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Rangers announce officially intention to float on AIM market


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By offering this now it allows green and his group to cash in on the level of support and strong feeling there is at the moment...it will take time to make that money through the share sales, so by doing it now the money will be available for next season where I genuinly believe there will be a restructuring of Scottish football!

I'd also imagine some investors will be looking for an immediate return which is fair enough...people have wanted increased fan ownership for a while and hopefully this will allow that to happen...I feel very sorry for those who lost out in the shares they had previously and I would have hoped that they would be offered some kind of deal but from my own point of view unless something comes up I plan to buy some shares when they are released to the public.

We can't spend it though until next January. You seem to know what you are talking about mate, are we breaking even or even running at a profit just now?

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With a skeleton squad and only one high earner(LM6), we surely must be.





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With a skeleton squad and only one high earner(LM6), we surely must be.

that is the bit that makes me nervous; are we ? if we just do some very rough math; 40,000 season tickets at £200 each is £8M income, add various other sponsorship deals, hospitality profit, cup games etc are we could have an income of £10M ? £12M ?

From that we have to pay the the running costs of Ibrox, Auchenhowie etc and the players and management team salaries. Charles has given a salary figure of £6M for the players, add maybe £2M for the management team ? leaving £2-4M to run Ibrox, travel costs, police costs, training costs etc etc Is that enough ? I dont know but i suspect its borderline. Anyone that has better finnancial information can easily update the numbers but i am worried that Charles needs the IPO for running costs.maybe not for this year, but for the summer and into next year.

Hopefully i am wrong .....

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See, I am both excited and apprehensive about this. I just hope that all those Rangers Men (who were looking to buy the club) put their money into the pot and help CG and Ally to rebuild Rangers to the full glory. I for one will be investing my money, primarily because I am willing to do anything to see Rangers in the Champions League again.

Quick question though. When we register tonight do we get a prospectus/plan for what CG is doing with the money and any short or longterm plans etc?

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Financially, this isn't going to be possible for an abundance of fans :anguish:

I bought a chunk of shares previously ( when we were supposed to be stable ) , i will give it a miss this time , mind still have my worthless 500 shares to look at .

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This is going to be one of the hardest choices ive had, I still have reservations about what its really for! 3rd division and wanting to raise 20 to 30m !!!!! <cr>

I have to agree is this just to go into the pockets of green's cronies or to give to Ally to bring in new players after the embargo is over ... and when you see how "patchy" his other signings have been that's got to be a worry :anguish:

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£500 is a lot of money at this time of year. My season book was £309, I've spent over £150 on merchandise, and £30 on Cup Tickets. If I buy a share that takes my spending to over £1k for the season.

Despite what the Celtic knuckle-draggers might think. Supporting Rangers isn't cheap.

Personally, I'd like the share issue to be postponed until February.

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that is the bit that makes me nervous; are we ? if we just do some very rough math; 40,000 season tickets at £200 each is £8M income, add various other sponsorship deals, hospitality profit, cup games etc are we could have an income of £10M ? £12M ?

From that we have to pay the the running costs of Ibrox, Auchenhowie etc and the players and management team salaries. Charles has given a salary figure of £6M for the players, add maybe £2M for the management team ? leaving £2-4M to run Ibrox, travel costs, police costs, training costs etc etc Is that enough ? I dont know but i suspect its borderline. Anyone that has better finnancial information can easily update the numbers but i am worried that Charles needs the IPO for running costs.maybe not for this year, but for the summer and into next year.

Hopefully i am wrong .....

I hope you are wrong too mate, i would expect our annual turnover to be well over £12m. It was high 30's in a bad year when in the SPL.

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This is going to be one of the hardest choices ive had, I still have reservations about what its really for! 3rd division and wanting to raise 20 to 30m !!!!! <cr>

Perfectly summed up, Charles has always said he will do this, but why now?

