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In Defence of Ally McCoist


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Talk about groundhog day. We have a bad day at the office where half our players were absolutely pathetic,so once again we call for Ally's head.

Yes, he signed these players. Yes,we were 2nd best to every long ball. Yes, we played as if it was a training run, and YES we were fucking shite, but I ask you; what exactly was Ally supposed to do about it,other than what he did during the 90 minutes?

Perhaps he should have subbed Alexander for being the one who insisted on hoofing the ball long at almost every opportunity? Perhaps he should have subbed Hutton and Black who were like fucking cart horses in that midfield, which I might add was the main reason that we played with no tempo between defence/attack.

Perhaps he should have subbed our entire defence for having not a fucking clue how to defend a set piece.

The point whether Ally will ever become a good/great Rangers manager is a moot one which will be decided in the next few seasons,not this season,so let's get on with winning this league and moving onwards.

I am not convinced that Ally has what it takes to be a great Rangers manager,but I'm happy to give him the chance to prove he is, AND I hope he succeeds,given time.

I went withought sleep and stayed up all night so I could watch that game,so I was ranting and raving at how we went about our business,especially after we took the lead, as Ally would have been,but when you suddenly get the majority of your team switch off and play like novices, there's not much you can do about it, which I know from experience.

I never hung around for the post match interviews, but I'd imagine Ally would have been seething at that performance from certain players and let them know about it today.

Sometimes football fans can be a bit hasty with their opinions on managers,especially when it is a manager making his debut in the game with a team that should have the ability to be playing in a higher league.It reminds me of a guy who had similarities with Ally McCoist.

This manager was actually sacked even although he was seen to be successful by building a team of young players with an average age of 19 years and gaining promotion with them.He was then appointed manager of a not very successful team but transformed them into a team that "won a few things"

He then was given the chance in another country to manage a team that had been used to success but were languishing second bottom of their division in November of that year,where, he managed to stave off relegation and take them to safety.

After three years of spending lots of money without managing to win anything and what was seen as no marked improvement in the team, out came the banners around the ground calling for him to be sacked after numerous journalists and fans made their feeling well known that he was a dud, with the team just managing to stay clear of relegation.

There were numerous reasons why he was not being successful,but fans being fans, either could not see these reasons or were not prepared to see them.However! the people who were important in deciding whether he stayed or went,could see why and decided to keep him. In the ensuing years his ideas and plans came to fruition as he built on his footballing philosophy by introducing young talent year after year and "winning a few things"

It still makes me wonder what made the St. Mirren chairman,Willie Todd, allegedly describe this manager at a tribunal as "Having no managerial ability" and it also makes me wonder how football history would look today if the men in power at that English football club would have listened to their fans and sacked their young manager.

Sometimes what we see from a distance clouds reality, both good and bad.

Oh! For those who are a bit young and haven't figured out who this manager is with similarities to Ally......

It's a certain Alexander Chapman Ferguson. I'm sure you might have heard of him :pipe:

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Well said my friend. I agree completely. Whilst I am not wholly convinced by Ally the manager, he must not take the 'wrap' for what was a deplorable performance all round - only Andy Little emerged with any credit, and even he missed a match-winning opportunity near the end.

You can coach players until you're 'blue in the face', but the inescapable fact is that many of our players are, simply, not good enough. This is not just a consistency problem, but a fundemental lack of quality. What disturbs me most, is the fact that we are often ouplayed by these, so-called, lesser teams. They look quicker and sharper; much more committed; enthusiastic and motivated; fitter and 'leaner', and In sharp contrast, we often look lethargic; disinterested; lacking any real quality;second to the ball and absolutely awful in the air.

Over the course of the game last night, Stirling were much better then us - simples! To be fair we clearly miss Lewis McLeod and Jig, but I'm not convinced that is a valid excuse.

When I hear our commentators on Rangers TV insist that our superior fitness will begin to tell, I cringe! Where is this superior fitness - I don't see it do you? In fact, the opposite is the case; our opponents almost always look much fitter than we do.

However, we have no choice but to await the end of the unlawful transfer embargo, off-load the deadwood and bring in some fresh faces with a bit of quality. No we won't be buying 'class', but I would settle for some of the players we have seen around the 3rd Division - quite a few look much better than many of ours!

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Sorry Oz but for once I completely disagree with your rallying call.

