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Regan and "collateral damage"


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In an interview on STV website he is trying to put everthing back in Pandora's box. Does this imbecile think we are worries about collateral damage to those who tried so hard to destroy us.

Hopefully someone can add a link if not already on forum

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SFA chief executive Stewart Regan has claimed any continuing debate over the Rangers payments issue would cause 'collateral damage' to the game.

Speaking in Edinburgh today, Regan urged Scottish football to draw a line under the last 12 months and move on.

The independent commission chaired by Lord Nimmo Smith this week fined the old company £250,000, but decided not to strip the club of any titles.

He said: "Now is a very good time for all parties to draw a line under what's gone on in last 12 months.

"It's crucial with league reconstruction being such an important issue that we draw a line under what's happened and seek to work collaboratively.

"If we spent as much time focusing on building and growing the game on the pitch as we do talking about conspiracy theories, exit strategies and matters off the field, I think we would be world class.

"We have to avoid the rest of the game becoming collaterally damaged. It's not about trying to find scapegoats for what's happened."

Regan also defended Scottish Football Association president Campbell Ogilvie's role during his time as company secretary at Rangers when some undisclosed payments were made.

He said Ogilvie had been totally open about his role at Rangers, adding: "Campbell Ogilvie played no part in the management and organisation of any element of the Murray group remuneration trust.

"He has been transparent and up front and he was the only member of the old [Rangers] regime who put himself forward to be interviewed by Lord Nimmo Smith and that says a lot about the man."

Regan insisted no deal had been done with Rangers to stop the club being stripped of their titles, but that the possibility of it happening had been mentioned to the new owners.

He said: "When the consortium approached the SFA and were interested in buying Rangers FC they asked for an outline of what were the worst possible punishments.

"The reason they wanted the information is they had investors who wanted to know exactly what the implications were, so what came on to the table was literally every possible sanction and issue."


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He's just desperate to bury the fact that through the five way agreement written up (by Harley McLeod - funny that)....they were trying to blackmail us into accepting guilt for something we never did!

His position and more so that of Doncaster are untenable and for the good of the game and for bridges to be built it is imperative we have new men in charge of our game.

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On the way home from the game I heard him on the news saying "we have to move on for the good off the game" I think they were going to the hearts game when he was asked. So he thinks that's its ok to throw everything and everyone at our club and now that they didn't get the result they wanted, sweep as much as they can under the carpet and we all move on. Liewell want like his puppets comments. Out of a job next week.

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No surprise that he is telling lies again. David Murray contacted him to say he would be available to speak to the commission. Regan said he would pass on the message to those concerned. Murray was NOT asked to appear. HE IS TELLING LIES

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While we are at it, lets just forget that your corrupt organisation still owes BDO about 2 million quid.

The collateral damage will be your head on a plate if you can not pay up when BDO come calling.

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The fud is calling a 'line in the sand' now to underline what has happened. His position caused the situation and poor management has lead to the mistrust of fans - I bet a lot of fans outside of our own would vote against this cunt!

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From BBC website.

Rangers: SFA chief Stewart Regan wants line drawn under saga

Comments (1)

Scottish Football Association chief executive Stewart Regan has urged a line to be drawn under "what's gone on in the last 12 months".

An SPL-appointed commission this week delivered a verdict that a fine and no sporting sanction should be applied to Rangers for non-disclosure of payments.

"There's been an awful lot of animosity and ill-will expressed," said Regan.

"When you look at the bones that are being picked over, it's not particularly helpful."

And he added: "If we were as good at promoting and growing the game on the field as we are at picking over the bones and the negative issues and the animosity and the conspiracy theories, we would be really world class.

