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The Founders Trail Is Shown The Red Card By Bigots.

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May I suggest that if the object here is to advertise the appalling behaviour of the GSG organizers towards the Founder's Trail stall then would it be appropriate for some Bears to call the phone-in shows and get the message across before they are cut off? The more light shone on this disgusting behaviour the better.

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What's the bet one of the "complainers" is based in Donegal?

What's the bet one of the "complainers" is based in Donegal?

What's the bet one of the "complainers" is based in Donegal?

You may well be right but where the 'offended' are from is irrelevant, the point is that with a little bit of work and organisation, we CAN make a difference to certain things. I am sure the Sponsors do not want this sort of publicity and to be honest from replies I have had from them appear to be unaware of this issue...well done to all who have taken a very little amount of time to let them know what has happened........Now if you have not done so...GET TO THE GOV PETITION! and do the same!

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  • Gear Bike Shop hi ******, can you explain why this is being banned ??
    33 minutes ago · Like

  • 49247_538825694_1169763598_q.jpg
    ******** of course I will.
    31 minutes ago · Like

  • 49247_538825694_1169763598_q.jpg
    ******** Over the last four years since the Founders Trail took to the streets promoting our incredible story and celebrating the kids who formed Rangers, it was always our intention to take it out into the mainstream of Scottish life.
    It's a wonderful Scottis...See More
    29 minutes ago · Like

  • 49247_538825694_1169763598_q.jpg
    ************To point out I am not a member of the Founders foundation, I was just one of many who were disgusted that they could be branded in such a way when all they do is inform people about a great Glaosgow Institution whilst raising money for 2 great causes
    27 minutes ago · Like

  • 592330_309864589720_1261758284_q.jpg
    Gear Bike Shop All seams a bit late to be pointing this out to the several small business's in Gibson st who stumped up £75 over 2 months ago .
    16 minutes ago via mobile · Like

  • 49247_538825694_1169763598_q.jpg
    ************I know but it only happened when the Foundation were refused a stall, Which they assumed would be ok as they had one the year before with no issues last week......It is clearly obvious to the small businesses that they were unaware of this issue with the replies I and others have had. I realise that for these events to be a success they do rely on Small businesses to support them and I commend you and your company for sponsoring the event in what is very hard times for many. It is also a hard time for Charities as well however and for this attitude to be taken by the organisers is in my opinion very narrow minded. May I once again thank you for taking time to read my concerns and the concerns of many and for your comments. I would ask that you contact the organisers and ask that they re consider what they have done. Regards

Here is latest from Sponsor Gear Bike Shop.................I don't think it's the sponsors fault, they clearly don't know!

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Had a look on their site keep up the pressure

Stall Update

Posted by web admin on Apr 23, 2013 in Latest News | No Comments

We understand that there are concerns over the allocation of stalls at the Gala this year. We have received your emails and comments today over a Founders Trail stall and we will respond to the these in due course.

Please be assured that we are looking at and reading all your comments and emails.

We thank you for your patience.

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I've just sent them an email there, I'm no that great at emails hopefully this is ok.

this is what I wrote:

Hi there,

I'm just sending an email to complain about the gibson gala this year.

I attended your gala last year for the first time which I, my family and friends thought it was great, we all had an enjoyable time there.

the highlight for us was the founders trail stall which we found out while there that they do great work for charity and there staff were also very friendly,

I was going to attend the gala again this year hoping to visit the founders trail stall again but I found out through a friend that this stall will not be at the gibson gala any more, my friend could not give me an explanation to why the stall will not be there this year ?

so I'm sorry but me, my family and friends will not be attending this years gala or any other gibson street galas in the feasible future due to the founders trail stall not going to be there any more.


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Gear Bike shop are one of the sponsors

I contacted Joe there

he said this

"Seems like your making your point a bit late to the likes of us small business that stumped up £75 over 2 months ago , so to say things like "are you happy sponsoring the gibson st gala " seems a bit too late , they have our money , they are hardly just going to hand it back are they? "

then this

"My only contact is a guy called Eric Kay , he comes round the shops and collects the money , normally around feb . "

then this

"At no point have I expressed any concern, I am trying to get a hold on why you can't have a stall . So I would appreciate it if you left us out of any conversation"

ps I explained in detail and sent Joe a copy of the OP...................looks like they're between a rock and a hard place

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My family's from Donegal mate & they're blood is 100% blue!Concentrate your efforts to this cause instead of talking pish

He wasn't having a dig at Donegal or it's population, just one rather deranged individual.

If you don't know who he means think yourself lucky

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I'm extremely disappointed by the Gibson street reply! I certainly won't be going anywhere near it and would urge fellow bears to do the same! Let the mhanks have the whole festival to themselves, judging by attendences at the piggery the only losers will be the festival organisers

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