McCoist should go at the end of this season because I've seen nothing in two seasons that suggests he is cut out to be a manager.

He had an excellent team in his first season that never won a thing. Fans continue to make excuse after excuse for him but the brutal truth is he has presided over some of our worst results and performances in years. They keep happening and the football and tactics haven't changed.

Maribor, Malmo, Falkirk...3 of the most inept and clueless performances I have seen from us in years. Ah but if this player and that player had done this and that..my aunts would have balls. The signs were there and they continued for the rest of the season. We were in freefall long before administration.

Moving on to this season and we have seen the same. Long ball tactics in the 3rd division...come on. You said sub Alexander but the irony is he is following the managers orders by punting it long. If he wasn't then surely McCoist would have been telling him to keep it on the deck.

Subs on or around the 70 to 75 minute every game. Invariably involving straight swaps with no real change in shape or tactics.

An apparent inability to motivate well paid players due to to countless insipid performances isn't a co-incidence but a worrying trend.

Shiels....what is his position?

Black...was he this defensive and restricted at Hearts?

Little...played on the right to accomodate lesser players and only moved in to the middle due to injuries. This was after he played through the middle at the start of the season and scored goals.

Perry...Christ I could marshal a defence better than him. No pace, no positional sense and a liability.

I could go on and on.

Sorry but I wasn't in favour of his appointment and I'm still not. Under McCoist we are going nowhere and when this signing embargo is lifted then god help us.

Green has a difficult decision to make come the end of the season because I can see ST sales slumping if fans are subjected to more of this rubbish on top of seeing us play the same teams again.

Deep down you know he has to go at the end of the season but I admire your attempt at loyalty however misguided I think it is.

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Apart from Wallace I dont thin this will be our back four after the registration embargo is lifted.

Our young midfielders will be learning the lessons they need to carry the club forward and I hope they all develop as we hope.

We should be doing better but were still doing what we set out to do.

We could maybe go for Zaliukas of Hearts for experience and he could be our reekie pique

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Two excellent posts from Oz and Andori Oz in outlining how a manger can come good through bad times .

Andoniram expressing his thoughts re Ally, whilst liking Oz post , I have to go with the I don't think Ally has that certain thing that will make him a manger, his football outlook is shocking , his motivation from the touch line is shocking, unless we are winning.

Re Alexander must be hoofing under managers orders and how players being a shadow of themselves once signing for us, sticks out like a sore thumb Ally has changed them

The start of last season disaster re team set up in Europe, off to a huge lead in league and blew it.

I am one who did not want him as manager

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If he keeps intergrating youth and climbing the leagues fine.

Don't think he can be judged until we're back in the SPL, there are always gonna be banana-skins in lower league football

That'll be too late.

The chance to change how this club plays football is now. If these lads are brought up playing the long ball, that's all they'll ever know.

For the rest of this season, and all of next season (at least), the focus should be on performance because the results will take care of themselves.

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Pretty sad that any time we drop points we have the same posters calling for his head. No matter what league you play in you are going to have the odd bad result.

Once again to make it clear....it is not about results at this stage. It's about our performances, the lack of direction and strategy evident. The lack if sharpness and desire of the players. It's about the inability to affect change in games and the genuine concern we are not moving forward.

I am concerned that if we don't sort out things at this level and develop a consistent level of performance when we have such vast resources in comparison to our opposition what will happen down the line? I am concerned that if ally is given money to spend in 2014 will he be able to improve our team and bring in players he can get the best out of. I am genuinly worried that looking at things just now it will cost us tens of millions to build a squad capable of winning the SPL under ally and it shouldn't have to.

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He can say to the defenders that if they hoof a long ball up the park before the 85minute mark they will be dropped for the next game and see it through.

So many times last night Hegarty and Argy had yards of space around the half way line with nobody closing then down, and they took about 7 or 8 seconds looking and then hoofed an aimless ball towards the box. It's embarrassing if we can't get the ball on the deck and play it around Stirling Albion.

That's NOT the players fault. It's the tactics and what they do in training, and the blame lies with Ally.

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Sorry Oz but for once I completely disagree with your rallying call.

McCoist should go at the end of this season because I've seen nothing in two seasons that suggests he is cut out to be a manager.

He had an excellent team in his first season that never won a thing. Fans continue to make excuse after excuse for him but the brutal truth is he has presided over some of our worst results and performances in years. They keep happening and the football and tactics haven't changed.

