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Rangers launch BBC complaint

Arfuf Phuxache

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My complaint to the Vatican,....erm I mean BBC!


Complaint Summary: Offensive, tasteless, biased!

Full Complaint: To show a Rangers official in any depiction "jumping" out the window to commit suicide due to the trouble of the club goes a long way to showing the mindset of the BBC and BBC Scotland.

How was it in anyway appropriate to depict such a thing? Is it because the people in charge are all Celtic fans that like a wee-giggle? When they themselves were screaming that the BBC and the SFA were against them 2 years ago with the support of the Catholic church!

Would it have been acceptable to see Neil Lennon jumping out of a Parkhead window during the death-threats saga involving him?

This is the latest in a vindictive vendetta by the BBC against our club. Your reports, your sports coverage, your comments moderation ALL have a bias against Rangers and their fans view WHILE they are also tilted towards being favorable by Celtic fans and like minded individuals. This has been something which has only surfaced in the last couple of years and I suspect that coincides with some members of staff gaining employment in related roles!

Why is the BBC catering for a minority of this country over and at the expense of the majority?

Disgraceful and I expect to here an announcement of action taken against these individuals as it keeps happening, for example a year ago Ally McCoist was featured in a montage before to make it look like he was mocking complaints about loyalist bands when the two things were unrelated.

Unacceptable and an apology this time just won't cut it!"

Quoted for truth & justice. No Surrender

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on another note.. does anyone know how many complaints on a subject are required before it is passed above BBC scotland and handled by the national BBC? as this like normal will be just whitewashed up here but London will see the complaints trend very differently if they need to get involved constantly.

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my complaint to BBC online

Dear whoever this reaches,

I was disgusted to see that a montage of clips, with a theme of a figure falling from the Ibrox facade, was deemed appropriate to show on your show last night. This sequence (prior to the game) was supposed to allude the difficulties that Rangers have faced over the last few months, however it alluded towards a suicidal caricature falling from the Ibrox facade. As someone whose mother commited suicide by jumping off the *******, I personally feel very sensitive to instances where this is shown on the television.

To make matters worse, the figure in question was wearing the club suit and tie, and could well of been suggesting that it was Alastair McCoist (our club manager) was falling to his death. I do not understand how the production team who created this, or the editor for the programme, could of found this relevant, unoffensive or acceptable in any way.

I hope that the relevant people will face some form of disciplinary action, as this was completely unacceptable to show on a national television programme. The fact that your employees deemed that the fortunes of a football team, could be represented by someone committing suicide off a building, is disgusting, disturbing and wrong. Its reasons like this as to why people consistently question why they should pay for a TV license, when you continue to produce such shocking material. I eagerly await your public apology, as well as updates on disciplinary action for those involved.

I think your complaint may get further if you passed this complaint on chooselife.net which is an organisation tht does alot of work to prevent suicide. Maybe they may want a further explanation over an absolutely ridiculous montage. It's probably more offensive than the Zombie banner produced by the morons

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My complaint to the Vatican,....erm I mean BBC!


Complaint Summary: Offensive, tasteless, biased!

Full Complaint: To show a Rangers official in any depiction "jumping" out the window to commit suicide due to the trouble of the club goes a long way to showing the mindset of the BBC and BBC Scotland.

How was it in anyway appropriate to depict such a thing? Is it because the people in charge are all Celtic fans that like a wee-giggle? When they themselves were screaming that the BBC and the SFA were against them 2 years ago with the support of the Catholic church!

Would it have been acceptable to see Neil Lennon jumping out of a Parkhead window during the death-threats saga involving him?

This is the latest in a vindictive vendetta by the BBC against our club. Your reports, your sports coverage, your comments moderation ALL have a bias against Rangers and their fans view WHILE they are also tilted towards being favorable by Celtic fans and like minded individuals. This has been something which has only surfaced in the last couple of years and I suspect that coincides with some members of staff gaining employment in related roles!

Why is the BBC catering for a minority of this country over and at the expense of the majority?

Disgraceful and I expect to here an announcement of action taken against these individuals as it keeps happening, for example a year ago Ally McCoist was featured in a montage before to make it look like he was mocking complaints about loyalist bands when the two things were unrelated.