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that is the bit that makes me nervous; are we ? if we just do some very rough math; 40,000 season tickets at £200 each is £8M income, add various other sponsorship deals, hospitality profit, cup games etc are we could have an income of £10M ? £12M ?

From that we have to pay the the running costs of Ibrox, Auchenhowie etc and the players and management team salaries. Charles has given a salary figure of £6M for the players, add maybe £2M for the management team ? leaving £2-4M to run Ibrox, travel costs, police costs, training costs etc etc Is that enough ? I dont know but i suspect its borderline. Anyone that has better finnancial information can easily update the numbers but i am worried that Charles needs the IPO for running costs.maybe not for this year, but for the summer and into next year.

Hopefully i am wrong .....

Your estimation re 10-12 Million is probably not far from our income after season tickets and sponsorship...Remember though you have to add to that individual match sales, cup games and hospitality, TV revenue as the season goes on as well as the cash from compensation deals for the likes of Fleck, Mcabe etc. Now I would be quessing as to our outgoings and no-one will know that for sure until such times as our audited accounts are published next year. What I would suggest is that alot of the reports in the papers regarding our financial state are from sources that know absolutely nothing of our current finances and it seems to me it is almost an attempt to destabilize this process.

The fact is that once we are floated on the AIM then those who buy shares should be entitled to updates on our financial expenditures...Green has made it clear that the shares available to the public will be limited which suggests that investors have already been identified and there is no wish to dilute current shares below the 10/15% that has been stated. If you remember Greens initial mantra to make sure we were never run at a loss and based on his own estimations I would expect that we will be running at the moment and in the future as a club that breaks even season on season and will make a profit if/when we play in Europe.

I understand fully why many of you are dubious about this however like everything if the fans dont get behind it then it will ultimately be the club and therefore us who suffer. There are alot of very wealthy Rangers men out there who for one reason or another did not take on the club in the state it was in but I would hope that the likes of Murray, Park, Weir etc will be involved in supporting the club and the more men with wealth involved the better.

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Yeah lets wait. Lets not get ourselves a war chest for the fight we are still facing. Lets sit on our hands wait and see what happens then when we are back in the top league we can worry about making money then doh

Investors expect a return on their investment, that's the way it works. I don't have a problem with that. Maybe I'm just not that paranoid that CG is going to do a shytey.

I'm not buying shares to help CG, I'm not buying shares to give Ally transfer funds (for the future), I'm not buying shares to give the investors a return. I'll be buying shares coz it's FOR Rangers!

Some people maybe be worried or uneasy to buy shares after what we suffered before. That's fair. But my view on it is we will be stronger for having this 20 million now, before we need it, than waiting three years. Also with our name lauded and celebrated by media outlets worldwide we have never been more known or talked about by neutrals. This is a perfect time to capatalise on our name and getting the neutrals investing in 'a sure thing'. Rangers are on the march back to the top and more than just Rangers fans will want a piece. Wait 3 years and the hype surrounding us worldwide may have calmed and neutral investment is less likely.

I'll be investing, but I respect those that want to hold off till they know more etc. All I'd say, Nothing ventured, Nothing gained. If we sit and wait we will end up battling with the other clubs. We need to be proactive on our march back to to the top of Scottish football and make sure we can take care of ourselves in the future. Being able to boast financial reserves in the millions is part of that.

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I cannot afford another £500 on Rangers. We need a proper unified fan group to buy shares on behalf of the fans that can't afford them on their own and elections should be held every year so there is a member of that fan group has a position on the board with access to all financial records and plans to make sure there is nothing sneaky going on. I would happily pay a few hundred quid to this fan group but the current fan groups need to put their ego's aside and merge into one to make this work.

Green wants to do this now because he needs to capitilse on the fans eagerness to help the club if he does it next year or whatever he won't raise nearly as much, I don't mind a small amount going back to the investors we can't rely on sugar daddies to spend money and expect nothing back people need to get real, it's not like Green can't store the money for when the transfer embargo is over and he has already revealed the plans for re-generation of various places around Glasgow where do those critisising him expect him to get the money from.