Maribor, Malmo, Falkirk...3 of the most inept and clueless performances I have seen from us in years. Ah but if this player and that player had done this and that..my aunts would have balls. The signs were there and they continued for the rest of the season. We were in freefall long before administration.

Moving on to this season and we have seen the same. Long ball tactics in the 3rd division...come on. You said sub Alexander but the irony is he is following the managers orders by punting it long. If he wasn't then surely McCoist would have been telling him to keep it on the deck.

Subs on or around the 70 to 75 minute every game. Invariably involving straight swaps with no real change in shape or tactics.

An apparent inability to motivate well paid players due to to countless insipid performances isn't a co-incidence but a worrying trend.

Shiels....what is his position?

Black...was he this defensive and restricted at Hearts?

Little...played on the right to accomodate lesser players and only moved in to the middle due to injuries. This was after he played through the middle at the start of the season and scored goals.

Perry...Christ I could marshal a defence better than him. No pace, no positional sense and a liability.

I could go on and on.

Sorry but I wasn't in favour of his appointment and I'm still not. Under McCoist we are going nowhere and when this signing embargo is lifted then god help us.

Green has a difficult decision to make come the end of the season because I can see ST sales slumping if fans are subjected to more of this rubbish on top of seeing us play the same teams again.

Deep down you know he has to go at the end of the season but I admire your attempt at loyalty however misguided I think it is.

Disagree about the first season he was in charge. Most of the players who had built up a 15 point lead downed tools when the going got tough and all they were concerned about was there own self interest. Agree with you about this season, find it alarming that he can't motivate the players he has. We played better when the team was full of the youngsters and I would rather they were being played instead of these alleged SPL players who do very little, often.
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I am very much in the minority, I want him to stay. I see a manager there, and I think he will bring success. If you are asking for good football though then the problem is cultural, and it might even mean no success for a while if that was to change at first team level, becausewhat we are asking for is a completely new way of seeing the game in this country. I've heard Ally at interviews and he seems to despair as much as us, but you can't make players do thing they are incapable of. Murray Park is where this should start, and the real problem is that for over a decade we have had this place and we might as well have stayed at the Cricket ground. We need to have an Academy, a proper footballing academy, and someone to run it; it needs to be his, and his alone; and whoever that is needs to change the whole philosophy. We have players, and I'm saying in general, who have no idea what to do with a ball on the park; and too many players have all the natural skill but the use of the ball during the match is lacking. Ally McCoist is the least of our problems; it goes far deeper, and far earlier in a player's development. From what I see in the EPL we are now seeing that cultural shift in England rapidly taking effect; and yet, we have Murray Park, and we are not utilising it properly.

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Good post OZ and Adoniram, good valid points watching last nights game was shocking our defense is non existent the amount of sloppy goals we have lost in Div 3 is disgracefull, the thing is it's the same school boy errors what they doing at Murray Park in training...

We don't seem to have a Plan B Ally doesn't seem to know how to change a game or his backroom staff which is alarming the basic's of football at times is not there and playing hoof hoof instead of football on the deck which these kids should be educated to playing.

The lack of fitness from our players for some reason is shocking these part-timers seem fitter than us we should be showing that last 20mins of games we seem to be huffing and puffing.

If we compare with QOS who are in 2nd Division 66points GD 52 Rangers 63points GD 49 the teams in 2nd division is same as 3rd not much in it it doesn't look good reading QOS don't have as good a squad and not paying the wages we are paying so why do they look better ? is it the training? tactics? the set up of play? is it shown Ally up that he is not doing the job?

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Once again to make it clear....it is not about results at this stage. It's about our performances, the lack of direction and strategy evident. The lack if sharpness and desire of the players. It's about the inability to affect change in games and the genuine concern we are not moving forward.

I am concerned that if we don't sort out things at this level and develop a consistent level of performance when we have such vast resources in comparison to our opposition what will happen down the line? I am concerned that if ally is given money to spend in 2014 will he be able to improve our team and bring in players he can get the best out of. I am genuinly worried that looking at things just now it will cost us tens of millions to build a squad capable of winning the SPL under ally and it shouldn't have to.

Once again to make it clear....it is not about results at this stage. It's about our performances, the lack of direction and strategy evident. The lack if sharpness and desire of the players. It's about the inability to affect change in games and the genuine concern we are not moving forward.

