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CG charged by SFA


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I hate to tell you this guys, but your country is fucked and being ran by a pack of fucking idiots. (as if you didn't already know that) :sherlock:

Somebody from Afghanistan is called an Afghani, so why the fuck is it 'racist' to calles somebody from Pakistan a Paki?

That fucker Stan sure causes some bother these days. :moon:

Very true Oz,is it offensive to call you guys Aussies?Am I offended when I'm referred to as a Brit?Ofcourse not.

The UK,not just Scotland,has become a snivelling society of handwringers,at least those who dictate how we live have.It's time this Nation was taken back from them but for that we need the right ppl in government.Thank God our forebearers were made of stronger stuff. :2gunsfiring_v1:

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His comments were stupid but it was not used in a menacing way and he wasn't not trying to incite hatred or violence by using it. Modern day world gone mad.

Did anything ever happen to that guy for calling another person a coconut?

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Oh really, show me the law where you can be "charged with racism"? Perhaps you mean aggravated breach, but there would need to be a breach committed in the first place. See the recent case where the Celtic fan was found not guilty.

I just used "racism" for quickness.

It would be a racist breach of the peace.

Like I said above, I spent a month in jail for a racist breach of the peace. When I was sitting in the cell waiting to be took up to the court, I was talking to my lawyer and asking him how I could be charged with racism against someone with the same passport as me, and that I decend from the same place as the person I was charged with a racist breach of the peace.

The previous comment you quoted me on was how my lawyer explained it to me.

I can't tell you the exact law, and I know it sounds ridiculous, but I swear on my kids life that it is true. I was told I could get sentenced to a year in prison for it, thankfully when the PF read out what was said, the judge laughed and let me out immediately.

I did still spend a month on remand though.

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Oh really, show me the law where you can be "charged with racism"? Perhaps you mean aggravated breach, but there would need to be a breach committed in the first place. See the recent case where the Celtic fan was found not guilty.

This was in England but appears to be relevant regarding context. I've posted it before so can't be arsed cutting and pasting.


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So how much can they fine Green?

Rule 66

"SFL officials" - lower end £500, higher end £10,000

"Other officials" - lower end £100, higher end £1000

(ignore the "maximum", Lord Glennie has already destroyed that)

Rule 71

"SFL officials" - lower end £500, higher end £5,000

"Other officials" - lower end £100, higher end £1000

I don't see "SFL officials" defined. There is at least an argument that this is unclear because it could refer to officials of the SFL itself. If it means "Officials of SPL Clubs" why does it not say that?

So they are hardly going to get enough in fines to prop up Scottish football.

Have you read the glossary to see what it means by "official"?

Am guessing it will be anyone who isn't a player, but works in an official capacity for the SFL or a club in the SFL.

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Very true Oz,is it offensive to call you guys Aussies?Am I offended when I'm referred to as a Brit?Ofcourse not.

The UK,not just Scotland,has become a snivelling society of handwringers,at least those who dictate how we live have.It's time this Nation was taken back from them but for that we need the right ppl in government.Thank God our forebearers were made of stronger stuff. :2gunsfiring_v1:

I couldn't agree more mate! I have got Aborigine friends who I call "Abos" and i've even got a young female Aborigine friend who calls me her "snowflake" pal...I'm sure we will sue each other for racism because we're offended doh

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I think they may have fallen into the trap again as they did with their previous attempt to get him on a disrepute charge. To give an example when I run into one of my oldest friends who also wears glasses we tend to use the greeting of "how's it gawn specky". Neither of us is offended, however neither of us would use this term when talking to stranges though we would address each other in these terms to a third party as in the case of finding an answer to a question, as in "I don't know ask specky over there. On these occasions you tend to see the shock on the face of the third party at which point we point to our glasses and fall about laughing. If anybody was to complain about this use of the word "specky" we would suggest they got a sense of humour transplant. If anybody who did not know either of us well used the term they would probably require the services of a dentist. The word itself only becomes offensive when used in certain context, CG and IA's greetings are not offensive in context of their uses, and neither are they in their use in the article as they were used to show how close a personal friendship they have, just as my use of the word "specky" is not offensive in its use in this posting.

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Must be honest that i am now sick of the campaign against our club, which is turning me off football in this country.

Turning me off the whole bloody country. Happy not to be living there.

How much more are we expected, as Rangers fans, to endure before there is a massive backlash. Perhaps our fans could sponsor Al Ahly Ultras over from Egypt for a wee holiday. They know how to deal with corrupt journalists/football officials/government officials....... delete as appropriate or leave as is.

Totally sickening.

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Like I said above, I spent a month in jail for a racist breach of the peace. When I was sitting in the cell waiting to be took up to the court, I was talking to my lawyer and asking him how I could be charged with racism against someone with the same passport as me, and that I decend from the same place as the person I was charged with a racist breach of the peace.

That's my point - there would need to be a breach in the first place before the racism bit was relevant. See here:

This was in England but appears to be relevant regarding context. I've posted it before so can't be arsed cutting and pasting.


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Have you read the glossary to see what it means by "official"?

Am guessing it will be anyone who isn't a player, but works in an official capacity for the SFL or a club in the SFL.

Yes I have (of course!). It refers back to SFA Article 1.1 and does include directors, hence Green.

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I agree it is double standards but thats this world all over, Rangers supporters get called H*** and its fine, celtic supporters get called fenians and the country starts a witch hunt, sad but true.

Even although Paul McBride (his speewit wivvs on and on :lol: ) compared it to racism.
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The rights and wrongs of what he said are arguable. What is not arguable is that our club is under concerted attack and we as fans must show our support for CG

Agreed. What about the numerous racist and sectarian comments by players on social media who haven't been charged under Rules 66 or 71? This is institutional bigotry.

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I hate to tell you this guys, but your country is fucked and being ran by a pack of fucking idiots. (as if you didn't already know that) :sherlock:

Somebody from Afghanistan is called an Afghani, so why the fuck is it 'racist' to calles somebody from Pakistan a Paki?

That fucker Stan sure causes some bother these days. :moon:

No they are not mate, someone from Afghanistan is called an Afghan, the currency of Aghanistan is the Afghani, and they get pretty fucking irate about it in that part of the world, no idea what they have against the leter I but there we go.

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The statement was ill advised at best. CG should pay the fine himself. I'd hate to think my season ticket money went towards it. Time to take a back seat Charlie, stop answering questions about things non-Rangers related and get on with the job you are paid for. You are no social guru and your often outdated opinions are of no interest to most Rangers supporters. Get back to doing your job and stop whoring yourself to the media to satisfy your ego.

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The statement was ill advised at best. CG should pay the fine himself. I'd hate to think my season ticket money went towards it. Time to take a back seat Charlie, stop answering questions about things non-Rangers related and get on with the job you are paid for. You are no social guru and your often outdated opinions are of no interest to most Rangers supporters. Get back to doing your job and stop whoring yourself to the media to satisfy your ego.

There should be no fine its a ridiculous trumped up charge. What he said was in a specific context and anyone with a brain can see the point he was making. Using a term others find offensive in a personal context with a friend is completely different to genuine discrimination. If its not how come those who sang 'Paddy McCourts Fenian Army' weren't arrested for a sectarian BOP? There was no racism just a comment how the world has gone completely nuts when words can get you into more trouble than violence!

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