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Gary Speed minute silence


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As I said in another reply...this is nothing like a Tim disruption of a silence. Misguided maybe, but well meant.


How would you feel if a minute's silence was requested for one of your family, and some cunt started tae clap through it?

I doubt you'd very happy aboot it.

Serious question by the way.

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Write to The Times. :rolleyes:

Seriously...why disgust at people who were doing what they thought was a tribute?

Because what they thought was a tribute ruined the club's tribute.

If you're going to have an organised event as a mark of respect to someone, all of those present have to be together on it. The club announced a minute's silence, everyone knew the club wanted a minute's silence, yet some dickheads decided they want to be like the English fans and start fucking clapping through it.

What if someone decided they wanted to applaud the war dead during the Rememberance Day silence? Do you think most of the stand would join in then?

It was an embarrassing shambles.

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Socrates, true legend of the game... surely he has to be worth a minute's silence?

He had just as much connection to Rangers as Gary Speed. (I think my wife might be right, and that I am indeed a heartless fucker)

I agree completely, the whole thing was OTT as Speed has no connection to the club or scottish football whatsoever, so if you go down that road of a minutes silence for anyone connected with football then yes indeed it should be a minutes silence/applause for Socrates next week and probably every single week after that too.

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Some actually still trying to blame the Dunfermline fans, deary me.

Was clear as day it was a clown in the Broomloan stand that started the Rangers fans off.

yeah the clapping defintely started in the BF you could even see him do it wearing the white top.

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Some actually still trying to blame the Dunfermline fans, deary me.

Was clear as day it was a clown in the Broomloan stand that started the Rangers fans off.

Whit does that make the wans who copied him? If this "clown" had jumped in the Clyde after the game, would they all have jumped in as well?

The guy was wrong to start clapping, but that disnae excuse the others who also clapped when they really should have ignored the "clown".

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Whit does that make the wans who copied him? If this "clown" had jumped in the Clyde after the game, would they all have jumped in as well?

The guy was wrong to start clapping, but that disnae excuse the others who also clapped when they really should have ignored the "clown".

Exactly so one clown starts clapping, rather than shushing him up, they all join in like seals?

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Some actually still trying to blame the Dunfermline fans, deary me.

Was clear as day it was a clown in the Broomloan stand that started the Rangers fans off.

defo, heard the chunt as well (tu) i chose to keep to the minutes silence, everyone had a choice at that particular moment, i got onto my mate of 30 years for clapping after the minute was over but again it was his choice to do so

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I was at the Chelsea game yesterday and they had a minutes silence which turned into applause I prefer a minutes silence end of....In Scotland we always had a minutes silence it was the tarriers who changed it because they were uncapable of being silent they always managed to chant IRA shite everytime...

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What? You guys really to get a life TBH. Timfoolery? What other Timfollery did I agree with? Just for a laugh

Many people/clubs around the world adopted the minutes appaluse before Celtic did it. Do you consider it disrespectful?

I consider it disrepectful and even more so when you consider it was a MINUTES SILENCE that was asked for over the tannoy yet, some goons decided just to ignore that and do their own thing!


Rangers do a silence to mark the passing of someone because its the dignified and respectful thing to you. We don't need to copy anyone else at all.

To those that clapped yesterday, you should be ashamed of yourselfs that you couldnt even follow a simple rather basic instruction!

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Write to The Times. :rolleyes:

Seriously...why disgust at people who were doing what they thought was a tribute?

It wasnt their place to do " What they thought"!

Are those that id it a touch simple or something? They had instruction to observe a minutes silence so that should have been simple enough for them to do!

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It was very odd yesterday. I just can't understand why it would start off silent, then after 5 seconds one person starts to clap than several thousand others join in when it was CLEAR as day that it was a minute silence we were observing.

Why could people who were clapping not then realise that there was a huge number of people keeping silent as well as the players? if they were confused as to what they should have been doing, this surely would have made the penny drop. Instead we ended up with a bizarre mix, which frankly looked terrible.

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Some actually still trying to blame the Dunfermline fans, deary me.

Was clear as day it was a clown in the Broomloan stand that started the Rangers fans off.

I was in the Enclosure and had a perfect view over BF1. It was indeed a guy in a white jacket/top that started the clapping. A few around me joined in.. it was an awkward moment..people didn't know if to join in or not..

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It was very odd yesterday. I just can't understand why it would start off silent, then after 5 seconds one person starts to clap than several thousand others join in when it was CLEAR as day that it was a minute silence we were observing.

Why could people who were clapping not then realise that there was a huge number of people keeping silent as well as the players? if they were confused as to what they should have been doing, this surely would have made the penny drop. Instead we ended up with a bizarre mix, which frankly looked terrible.

It was very awkward.. Most people around me kept the silence along with myself.. A few started clapping, but they looked slightly embarrassed or as if they didn't really know what was going on.

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