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A lot of support arent from glasgow. I used to have to leave at 75 mins during european/evening games as i couldnt get home otherwise. That also meant leaving for the game at 1pm in the afternoon.

So how, if its ok to ask, does that make me any less of a fan? Jog on u attention seeking arsehole.

So what excuse do you use when you leave early on a sat?

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my dad leaves with 10 mins to go as he struggles up the stairs, anyone who says he can fuck off will get a slap from myself

OP not everyone can stay till end, i know guys who travel up from manchester and they need to leave early to get last train down south....... aye they aint real fans either

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Fuck off, you are not required. We need people who are willing to stand and fight for this club. There are people coming from all over the world, doing everything in their power to get tickets and end up disappointed, yet there is still an element of our support who want to turn up, sit on their hands and leave with 10 to go. I would rather Ibrox had 30,000 real supporters in it than be a full house with 20,000 of these people filling the spaces.

The REAL Rangers fans were a credit to themselves and the club today, and although the team disappointed on the park today, we are the people.

I was angry and outspoken about this on twitter last night and stand by what I said (but am aware of some of the reasons that people have to leave), even though I didn't enjoy criticising our own fans. I do realise there are people who will always need to leave early, not half a ground though.

There were people who couldn't get a ticket for this due to the high demand. To leave before the game finishes, is a real insult to those who couldn't attend through tickets being sold out, or could not afford to come, or travel over.

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So what excuse do you use when you leave early on a sat?

My point is, some things cant be helped. If ur just leaving early because of traffic then yea thats wrong. Iv never left early when i wasnt forced to. But this thread is a "im a better fan than you" thread and i cba with them.

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i drove a 400 mile round trip for the game and also took my son to his first game. the atmosphere was incredible. My son now understands why the rangers are the family they are.

i was disgusted to see people leaving with ten minutes left on the clock, we have to stand together as one during these hard times. This means being there for the full game regarless of the score.

there was plenty of people desperate to get a ticket for this game and im sure they would have stayed until the END

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I don't normally comment on those that leave early, members of The Subway Disloyal as far as I'm concerned, but if ever there was a day to stay to the finish it was yesterday and I can't believe the number who went well befor the final whistle. If you are reading this then unless you have an extraordinary reson for going early you shuld be ashamed of yourselves, deserting OUR CLUB in its darkest hours.

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My point is, some things cant be helped. If ur just leaving early because of traffic then yea thats wrong. Iv never left early when i wasnt forced to. But this thread is a "im a better fan than you" thread and i cba with them.

Yesterday was meant to be a show of togetherness. We all appreciate some people have to genuinely leave early but I find it a sad state of affairs that on a day of said unity about a third of the crowd left before the end. They could not all be catching the last train or needing to go to work. For One day that 30% or so could have delayed getting their t, first pint or put up with the ire of thrir Missius and stayed 10 more minutes ?

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Fair enough any other game but most could have made more of an effort for this one game.

I think people just make up excuses about work, trains ect and if they dont get entertained they want to leave.

This was an important game and people should have rescheduled their normal saturday to stay to the end, its called pre-planning.

Again fair enough for young families and the older bears but yesterday at the end was a disgrace.

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Why would he need an excuse. For you of all people.

What's your excuse for baiting fellow supporters?

You call it baiting I call it asking for 10 minutes of peoes time on the day we were supposed to be together. I note you also don't get the irony of having a go at me for having a go at those who could not provide that 10 minutes!

Irony loyal!!!

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i drove a 400 mile round trip for the game and also took my son to his first game. the atmosphere was incredible. My son now understands why the rangers are the family they are.

i was disgusted to see people leaving with ten minutes left on the clock, we have to stand together as one during these hard times. This means being there for the full game regarless of the score.

there was plenty of people desperate to get a ticket for this game and im sure they would have stayed until the END

Great that ur son enjoyed the game, hopefuly a full 90 minuter in the making there!! :D

I've always been astounded by some of the excuses people give for leaving 10 mins early. when I pointed out that staying 10 mins after the final whistle also brings many of the same benifits with traffic and trains and the like u would have thought i just asked them to "cut off thier right baw"

Granted there will alway be valid reasons to leave early, but i think the majority of them are NOT valid. people with disabilities and akward travel arrangement aside, alot are just leaving so they dont have to cue for 20 mins at the subway hence the name

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yeah it's disguting, turning your back on the team from 75 mins onwards at 1-0 (infact, any scoreline) to get a seat on the subway. We left yesterday after FullTime but where out the stadium pretty sharpish given we were close the exits. Got to Cessknock and the subway que is a mile long of wankers who shamefully preffered to get a head start from 75mins than cheer on the team. Might take some flak for this aswell, but too many women and kids. Felt like i was sittin in a library for long periods.

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You call it baiting I call it asking for 10 minutes of peoes time on the day we were supposed to be together. I note you also don't get the irony of having a go at me for having a go at those who could not provide that 10 minutes!

Irony loyal!!!

Your complete/willing failure to remember having this ludicrous 'irony' claim rammed right back up you yesterday is telling.

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A lot of support arent from glasgow. I used to have to leave at 75 mins during european/evening games as i couldnt get home otherwise. That also meant leaving for the game at 1pm in the afternoon.

So how, if its ok to ask, does that make me any less of a fan? Jog on u attention seeking arsehole.

(tu) This !! Well said. Attention seeking arseholes seems just about right.

Arrived home at 10.45 last night after being up at 5.45 - a long c***t of a day whilst most of the "Real Supporters" were were probably getting pissed in the pub. The same "Real Supprters" who miss half the match when they're there because they're at the bog 2 or 3 times emptying their drink soaked bladders and queueing for burgers. Do you think only "Real Supporters" live in the Central belt.

FFS Grow up !!

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The jeest of it is, people pay their money and make their choice. If they want to pay their admission fee then sit in the toilet picking their nose it is up to them. I dont see the fun in going home early myself and possibly missing the turning point in the game, but hey ho, to each their own.

Who gives us the right to dictate how others live their livs as long as it is within the law.

Fucking live with it.

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Why would he need an excuse. For you of all people.

What's your excuse for baiting fellow supporters?

You call it baiting I call it asking for 10 minutes of peoes time on the day we were supposed to be together. I note you also don't get the irony of having a go at me for having a go at those who could not provide that 10 minutes!

Irony loyal!!!

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Your complete/willing failure to remember having this ludicrous 'irony' claim rammed right back up you yesterday is telling.

By whom. One person disagreeinarias hardly got me in a sweat of apoplexy and shame. I also note your deflection and no answer on the point of unity - you are obviously we'll entrenched inthe 85 minute loyal! even while we are looking for more support

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