Commission ruling on Rangers

Rangers will not be stripped of any of the five SPL titles won during the period in question

The company that formerly ran the club have been fined £250,000 for not disclosing payments to relevant authorities

The commission found that the 'oldco' management did not take professional advice on disclosing the payments

It was ruled Rangers did not gain any unfair competitive advantage from the contraventions of the SPL rules

The non-disclosure of the payments did not mean any of the registered Rangers players were ineligible to play

As the players were still eligible to play, no sporting sanction or penalty is to be imposed upon Rangers

Rangers' current owners will not be held responsible for any breaches made by the previous company

"The whole focus for Scottish football over the last 12 months has been about doing what's right for the good of the game. It's not about trying to find scapegoats to take responsibility for what's happened in the last 12 months.

"It's crucial with league reconstruction being such an important issue for the game that we now draw a line under what's happened and seek to work together collaboratively to try and build a stronger game and a stronger proposition for fans to watch."

In the wake of the decision to fine Rangers' former owners £250,000, current club chief executive Charles Green repeated his claim that "people within the SPL wanted me, at first, to surrender titles as part of a deal to enable Rangers to play again as a member of the SFA".

Green's consortium bought the Ibrox club's assets after liquidation could not be averted and Rangers began this season in Division Three.

Rangers' use of employee benefits trusts during a 11-year period which the club won five SPL titles was the subject of the commission's investigation, and also a long-running tax tribunal.

"When the consortium approached the Scottish FA and were interested in buying Rangers Football Club, they asked through the leader of that consortium, Imran Ahmed, to outline what was the worst possible punishments that could happen to the club if they were found guilty of a different crimes to football, for want of a better expression," explained Regan, who has been meeting with Fifa president Sepp Blatter this weekend.

Green feels Celtic's response to the commission verdict was "ill-timed"

"The reason they wanted that information was because they had investors, who were looking to put money in the club. Those investors wanted to know exactly what the implications were of investing in the Rangers Football Club.

"So, at the outset of the discussions, what came onto the table was literally every possible sanction and every possible issue that could be raised, whether that was bringing the game into disrepute that had gone on or the 'unknowns' as we call them that were still being discussed at the time.

"None of us knew what the outcome of the investigation into the big tax case was going to be or the investigation into the SPL's commission, what the outcome of that was going to be.

"So, there had to be certain assumptions made and, at the request of the club, everything that could possibly be levied on the club was put on the table.

"Over the course of a number of drafts of the agreement, various parts of that were then negotiated out and that was part of an ongoing process involving the [scottish] Football League, the Premier League in Scotland, the Scottish FA and both oldco and newco as far as the Rangers Football Club are concerned."

On the commission verdict itself, Regan said: "The report is subject to appeal from both sides and, as the appellate body, it's not really up to the Scottish FA to be passing any comment on the sanction at this stage."

Meanwhile, Green has described Celtic's response to the commission decision as "'ill-timed and inappropriate''.

Celtic said in a statement they were "surprised by the parallel conclusion that no competitive advantage was gained from these arrangements".

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"Draw a line under the last 12 months and move on" says O'Regan. This man is a 1st class IDIOT.

Who was it who wouldn't give Rangers a licence to play football unless they accepted an ILLEGAL transfer embargo.

Yes O'regan, we'll draw a line when you withdraw said embargo plus your resignation.

Until then try something you've never done before...... BE A MAN NOT A MOUSE.

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Regan needs to move on ....and tender his resignation !

He's an incompetent machavellian fool that's been totally disasterous from Scottish football.

If he thinks we're going to forgive and forget, he's even more deduled than he appears ... and that's saying something !!!

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"If we spent as much time focusing on building and growing the game on the pitch as we do talking about conspiracy theories, exit strategies and matters off the field, I think we would be world class.

Shite patter.

Call Charles Green for lessons in rhetoric. :cgreen:

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Regan your a fucking rocket if you think that the rangers family is going to let this go. you along with others tried to destroy our club our team, but you have only galvanised the support for our club and we wont forget.

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This statement is an attempt to mislead. Giving potential buyers information as to what sanction could possibily be applied is completely different from trying to force the new buyer to accept sanctions when guilty had not been proven. Especially when the sanction they wished to apply where so extreme.

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What bothers me is that this fool can make comments like this. Surely if there was one journalist present with a working brain they would leap on his comments like a lion on a three legged wildebeest

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