Unacceptable and an apology this time just won't cut it!"

Brilliant. :7325:

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RMers complaining might like to consider BBC Scotland this time last year had to apologise to McCoist for the editing of a piece by Hugh McKenzie. Ally was depicted as sniggering during a Q and A on sectarianism. McKenzie had taken footage from later in the interview and spliced it into the part on sectarianism.

Further, mental health charities might have something to say on the montage. Laughing at suicidal dispair is okay as long as it depicts a Rangers official.

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Whit wiz the closing sequence at the end of the programme?

Ally flying back up intae his office Superman-like?


And on another lighter note, possibly they were just perfecting their Mad Men animation skills for when Doncaster jumps off Hampden. :P

We won in style on the park, that's what matters most. :21:

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Excellent Rangers as they are fuck now with my complaint as that is what I companied about on the 7th Aug, now they have repeated it doh


Complaint Summary: Complaint Summary: institutional bias

Full Complaint: institutional bias Full Complaint: Rangers FC V East Fife Tuesday 7th August 2012 BBC web site reports of last nights game:

1st article; It was the first game at Ibrox since the new owners were denied a place in the top flight and had to relaunch the club in Division Three.

2nd article;Nearly 40,000 fans packed Ibrox as Rangers made their home debut as a Third Division club by easing aside East Fife in the Scottish League Cup.

BBC Scotland News at 1pm---Jackie Bird; Rangers played their first game at ibrox last night after the club was liquidated”

BBC Scotland are demonstrating a relentless institutional bias towards Rangers FC by this inaccurate reporting of the status of Glasgow Rangers FC as the club was not “liquidated” the company PLC was, but the football club was not!!!

Please see the following quotes form the experts;Duff & Phelps from their interim report of 10/7/12:4.4 Following the sale of business and assets of the Company, the responsibility for maintaining all trading operations passed to Sevco which continues to operate the Club....10.9 The history and spirit of the Club have been preserved by the sale which completed on 14 June 2012 and it is now the responsibility of the new owners to secure its future.Also, Malcolm Cohen of BDO who are liquidating the old company has said:It's important to understand that the appointment of liquidators will not mean the end of football at Ibrox - only the end of the company that ran the club'.


Thank you again for contacting us.

BBC Complaints


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What a disgusting thing for the BBC to do. An explantion from them will not do. An apology from them will not do. A promise not to insult us again will not do. These sorts of images do not appear on screens as a whim or as an error. They are deliberately constructed and approved for use before they are shown. That means the images have the full backing of those who run BBC Scotland, maybe even the BBC itself since I cannot believe this was put on air without some very senior BBC people and their lawyers thinking through the consequences of their actions. IMO the images may even be reasonably described as incitement to cause harm to Rangers as a club and to Rangers' staff and that is not acceptable and must not be tolerated. Perhaps the police should be considering whether any laws were broken by the BBC in airing such images.

The fact that the BBC chose to show these images indicates beyond all reasonable doubt that the broadcaster has a firm anti-Rangers policy and is using its position as a public broadcaster to promote that agenda and to fan the flames of anti-Rangers attitudes that have been set loose this year.

To depict someone falling out of a high window would, I suggest, create the impression in most sane and fair minded people of an act of suicide or of self-harm. That is simply not acceptable. How on earth the BBC could think it was acceptable is well beyond my comprehension. How, for instance, were parents to explain to their children what the images were meant to depict?

Nothing short of resignations from the BBC will be acceptable, Srarting with those senior individuals who authorised the broadcast, and those who commissioned the work. Their salaries are paid by the taxpayer so they must be made to be publicly accountable. I believe the matter is so serious that the head of BBC Scotland should also be asked to resign. The BBC has created an implosion of confidence in its reporting standards and that must be urgently addressed. They have added to the SFA and SPL self-reinforcing climate of anti-Rangers activity and thus aligned themselves with those whose mindset is on continued damage to Rangers. Resignations are a start but only a start. That must be followed by statements and action from the BBC to explain how it will restore confidence in its public broadcasting standards with regard to reporting of matters relating to Rangers.