Nobody can say Green or Rangers haven't done enough here the problem is us the fans and the ego's involved in the current supporters groups if they really cared about Rangers they would put there differences aside and merge into one (without Dingwall) only together can we own part of the club.

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Yeah lets wait. Lets not get ourselves a war chest for the fight we are still facing. Lets sit on our hands wait and see what happens then when we are back in the top league we can worry about making money then doh

Investors expect a return on their investment, that's the way it works. I don't have a problem with that. Maybe I'm just not that paranoid that CG is going to do a shytey.

I'm not buying shares to help CG, I'm not buying shares to give Ally transfer funds (for the future), I'm not buying shares to give the investors a return. I'll be buying shares coz it's FOR Rangers!

Some people maybe be worried or uneasy to buy shares after what we suffered before. That's fair. But my view on it is we will be stronger for having this 20 million now, before we need it, than waiting three years. Also with our name lauded and celebrated by media outlets worldwide we have never been more known or talked about by neutrals. This is a perfect time to capatalise on our name and getting the neutrals investing in 'a sure thing'. Rangers are on the march back to the top and more than just Rangers fans will want a piece. Wait 3 years and the hype surrounding us worldwide may have calmed and neutral investment is less likely.

I'll be investing, but I respect those that want to hold off till they know more etc. All I'd say, Nothing ventured, Nothing gained. If we sit and wait we will end up battling with the other clubs. We need to be proactive on our march back to to the top of Scottish football and make sure we can take care of ourselves in the future. Being able to boast financial reserves in the millions is part of that.

It wont be 3 years. That's why we need the money now.

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CHARLES GREEN is confident Rangers’ proposed share issue on the AIM market will raise the £20million it is hoped it will generate.

And he has stressed every single penny which is brought in under the initiative will go straight back into the club.

Green, along with manager Ally McCoist and financial director Brian Stockbridge, was in London today to announce Gers’ intention to float once more on the London Stock Exchange.

And given he helped generate an eight-figure sum to get the club moving forward over the last few months, he expects interest in investing to be high.

Chief executive Green said: “I’m definitely confident. I mean we raised £12million at the start of the year when there was no guarantee we’d even be playing football.

“We didn’t know then either if we’d be allowed back into the league so to go to the market now, when people have seen what we’ve done, is good.

“We’ve got the club playing again, we’ve got big crowds and while there are still problems to overcome which we shouldn’t lose sight of, we don’t have some of the issues we had before.

“The reality is we have got the fans engaged and we have got the institutional markets looking at us.

“When you look at Manchester United raising £200million and being valued at £1.5billion, why can Rangers not be worth £30million?

“Ours’ is a long-term strategy and part of the money which is raised will be put towards very important infrastructure projects around the stadium.

“We announced recently that David Murray has agreed to sell Edmiston House back to the club and we want to turn that into a megastore and a café/bar.

“That will require investment. I’d like to put something similar to Bar 72 into the Broomloan Stand as well.

“There are a whole raft of things we’d like to invest in which will generate income for many years to come.

“It is very important for Rangers fans to understand there is no confusion about where this money is going to go. None of the original shareholders are selling shares.

“Every penny we rein will go into Rangers Football Club and will be used for the club and when the transfer ban comes off, Ally will have cash to enter the market.”

It isn’t just from home Green anticipates there will be interest in investing. He believes people from further afield will be keen too.

The Rangers story has gripped football fans from around the world and the way the club has galvanised itself has intrigued so many.

Green added: “We had one of the big German financial papers come to do a big article on the club along with publications from France and America.

“People have taken an interest in Rangers and not just the sporting press worldwide but the financial press too.

“The whole world understands now what the value of soccer is as a product and that’s why people are showing an interest in us outside the media as well.

“When Imran (Ahmad) and I were in America, we had a meeting in New York on Wall Street with potential investors.

“They see and know the Rangers brand and name and I think there will be very good interest in this initiative from abroad.”

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