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After all thats happend


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I dont want to see another game against them. I used to hate them but know i just dont care anymore. They and their like have taken it to a new level .Im glad i dont live in Scotland anymore,its embarassing telling people here, how wee were wronged.All they seem to say is why would your country try to kill you.Even trying to tell them this happend months ago before the btc, and the responce is oh i thought it was because of tax.i FOR ONE dont want to see a Bheast scarf ever again at ibrox.I hope Charles silence in the last couple of days is going to go Boooooooom i told you ya bastards were off.And your fucked

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It's going to be tricky, even if we don't meet them in the near future, the first game might just be so hate filled, there could be blood on the streets.

Hopefully they we be of so little relevance no one will give a toss.

Best outcome would be for us to go up the season they come down

Never having to watch them again

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I can fully understand where the OP is coming from.Once upon a time it was basically a football rivalry(albeit with sectarian undertones) but it has certainly become much more vicious and contemptible.I have no doubt where this emanates from and it's not Ibrox.They have been given strength thru television,radio and the media in general for many years now and has driven their belief that they can say/do whatever they like,as long as they can be seen as the victims,regardless of the truth.Perhaps the N.Ireland troubles have played a part in this confidence,as it has been seen that successive British govns have played footsie with Irish republicans,while British people died.This 'confidence' has travelled to Scotland AND England.They work their way into places of power before softly,softly changing the system to suit their Papist agenda.Many will think I'm deluded even paranoid but my question to them is,do you really believe that ALL that has happened to Rangers is purely about football?.

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I can fully understand where the OP is coming from.Once upon a time it was basically a football rivalry(albeit with sectarian undertones) but it has certainly become much more vicious and contemptible.I have no doubt where this emanates from and it's not Ibrox.They have been given strength thru television,radio and the media in general for many years now and has driven their belief that they can say/do whatever they like,as long as they can be seen as the victims,regardless of the truth.Perhaps the N.Ireland troubles have played a part in this confidence,as it has been seen that successive British govns have played footsie with Irish republicans,while British people died.This 'confidence' has travelled to Scotland AND England.They work their way into places of power before softly,softly changing the system to suit their Papist agenda.Many will think I'm deluded even paranoid but my question to them is,do you really believe that ALL that has happened to Rangers is purely about football?.

One thing is for sure we will have to defend our position much better than we have in recent years. Murray's "dignified silence" just about sums up all that was wrong with our passive acceptance of the way they have worked their agenda against us

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I am of the opposite view, I can not wait to get back to the top flight and stick the boot into all the shite that tried to finish us off.

By the time we get back to the top, wer will have a young hungry squad that has played together for a few years.....REALLY exciting times ahead bears.

Enjoy the ride.

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Bit of both for me, on one hand I can't be bothered with the site they bring to ibrox, and I quite enjoy the family atmosphere at matches, but when we were in SPL it was full of hatred towards us and obviously hate back aswell. We are now playing footy without the politics which is great,

On the other hand It would still feel great beating all of them teams again especially Dundee utd and the sheep

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Id be happy never to see those reptiles again, id ban them from ibrox forever and happily let them have the 3 points by just not turning up for the games at the shithole they call home.

I dont need, want or desire to share a stage with them ever again , i hate the words 'old firm' with a passion .

I am Rangers.

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I'm in the, lets make sure we never have to play them again.

Time for a turn of the tables.

Liewell should be investigated for his tax avoidance schemes.

The scum should be investigated for hiding pedophiles from justice.

The SFA/SPL should be investigated for the corrupt way they tried to kill a member football club.

The chairmen of all the other football clubs in the SFL are complicit in this and should be put on the stand, under oath, to get to the truth of this concerted attack on us and find out who was behind it.

Then sue/jail every one of the corrupt, bigoted bastards and shut them down for ever.

Never have to play them again......

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I can fully understand where the OP is coming from.Once upon a time it was basically a football rivalry(albeit with sectarian undertones) but it has certainly become much more vicious and contemptible.I have no doubt where this emanates from and it's not Ibrox.They have been given strength thru television,radio and the media in general for many years now and has driven their belief that they can say/do whatever they like,as long as they can be seen as the victims,regardless of the truth.Perhaps the N.Ireland troubles have played a part in this confidence,as it has been seen that successive British govns have played footsie with Irish republicans,while British people died.This 'confidence' has travelled to Scotland AND England.They work their way into places of power before softly,softly changing the system to suit their Papist agenda.Many will think I'm deluded even paranoid but my question to them is,do you really believe that ALL that has happened to Rangers is purely about football?.

this is not about football this is a hatred off all things british /protestant /rangers fc etc etc and i for one could not give a fuck if we never played them again

i hate the bastards so much don,t even read or listen to anything connected to the manky bastards i will enoy the challenge coming up the division,s no doubt we will play them again but in the meantime fuck them WATP NO SURRENDER

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I used to think it was mostly banter, still have mates that support them, but whats been exposed is that their hatred of us is almost their raison d'etre, they hate us more than they like football. its far more than football, its instilled into them, generations of bitterness and inferiority complexes, every lived failed balmed on some invisible barrier keeping them down

it worries me where scotlands heading, considering they are supposed to be the most oppressed people ever they seem to have gained positions of real power and influence in scotland way beyond what would be representable by their demigraphic and no one is brave enough politically to stand up to defend the union and our protestant ethic for fear of offending them.

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