I am concerned that if we don't sort out things at this level and develop a consistent level of performance when we have such vast resources in comparison to our opposition what will happen down the line? I am concerned that if ally is given money to spend in 2014 will he be able to improve our team and bring in players he can get the best out of. I am genuinly worried that looking at things just now it will cost us tens of millions to build a squad capable of winning the SPL under ally and it shouldn't have to.

Too many of the Old Ideologies left at the Club in Boardroom /Coaching/Back room PRStaff/ Likes .

Far Too many of the Old School at Ibrox, and it worries me Immensely.

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Of all the posters on here i respect Oz greatly because his insight and knowledge is second to none.

On this occasion i disagree and have tried to outline why.

At least Oz goes in to detail about why he has a viewpoint instead of the blind faith loyal who keep repeating the same mantra of give him time.

We are in a position where time could be given if we could see that the 3 years in the wilderness were being used wisely. To overhaul a club and a philosophy that quite frankly is about 50 years behind the times.

I wonder if Juventus changed their footballing style when dropping down a division? Or did they persevere with playing the game the way they have always played it to romp the league and return to Serie A immediately.

Yes i take on board points like the coaching system and how our faults run much deeper than McCoist. However he is the manager and he is the one person who could instigate a total change of direction and philosophy. To the ordinary fan it appears he hasn't. He appears to me to be devoid of ideas and tactical nous. He relies heavily on what his predecessor done. Fine, the argument being look at Smith's record. Looking at the bigger picture the football never improved and our standing in Europe plummeted despite the UEFA Cup final. We got to the final by playing 10 men behind the ball in every game. Sorry if that equates to success in some peoples eyes but not mine.

I was brought up on Rangers playing football with the best talent in Scotland. Footballers, technicians, craftsmen and men of steel who would motivate, cajole and bully their team mates to success.

Every single Rangers fan wants McCoist to be successful and get us playing good football but in two seasons it just hasn't happened.

Instead we have fans bemoaning an apparent lack of fitness, motivation, tactics, skill, players abilities etc etc.

To me it doesn't look like it will get any better as mistakes are repeated (just like Smith).

We are coasting in the League and if McCoist feels certain players aren't trying their best then drop them...simple as. Bring in some of the youths and reserves. Play players like Little and Naismith up front. Drop Shiels and play Crawford. Perry is out so bring in a youth like Gasparatto for example.

Too many players in the comfort zone of knowing they are playing every week regardless. There's your motivation problem.

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He can say to the defenders that if they hoof a long ball up the park before the 85minute mark they will be dropped for the next game and see it through.

So many times last night Hegarty and Argy had yards of space around the half way line with nobody closing then down, and they took about 7 or 8 seconds looking and then hoofed an aimless ball towards the box. It's embarrassing if we can't get the ball on the deck and play it around Stirling Albion.

That's NOT the players fault. It's the tactics and what they do in training, and the blame lies with Ally.

There was a game I watched on Sky earlier this season, I think it was Clyde away. We kicked off, the ball was passed back to Hutton, who then passed it back to Perry. He looked up and launched a high ball into their 18 yard box, from where their defenders collected the ball and started an attack. This was after precisely eight seconds.

That is not the players being maverick, it was a crystal-clear managerial instruction.

Not remotely good enough.

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Of all the posters on here i respect Oz greatly because his insight and knowledge is second to none.

On this occasion i disagree and have tried to outline why.

At least Oz goes in to detail about why he has a viewpoint instead of the blind faith loyal who keep repeating the same mantra of give him time.

We are in a position where time could be given if we could see that the 3 years in the wilderness were being used wisely. To overhaul a club and a philosophy that quite frankly is about 50 years behind the times.

I wonder if Juventus changed their footballing style when dropping down a division? Or did they persevere with playing the game the way they have always played it to romp the league and return to Serie A immediately.

Yes i take on board points like the coaching system and how our faults run much deeper than McCoist. However he is the manager and he is the one person who could instigate a total change of direction and philosophy. To the ordinary fan it appears he hasn't. He appears to me to be devoid of ideas and tactical nous. He relies heavily on what his predecessor done. Fine, the argument being look at Smith's record. Looking at the bigger picture the football never improved and our standing in Europe plummeted despite the UEFA Cup final. We got to the final by playing 10 men behind the ball in every game. Sorry if that equates to success in some peoples eyes but not mine.

