind them.

No Surrender from our fans? Aye fucking right :sherlock:

Sing whether were winning losing or drawing (tu)

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Totally agree with the op. Fucking disgraceful to b outsung at home, especially by those dirty bastards! I'm sick fed up with the attitudes of so called supporters. Y make the effort to turn up to game to SIT there n piss n moan. Get behind the team or get to fuck! Sorry but our home support is truly dire at times!

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Nothing to do with being entertained.

Its about your team showing fight.

Going into that game i was up for it and we started off up for it, we were in there faces and started with a good pace and the crowd were loud.

Then our players just stopped, didnt fight at all, bottled it and they were absolutely spineless and showed no effort desire or passion while Celtics team were in our faces from the get go and were flying into tackles and trying there hearts out and you could see the passion from there players and it surged there fans on.

I was up for that game and the players took everything out of me, the sheer frustration of being outplayed and outfought at Ibrox drained everything from me.

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I totally concur with the OP's sentiments regarding singing when your team is struggling.

In the "Olden days" we always had moanin faced minnies who would do fuck all but whinge when we were getting skelped, but the majority of us sang louder the more we struggled.

Maybe that was because we had players who would still bust their guts out for the team right to the very end, no matter how bad we were playing or how bad the score was... something that seems alien to a lot of players these days.

The problem as I see it and have witnessed it every time I return to Ibrox is that we dont, in an increasing trend, have SUPPORTERS who go to Ibrox anymore...We have VIEWERS who are quite happy to pay their money, come in late for the silence (as was reported by TJF yesterday) sit and prefer to chat to one another, do the crosswords and fuck off anywhere from the 70th minute up to the final whistle.

If that's called supporting your team, then you can count me out. I've never in my life sat there like a stooky not singing when at ANY Rangers match and I'm fucked if I'm going to bugger off before the final whistle when the Rangers players are still on the park.

Call me old fashioned if you like, because when it comes to supporting the team I love, I might be old fashioned but I'm proud of it.

PS...If I want "Silent Entertainment" I'll go and watch the fucking pictures.

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Having read both the threads about our dire atmosphere today, and some fans actually trying to defend morgue-like atmosphere with a "we weren't playing well, so what was there to sing about" response.

Your a f*cking eejit if you think that. Let me get that straight. Being lucky enough to be a Rangers fan, you should be prepared to sing your heart out for 90minutes of the game. Even if we're playing shite. I wouldn't care if we were getting humped by Partick Thistle, you should still never be silenced. To be silent is the equivalent of sticking two fingers up to our never say die attitude.

If anything, it's more important to sing when your playing shite. To give the players a lift, to intimidate the opposition into believing its not yet over. The majority of our fans did none of this today. The final 15minutes before half time you could hear a pin drop. If you'd been watching the game on telly, it would probably of sounded like it was on mute.

For all you part time supporters, or fans who only sing when we're winning...fuck you. A disgrace to our club. Go sit in a library if you want to be quiet. I'm not trying to defend our players performances today, as they were shite. But there was nothing (aside from a small minority as always) for them to believe the fans were behind them.

No Surrender from our fans? Aye fucking right :sherlock:


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I agree with you to a certain extent, but it is a two-way relationship. There needs to be the noise from the fans, and that passion being replicated on the pitch, even if you're getting pumped. YOu could hear the noise in the first 20mins, but when the players decided to stop playing football, then some people are naturally going to think "if they don't give a fuck, why should I?". For me yesterday, it was the lack of passion rather than playing poorly that got me angry (though they are related, you can run your socks off and still have a bad game). Unfortunately I was watching from home, but I would have been personally singing my heart out, no chance I'm getting unsung by the great unwashed! Having said that, I can understand why some fans were drained by it all.

Nevermind, it's a reality check, we're not as invincible as some players and fans have believed, and we still have 2 games on that shower of shite!!


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Agree with the OP but the days of backing the team when we go one down at Ibrox are long gone. Most just use it as an excuse to start puonding the players they don't like and get right on their backs for fuck all. If you stood up and sang at ibrox when things wheren't going great on the park youd prob get some arsehole wanting you thrown out or to sit down and shut up!

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100% spot on!

That was my first Old Firm game that I have been to and for the first 30 seconds of the game the noise was incredible but after that we were outsung by 7,000 T*rrier bastards! Ibrox is turning into a morgue with too many people leaving after 75 minutes, sitting on their hands and telling those who are trying to start a sing song to sit down and shut up. The least I was expecting was a terrific atmosphere for 90 minutes and all we got was 2 songs that were sung. And sitting in the main stand beside the director's box does not help. Usually I am in the Broomloan and some of the songs start from there and some people join in and sing along trying to create an atmopshere. Sitting up there is like sitting in a library! Barely anyone signing FFS and I was made to look like a tit singing by myself. Great view to watch the match but a fucking shit atmosphere.

Even at the Motherwell game last season when we were getting presented with the SPL title I was expecting it to be a party for 90 minutes with non stop singing. Turned out it was quiet for 82 minutes and there was a good atmosphere for 8 minutes. At that game there were people leaving at half time, the usual moans and groans and acting as if we were getting relegated.

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Well I done my part yesterday and sang at every oppertunity, its all the older guys that go for pies at 30 mins mark and leave early when we are getting beat. Also too many woman, im not sexist or anything but this just annoys me.

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I don't think ANY fans go into Ibrox demotivated for the football. Every time I walk up to that wonderful stadium, I get the fever on big time and can't wait for kick off and I'm sure everyone else who has paid money to go is the same.

However, if they see their team of millionaires not put the effort in, it's no wonder the paying public end up a bit demoralised. It's not an excuse and it shouldn't happen, but there was nothing yesterday.

I remember Souness saying that when the atmosphere went flat in games, he'd just go through someone or start a shoving match to get the crowd back up - but yesterday was 90 minutes of nothing.

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if we were losing to partick thistle u wld be singing i doubt it

Some of us actually sing, no matter who we are playing, how good or bad, and the score-line.

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season ticket holders ruin the atmosphere...their so used to going to ibrox even an old firm game isnt that special for them...if they went on public sale people like me and thousands round the world might get the privledge of seein their team against their 'feirciest' rivals

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season ticket holders ruin the atmosphere...their so used to going to ibrox even an old firm game isnt that special for them...if they went on public sale people like me and thousands round the world might get the privledge of seein their team against their 'feirciest' rivals

ST holders also go to the away games, where the atmosphere is 2nd to none!

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season ticket holders ruin the atmosphere...their so used to going to ibrox even an old firm game isnt that special for them...if they went on public sale people like me and thousands round the world might get the privledge of seein their team against their 'feirciest' rivals


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Sadly it's the attitude of your modern day British football fan.

Rather sit down and moan about every single thing than actually support the team, especially if they go down a goal against the enemy.

this bit :disappointment:

root of all this sanitized shite....GET THE FUKIN EAST ENCLOSURE BACK STANDIN!!!

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