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Charles Green returns as consultant

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I think you may be right!

Every time I see this line of comment I have to think what would you rather have had, the glory years (and they glorious) or serious financial control, do you think we could have both...
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Paul Murray had a copy of AJ's infamous dossier on Craig Whyte. If he had released/leaked it, Whyte would have been chased. PM and AJ are responsible at least in part for the situation we find ourselves in today.

No where near as culpable as cunt-in-chief David Murray. I hold him as the guiltiest of all parties - the idea that he didn't know the nature of Whyte and was 'duped' is fucking risible.

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No where near as culpable as cunt-in-chief David Murray. I hold him as the guiltiest of all parties - the idea that he didn't know the nature of Whyte and was 'duped' is fucking risible.

I concur. I find the notion that an experienced businessman was duped to be too far fetched.

Now, if he said he was coerced by Lloyds to sell, that may have been more believable.

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Fair points, but he was right though.

I don't like him or his blogs, but he has knocked this one out of the park IMO.

Sorry, Gogzy, for as long as Bill writes nothing can ever erase his disgusting arse kissing of Thomson - the cunt of all cunts who, along with his bitch 3 names, used his considerable media platform to try and kill off our club.

Haven't read one of Bill's blogs since, and never will again for taking Thomson's bait hook, line and sinker.

No credibitiy anymore.

Would recommend a new blog under a pseudonym for Bill.

Hitting the ball out of the park after being caught corking their big hitter's bat?

Don't think so, mate.

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Sorry, Gogzy, for as long as Bill writes nothing can ever erase his disgusting arse kissing of Thomson - the cunt of all cunts who, along with his bitch 3 names, used his considerable media platform to kill off our club.

Haven't read one of Bill's blogs since, and never will again for taking Thomson's bait hook, line and sinker.

No credibitiy anymore.

Would recommend a new blog under a pseudonym for Bill.

Hitting the ball out of the park after being caught corking their big hitter's bat?

Don't think so, mate.

Tbf gogzy retracted his statement after Bill came on and pulled up scarkev for ridiculing his blog.

First time he's came on RM since he went in a wee creme puff and it was to act like a child again.

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Will put my head on the block and say this will be a disaster for us. We will be back in the papers with all the leaks again and we will be embarrassed while running at a loss,while any revenue streams will be directed to the investors. All I would say to fellow fans who support green is look at his actions and keep on asking how he intends taking the footballing side forward. What is he doing about scouting and infastructure? The answer in my opinion will be fuck all.when he comes out and damns our enemies don't settle for words ask him what he is actually doing about it? Ask him why when he denounces people like radio Clyde does he then sign them as official partners? Will the BBC be invited back or do you agree in barring them including not selling extra games to them?

Im not saying I agree with you as I'm definitely in the Charles Green fan club but that was a very fair post if you were anti green :-)
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Amazingly I actually agree with you Moses. :ph34r:

Well, here's something else that will rock your world. See Green's return? I'm long past caring who said she said he said didnae say aye ye did say with our board - I want our club on track and focused on the betterment of the one thing we all share an interest in - the well being of Rangers.

If Green can help turn this mess around and make constructive changes whilst clamping his gubs worst excesses - I'll be pleased.


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Any Rangers fan who shows disrespect to Green is a fucking idiot. The guy SAVED our club. Yes, fans also helped by buying season tickets but ultimately Charles and his consortium bought the assets and saved us when no other 'Rangers men' put up the money.

The ungratefulness by some is unbelievable.

We agree on something :-)
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Good News, the Club Statement today {02/08/2013}

The Board of Rangers is pleased to announce that it has today appointed Charles Green as a consultant to the Company.

Mr Green's role will be to promote the interests of Rangers Football Club, specifically assisting with shareholder relations and advising the Company on its capital structure.

A businessman advising on business matters - aka a round peg in a round hole. thumbup.gif

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Well, here's something else that will rock your world. See Green's return? I'm long past caring who said she said he said didnae say aye ye did say with our board - I want our club on track and focused on the betterment of the one thing we all share an interest in - the well being of Rangers.

If Green can help turn this mess around and make constructive changes whilst clamping his gubs worst excesses - I'll be pleased.


Your account is obviously being hacked and used for propaganda

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No where near as culpable as cunt-in-chief David Murray. I hold him as the guiltiest of all parties - the idea that he didn't know the nature of Whyte and was 'duped' is fucking risible.

I agree .No one hates DM more than me but he is out of the picture .He is yesterday's news .I will always hope he dies a terrible death as I hope Whyte does with all my heart but there are so many things going on within and outside our club that DM is almost irrelevant nowadays .
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No where near as culpable as cunt-in-chief David Murray. I hold him as the guiltiest of all parties - the idea that he didn't know the nature of Whyte and was 'duped' is fucking risible.

Moses, you hold David Murray the guiltiest of all parties - the cunt -in-chief, because he didn't know the nature of Whyte.

According to this logic, is not Marlborough then the true cunt-in-chief for not knowing the nature of Murray?

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