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VB Admin Statement - re Take-Over


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That thought has crossed my mind since coming onto this forum.

What a fucking easy and lazy taint to throw at someone.

Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm one of them.

I love Rangers every bit as much as you do. Don't try and say anything different.

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TBK have not guaranteed we will not go into liquidation.

I hope I'm wrong but I can't see them preventing it, so anyone seeing them as the alternative to liquidation may be a bit premature.

I suspect TBKs posture on this will change the moment they are in.

They'll hold their hands up and roll out the excuses.

We've been there and got the fitbaw shirts.

I'd love to be positive but I think they've manipulated their way in and we'll live to regret it.

I just hope the club does too.

I just hope that was a slip of the finger.

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That must have been very difficult for them to write that.

Fair play to them for it, i respect it very much.

None of us want to see the club liquidated, but to it doesn't mean it wont happen.

I am sick of hearing about TBK now.

If it is them, i wish they did it tonight, came out and said we will bid 11.5M monday.

Then we all know and can begin to prepare for it.

And it will stop the constant posts about people buying it for them.

If they get it then all we can do is pray they don't make a pigs ear of it

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Why would'nt everyone not pull in the same direction? it just looks like (and is) petty squabbling, the big picture needs to be seen in hd quality

clarity, we are where we are the situation is what it is, and if there was ever a time when The Rangers need full backing from everyone, this is that time, unity must must must prevail, there is no oil rich Arab or Russian in the frame,so you can only piss with the dick you have, if Monday see's TBK given preferred bidder status they should be getting everyones full and solid backing, they will have mine.

Brian Kennedy would be a strong addition to this group if poss.

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Why would'nt everyone not pull in the same direction? it just looks like (and is) petty squabbling, the big picture needs to be seen in hd quality

clarity, we are where we are the situation is what it is, and if there was ever a time when The Rangers need full backing from everyone, this is that time, unity must must must prevail, there is no oil rich Arab or Russian in the frame,so you can only piss with the dick you have, if Monday see's TBK given preferred bidder status they should be getting everyones full and solid backing, they will have mine.

Brian Kennedy would be a strong addition to this group if poss.

Not news pc, but kennedy has told tbk to be kept informed by up to the minute developments.

TBKs are still 100% convinced they will be in charge on monday.

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Spot on as we still have our club, and even if it means winning nothing for a few years, we will regroup and come back stronger.

Our club would never have been lost, need to understand it is a Ltd Company that would have been binned. What will you do if mini 9and I am one dreading him) changes the name of the Ltd Company?

Again many have spoken about the Rangers way and it's not owing people money and clearing debts............................mini will be fucking over creditors by agreeing to pay Ticketus £10m pounds out-with the creditors agreement.

we shall exit with a cva with a debt outstanding for £10m................anyone one know a good Philadelphia lawyer to figure that one out?

Also I do not believe there is anyone on here who know the true and full story as to how much money mini has to see the club through. I recall mention that he would seek money fro running costs for the club....................... more debt!!

Share issue, what happens if failure...............I mean they offered to pay 500k non refundable investment , but offering and paying are two different things!!

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This is bursting my head lads. Tbk are my front runner but tbh i am still unconvinced by pm as he was part of the old regime. Do tbk have the money required? i know they plan raising cash via a share scheme but surely that is a one off. Once the money is raised and spent that's it. I would prefer an annual membership scheme that would provide a steady revenue each year based on the germans. At just £120 per year per member say, or £10 per month this has huge potential and gives fans who live overseas a chance to become more invloved in the team. The fans would vote a representative onto the board and members would be kept fully informed of what's going on at board level. If you base the above on figures taken to Manchester you could be looking at approx £120 x 150000 = £18M per season. That's every season guaranteed income with or without Europe. Maybe being a bit ott with potential member figures but you get the idea. A steady income, not a one off like the shares, fans abroad become more involved with the club and the bears will be back stronger than ever.

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VB Admin Statement - re Take-Over

Written by Admin

Saturday, 21 April 2012 19:36

Whilst all the turmoil of recent weeks has been going on, you may have thought we, Admin, have been a little quiet. Let me tell you that whilst that may have looked to be the case, we have been doing plenty behind the scenes trying to find out what's happening. To say that process has been frustrating would be an understatement.

Thus, we made a unanimous decision to remain silent until such time as we got news we felt we could trust.

