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Charles Green Statement


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Fuck me that made me laugh :lol:

I can just imagine the fuckwits at the SFA squirming as Green ties them up agian with their double talking jive, mutherfuckers.

Especially can see them greetin "the bassa didnae even lut us git oor ain statement oot afore he gie it us again"

RIP SFA you have met your match :lol:


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Nuremberg Hugh agreeing that we were liquidated etc... anguish.gif

How the fuck they manage to get away with these lies is beyond me.

So they agree that their untouchable, unquestionable was wrong on such a matter, and are raising serious questions about the panel?

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Mr Green is presenting the SFA/SPL the facts and highlighting the blatant corruption and bias but they will no doubt ignore it and the media will refuse to acknowledged the truth aswell so they don't upset the tarriers and there is nothing we can do about it. We really need to take this higher launch appeals to FIFA/UEFA and any civillian courts and expose these bastards for what they are. Plus phone the police in regards to stolen money and give them a winding up order for money owed we need to come down hard on these bastards and don't hold back.

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That is some statement.... Charles is tightening the noose... Looks like he is prepared to go on the offensive and not simply 'react'.. good. 00000042.gif

How can the SPL/SFA even respond now? Surely there is no meaningful response they can give?

They probably have one prepared having read it about 100 times to ensure its cock up free, it wont be, the ham fisted cunts are crapping themselves now as they are being tied in knots by our very own Charlie Green, i wish this man had appeared 10 years ago.

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Bet the notice of complaint from vinny lunny is in the post

I am not sure if Charles Green will care even if this is the case but I sure as hell would .Charles is pointing out either Nimmo is wrong or Spl/Sfa are wrong.Either way Charlie is playing a blinder,NO SURRENDER! :cgreen:

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They probably have one prepared having read it about 100 times to ensure its cock up free, it wont be, the ham fisted cunts are crapping themselves now as they are being tied in knots by our very own Charlie Green, i wish this man had appeared 10 years ago.

Your right they probably had one prepared which will be getting ripped up as we speak due to the statement from Charlie :praise:

So the SFA said 48 hours and now im thinking someone (probably fat bhoy rod from HM) going to be up all night rewriting the draft :lol:

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Another great statement from CG...he should make statements every day they're always great to hear!

Dimmo Smith must take a long hard look at himself in this kangaroo court and ask himself some serious questions regarding his future integrity.... if he remains in the 3 man panel having been placed by people with not a shred of integrity he surely must see day by day how corrupt and misconceived the whole sham is...I won't hold my breath though waiting on him resigning from his seat.

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Brilliant burst of ack ack from Charles. The SFA and SPHell are in effect the guardians of ruin of Scottish football. Dunces made to stand at the back of the class while Charles dishes out a lesson in effective leadership and protection of Rangers. My first take on Charles' statement is:

(1) The SFA and SPHell have picked this fight ......... but Rangers are up for the contest and we are not going to back off in the face of SPHell or SFA anti-Rangers intimidation, nor the intimidation of the far-from-independent or impartial commission the SPHell has appointed;

(2) Setting out with sarcasm the SFA / SPHell machinations of their looking to put Rangers through the mangle illustrates the sheer incompetence of the 2 organisations. Their hope that what comes out the other side of their dirty tricks would be a football club unrecognisable as a football force or as a football institution of respect in Scotland and throughout the football world deserves to be tackled head on by Rangers and it seems Charles is up for this. We should back him to the hilt.

(3) This is in effect a vote of no confidence in the SFA and the SPHell. Put more straighforwardly, it seems to me Charles is really saying Rangers can't possibly work constructively with them or have any confidence in them because they are fundamentally incompetent and have a vendetta mentality against Rangers.

(4) He has not made any demands from them at this time. By mocking their competence and track record he is provoking them, embarrassing them in public and not afraid to do so. Rangers standing firm. It feels like a 'do your worst but we are done being pushed around. And when your commission plays the tune you've been rehearsing with them since you appointed conductor Nimmo and his anti-Rangers band and we see and hear what further attack you make on Rangers it will then be our turn. And we have a very lively tune for you.'

Well done Charles. A true leader for Rangers standing firm and ready.

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