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European Commission seek explanation on Celtic land deals

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Any suggestion that Celtic has been the beneficiary of state aid is preposterous - as ludicrous as any suggestion that we have benefited from soft loans from our bankers. The historic transactions referred to were negotiated with the council on commercial terms at market rates.

Aye good one Celtic, Loans well under commercial rates from a bank that doesn't provide finance to any other football club are definitely not soft loans and (albeit long enough ago that the EC can't touch it) being sold land to build your stadium for £1 is definitely on commercial terms at market rates. Away and buy some brasso for your neck

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As much as I want this to come to something, it wont.

These slippery bastards will have the deal tighter than a ducks arse.

Good some mud is getting flung their way but, makes a change

that's how I feel, revenge would be nice but no gonna happen
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Let's not forget that this has been going on for 20-plus years now. During the Fergus McCann years, when they needed to build The PotatoDome, there was a huge problem; it just wasn’t possible due to lack of space. Glasgow City Council sprang into action to help their works team – they sold THREE WHOLE STREETS (Kinloch Street, Janefield Street, and Dalriada Street) to Yahoo FC for a penny. Yes, ONE PENCE. The houses that were preventing them from expanding Savile Row were duly demolished.

The vote to get the taxpayers to foot the bill rather than Nonce FC was passed by a majority consisting of Celtic season ticket owners and shareholders at Glasgow City Council. The Chairman of the committee asked if anyone would like to disqualify his or herself on the grounds of a conflict of interest. Unsurprisingly, none did, even though as I say the vast majority were Celtic season ticket and shareholders.

Only Private Eye and one SNP councillor questioned whether the Councillors should have declared their interests. Thirteen members on that Planning Committee , eleven Labour, one SNP, and one Tory. The SNP member was disgusted with the dealings of his own committee and he informed the Herald that ,"of the eleven Labour councillors on the committee , they are all either season ticket holders or shareholders at Celtic Park. Eight of them are both".

He further noted that ,"if these eleven councillors were shareholders in ICI and they voted for lax planning consent on a petro-chemical plant there would be a criminal investigation". The Scottish media have yet to even mention this.

Was there not something similar with the committee choosing the site of the velodrome?

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One guy got through (presumably to avoid charges of censorship), was allowed to say his piece then the big brush came oot.

Sweep, sweep, sweep.....

Not a peep from dumb & dumber AKA dazza & macca until caller was cut off and we got the usual unintelligible response of "Sorry didn't hear that , I fell asleep "
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Yes!!! A state aid investigation on them should spice things up a bit. And - i wonder - would there also be a state aid issue over any work paid for by the public in relation to the Commonwealth Games. That lot and their media pals may think such matters are preposterous. Ah ....... the first lines of defence - denial and outrage and how could anyone think this. But then ....here's hoping......it unravels as thread after thread is unpicked in an investigation to peel back the layers of commercial dealings and then we may see what deal-making has actually gone on and what the state aid or other legal implications are of the transactions. Here's hoping that enough mettle is shown by the investigators to really dig.

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As much as I want this to come to something, it wont.

These slippery bastards will have the deal tighter than a ducks arse.

Good some mud is getting flung their way but, makes a change

It will come to something because it's outwith the control of the SFA and the likes of Lord Reid and all his Unionist minions. It's gone into the realms of the EU/UEFA and they had better be very afraid of the consequences. They wouldn't be employing high powered lawyers if they weren't more than a wee bit apprehensive of the outcome. At the very least they will be highly embarrassed and with luck considerably more.

No proof ...........I just feel that they may be up shit creek without a paddle.

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Unless your a lawyer or an expert on land deals/eu aid (which i suspect your not) Id shut up

They pontificated on every aspect of our tax case. Do you think they gave a shit about slander

Bears get complaining tweeting and emailing. Fuck what this walloper says.

the only walloper here is you, no-one is saying dont ask questions or highlight this issue, simply saying certain fans if they have a wide enough audiance should be careful in their wording, if you couldn't give a fuck about Bears as long as the story gets out there then thats your perogative, me, I want every Bear who fights any cause to do it without putting themselves in harms way.

what a ridiculous fucking reply from you!

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This is clearly a very interesting story, quite a test of our media to see how interesting they find it, not just from a football perspective but more importantly from a taxpayer's perspective. If you'd asked me a couple of years ago about this, I would probably have just said that businesses are within their rights to try and work in as commercially sharp a fashion as possible, but I have been converted and now firmly believe in sporting integrity and fairness.

Will be interesting to see where this goes, but certainly hope that we can get some advantage from their alleged financial doping over the years.

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The Tims follow the same old tried and tested method of corruption, the load all the committees with Celtic share and season ticket holders. Any subsequent vote is then guaranteed to go their way, same on the SPFL and the SFA governing bodies, their committees are loaded with Celtic minded individuals, not to mention Liewell and Riley at the top of the heap.

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