I was brought up on Rangers playing football with the best talent in Scotland. Footballers, technicians, craftsmen and men of steel who would motivate, cajole and bully their team mates to success.

Every single Rangers fan wants McCoist to be successful and get us playing good football but in two seasons it just hasn't happened.

Instead we have fans bemoaning an apparent lack of fitness, motivation, tactics, skill, players abilities etc etc.

To me it doesn't look like it will get any better as mistakes are repeated (just like Smith).

We are coasting in the League and if McCoist feels certain players aren't trying their best then drop them...simple as. Bring in some of the youths and reserves. Play players like Little and Naismith up front. Drop Shiels and play Crawford. Perry is out so bring in a youth like Gasparatto for example.

Too many players in the comfort zone of knowing they are playing every week regardless. There's your motivation problem.

Excellent post,Adoniram (tu) although I think perhaps you are slightly missing the mainstay of my post.

The reason I pointed out the hypotheticals of why Alexander,Hutton, Black ; in fact almost the whole team could have been subbed was to give a reasonable conclusion as to why Ally really couldn't do too much over the 90 minute period.

You and others in this thread have pointed out the glaring deficiences in our set up,which are very obvious to me, and have been not only this season but last also.

I have not changed on my position about whether Ally McCoist will end up a good/great manager for Rangers, or any other team for that matter,as I have stated on numerous occasions,but I still maintain that he should be given time to learn from his mistakes and be able to work under no enforced handicaps that he has had the past two seasons.

We have fans who refuse to believe that Ally McCoist could possibly do anything wrong as a manager no matter what kind of football we serve up,then we have the opposite who maintain that McCoist wouldn't make a managers arsehole as long as his arse points to the ground and should go now, either by resigning or by force.

Now if the latter happens, there will always be the arguement/excuse from the former that Ally was never given a proper chance at proving his ability,so this thread is to highlight the fact that every manager needs time,no matter how bad things look from the outside.

I am in no way comparing the situation of Ally McCoist to Alex Ferguson, except for the fact that early in their careers, they were question marks over their managerial ability. SAF was given time to implement his football vision when all around were calling for his head.I personally think Ally McCoist should be afforded the same consideration.

If he doesn't appear to be taking us forward next season, then there are no excuses left, and I am certain that Alistair Murdoch McCoist would be the last person on earth to blame anybody other than himself for his failure to take this great club forward. :pipe:

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sorry oz but did you just compare fergusons time at united with ally's time here?

No Jim,I didn't. My refererence about Ferguson is that at United he was within an inch of being sacked due to the fans perception (and some journalists) that his team were playing rubbish and that he was definitely not the man to take United forward, which seems to be the case with McCoist.

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Ally should have changed it quicker as some of the payers out there were struggling and look to be coasting as they know they will play most games.

Managers should always be judged on results and how much they can get out a team not who they are.

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Ally should have changed it quicker as some of the payers out there were struggling and look to be coasting as they know they will play most games.

Managers should always be judged on results and how much they can get out a team not who they are.

The problem for Ally last night was not that he should have changed things earlier,Smile; it was WHO he should have changed, because we were absolute chronic all over the park.

The second part of your sentence could have a lot of truth about it,because they know Ally is very limited in his choice of players.

And of course, your last statement is 100% accurate, and I'm sure Mr McCoist would totally agree with you.

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I think the longer we spend in the lower divisions the fitness and sharpness will drop. Coupled with the fact that we cant sign anyone at present to provide some freshness and competition in the squad, the motivation is also on the slide. Put the two together and you have yesterdays result

The two games that sum up this season were Motherwell home and DU away.

One was fairly early in the season and we were sharp and motivated - we looked like an SPL team. The other was later in the season, our level had dropped and were not at the races at all.

Typically managers can simply remove players who are not doing it and replace with better, - essentially using fear of losing your place in the team as motivation. With the transfer embargo Ally cant do that at the moment.

So how does he motivate players when a managers biggest weapon is lost to him?

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There was a game I watched on Sky earlier this season, I think it was Clyde away. We kicked off, the ball was passed back to Hutton, who then passed it back to Perry. He looked up and launched a high ball into their 18 yard box, from where their defenders collected the ball and started an attack. This was after precisely eight seconds.

That is not the players being maverick, it was a crystal-clear managerial instruction.

Not remotely good enough.

ive noticed this too mate,happens every game its like watching footie from the 70s

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