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Been a bear for over 40 years but submitted a complaint from a neutral perspective. Thought I'd share it. I do not care what anyone thinks of me for doing so. These bhastards deserve stoning, repeatedly. Will post my reply from them upon arrival, which of course will deny everything. RM site needs some BBC bias emoticon.

Full Complaint (used every character space).

Scottish Communities League Cup, Rangers v Motherwell Live Coverage 19:00

At that the start of this live coverage there was a montage that was created and edited by BBC. It was clear that this depicted a silhouette of Rangers manager Ally McCoist either jumping or falling from height of the Main Stand of their stadium. I found this grossly offensive as it appeared to indicate he could have commited suicide in light of the clubs recent troubles. I have Recurrent Major Depression Disorder and found this opening sequence very demeaning to mental health issues people may suffer when stressed.

It is no secret BBC Scotland has a vast number of bigoted employees in positions that let them kick and attack this football club. It is ludicrous beyond belief that whoever had editorial control over this footage sanctioned it for viewing. Whoever it was clearly has an agenda against them or is a profoundly tasteless individual or completely stupid.

I thought the BBC prided itself in being non biased and I am happy that BBC outwith Scotland do but it is fundamentally clear BBC Scotland are biased showing Rangers FC in as negative a light as possible. I am shocked at this appalling sequence showing their manager apparently falling to his death, and depicting the club dead too. Anyone from Scotland will tell you that opening sequence looked like a YouTube video a hate filled Celtic fan would make and totally not befitting of BBC (UK) standards. We in Scotland regardless of whether we are football fans deserve the same broadcasting standards as the rest of the UK

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RMers complaining might like to consider BBC Scotland this time last year had to apologise to McCoist for the editing of a piece by Hugh McKenzie. Ally was depicted as sniggering during a Q and A on sectarianism. McKenzie had taken footage from later in the interview and spliced it into the part on sectarianism.

Further, mental health charities might have something to say on the montage. Laughing at suicidal dispair is okay as long as it depicts a Rangers official.

They didn't apologize for doing it: they said they were sorry if it caused any offense.

A Socialist organization, using Socialist double speak.

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Saw it... And it is offensive. Here, you have a Rangers official -- as the club states, clearly Ally -- falling off of the roof of Ibrox presumably to his death and by association, the death of Rangers. It isn't funny, intelligent, or even a meaningful way to introduce a Cup tie.

Is that what the BBC have come to?


Well done The Rangers for complaining. Quite right. 00000042.gif

It aptly symbolises just how far the BBC has fallen. I remember when it once had integrity (yes - I'm that old).

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To understand the mentality behind this clip you first have to understand why they can and most probably get away with this.

BBC Scotland is a division of the main BBC "empire" controlled from London. Most of the hierarchy are non-scots whose main priority is to ensure programme balance and cultural sensitivities are adhered to. They care little about Rangers or any other team for that matter. The main problem lies with those who have daily control of one of the deapartments, the most notable being news&sport whose staff are entwined. Reporting Scotland is probably the most senior programme they have and its chief is Diarmid O'Hara. I know nothing of him but have been told by staff there that Rangers fans among the staff are very much in the minority and are continually marginalised.

I would suggest that they will palm off most complains as they are well able to do so. To achieve any measure of response complaints would most probably need to be directed to BBC HQ London. The BBC is mostly self regulating and i believe this is why they believe they can write what the fuck they want about Rangers. Who is going to tell them off?

Yes the BBC !

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Can't say I'm surprised, we have a fair idea of the kind of people that work in editing at the beeb. The bias has been more blatant in more recent times granted.

As Billy Connolly once said. "From the moment you enter the building you can't hear yourself think for the rattling of rosary beads."

Billy rarely gets offered work from the beeb and believes it to be due to his comments about the Pope and the Catholic faith in general.

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Filled in the complaints form,lets see what they reply if they reply.....

I would ask all Rangers supporters to take 5-10 minutes and do the same,lets show them we are not letting things go anymore ,we will be on the fightback as much as those inbred tattie munchers that reek of piss and shit are on the offensive...

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