With this in mind, this evening we have received information from three seperate "good" sources. The bottom-line is, we are led to believe that unless there is a "heaven and earth" move from another interested party, the consortium known as The Blue Knights will be named as Rangers FC preferred bidders and probable new owners on Monday.

VB Admin have had reservations about ALL of our prospective bidders for a variety of reasons. That includes The Blue Knights, particularly with regard to their financial muscle and certain consortium members' involvement in a previous Rangers Board, who led us to this mess in the first place.

However, the situation is now dire. The club really is on the brink of disappearing. We cannot stress this enough ladies and gentlemen. With this in mind, we decided to give our full backing to any individual or party who can save us from a doomsday scenario. That of course includes the Blue Knights.

Whilst the information we have received is not yet set in stone, should it prove to be correct, we feel that every single one of us in the Rangers Family worldwide should back whoever saves us from the grim-reaper. That would of course include any better bid that may appear in the next 48 hours. Liquidation simply isn't an option.

Our club, the greatest on earth, must survive at all costs. Every one of us, VB Admin included, must put our differences aside for the greater good, that being the well-being and future of the club.

We ask that you take the same stance.

Rangers for now, Rangers forever.

VB Admin.

Excellent statement and grateful for it being made and posted.

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This is bursting my head lads. Tbk are my front runner but tbh i am still unconvinced by pm as he was part of the old regime. Do tbk have the money required? i know they plan raising cash via a share scheme but surely that is a one off. Once the money is raised and spent that's it. I would prefer an annual membership scheme that would provide a steady revenue each year based on the germans. At just £120 per year per member say, or £10 per month this has huge potential and gives fans who live overseas a chance to become more invloved in the team. The fans would vote a representative onto the board and members would be kept fully informed of what's going on at board level. If you base the above on figures taken to Manchester you could be looking at approx £120 x 150000 = £18M per season. That's every season guaranteed income with or without Europe. Maybe being a bit ott with potential member figures but you get the idea. A steady income, not a one off like the shares, fans abroad become more involved with the club and the bears will be back stronger than ever.

Know how you feel mate but tbh I just want a football club. I want us to be saved, I want us to continue, I want this nightmare to be over, I want to sleep more easily at night.

I'll back whoever achieves that.

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I am a little disappointed in this statement

I was hoping for:

VB Admin Statement - re Take-Over

Written by Admin

Saturday, 21 April 2012 19:36

Whilst all the turmoil of recent weeks has been going on, you may have thought we, Admin, have been a little quiet. Let me tell you that whilst that may have looked to be the case, we have been doing plenty behind the scenes trying to find Craig Whyte.To say that process has been frustrating would be an understatement.

We finally tracked him down in the deepest Bar in Monaco's suburbs. He was leaning behind two black men of stature we could not possibly comprehend.

SO we decided to regroup and wait for our opportunity. Sure enough, he sat there eating golden laced Chicken Pakora, to which we knew it was only a matter of time before of time before he needed a shit.

He wandered over to the toilet, we pounced.

I grabbed him by the baws the glesga way and said to him:

"if you ever want to pump again wee man, hand over they shares ya prick"

THe shares are now in the possession of the D+P and will award to any PB..once again apologies for backing this wee shit and job done.


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what do you mean by that for the more subdued posters please

Which part?

if the stormtroopers comment ie it means these new online laws where you can't post certain things

just in case they see this as a threat to CW or whatever, it is not, just a wee bit of fun in relation to the original post and whereabouts of VB

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Which part?

if the stormtroopers comment ie it means these new online laws where you can't post certain things

just in case they see this as a threat to CW or whatever, it is not, just a wee bit of fun in relation to the original post and whereabouts of VB

i'm not arguing i just did not understand it

as for VB i'm of the opinion that they are saying that for the greater good we now must put all differences aside and go with the BKs if they are to be the winners

A stance which i applaud them for

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i'm not arguing i just did not understand it

as for VB i'm of the opinion that they are saying that for the greater good we now must put all differences aside and go with the BKs if they are to be the winners

A stance which i applaud them for

I hope the other "supporters groups" take the same stance

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i'm not arguing i just did not understand it

as for VB i'm of the opinion that they are saying that for the greater good we now must put all differences aside and go with the BKs if they are to be the winners

A stance which i applaud them for

As am i mate, the first time in a while I have applauded the VB

and about bloody time because they, in general, are our best supporters group

Unity is the call (tu)

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