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I see that people are being equally quick to jump to the protection of Somers as they were Green & co now that common sense has prevailed and the long knives are out.

Truth is though, Somers is a total and utter buffoon, a clown of the highest order. We could do a hell of a lot worse than punting him now and appointing Dave King as the Chairman while he's in Scotland. It's a convenient opportunity! :pipe:

After Somers then who? The patsy Wallace?

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After Somers then who? The patsy Wallace?

The cull has started, so it might as well be done properly.

Somers should be replaced by Dave King, then Jack Irvine & Media House should be next, followed by replacing the broker and NOMAD Daniel Stewart & co with one which isn't so closely linked to Whyte.

That would do for starters.

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Multiple poor statements unbefitting of a Rangers Chairman, talks complete and utter shite and he's most likely a stooge for certain investors and not independent at all as claimed. Think that covers it. Dave King would be a far superior and far more trustworthy Chairman of Rangers.

I am sure Dave King has talked bull aswell, ie admin by December and invest more into the team when we have 56 players. Also he lied about paying tax so he's more of a criminal than somers who has made stupid statements.

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The beeb are reporting that getting rid of Stockbridge is costing £200k, but it's most likely just that the remainder of his £200k salary for this year is being paid, so it's probably only about £100k or thereabouts.

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Unfortunate but thanks for everything Brian. Handed back bonuses and stuck by the club in the last year when his departure would have left us up shit creek without a paddle. Probably for the best.

Another leaves with his pockets full and our bank account empting
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Nash is an external consultant. Stockbridge's departure leaves us without an FD. The fact that this has been triggered under Wallace's stewardship is the only confidence I can take from the move. Short memories - if Stockbridge had walked after Mather we would have been left rudderless, subject to an AIM delisting and Christ knows what further raping by the so called authorities of a footballing nature in this country. For that alone I thank him for hanging on and wish him well going forward. If any crowd reaction to this is shown at Ibrox tomorrow, I seriously worry what we're about any more. As far as I'm concerned he was one of us, for a short while maybe, but a Bear nevertheless. Feel free to list your preferred candidates to take his place.

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Wonder what the going rate for a competent replacement would be. The replacement would be FD for a first div club in the third tier of Scottish football albeit it is the most successful football club in Scotland and aspires to return to the top flight and to winning the top flight league and to European football as fast as it can and with (if I recall correctly) a five year objective to achieve this. What good quality candidates would be up for the challenge of running the finances of the Club which is currently going through a big review to achieve big cuts in its costs and the new FD would be a key player in delivering these cuts and in accounting for the tangible savings the cuts will need to make. Money looks like it may be tight through to the end of the season so hard yards ahead in calling the financial shots on what can be spent and what can't. And big decisions will be needed on what to charge for STs and match day tickets next season and in setting a budget and operating framework for player acquisitions. The new FD would be in near constant media spotlight (a) because of the importance of the cuts and of persistent hints of further financial doom and gloom; and (b) to check what connections the new FD has / had / might have had / was rumoured to have had / theoretically could have had with the SDM, Whyle, Green, Ahmed, Stockbridge, the Reqs and anyone else where the connection could be spun as somehow being not in Rangers' best interests. It is far from clear whether the new FD would be judged on his or her job performance. These days that seems a bit anecdotal (not irrelevant or even unimportant but not necessarily the predominant reason you might retain your job at Ibrox). There is no commercial director to work with to work on the flip side of cuts ie to generate more and better commercial deals and revenue opportunities and no plans (it seems) to get a commercial director. So maybe the Board is looking for a multi-talented FD - one who is more than competent with an FD role and a comparable size commercial enterprise; one who is media-savvy and good in front of the press and a good communicator with multiple Supporter groups; can dual-hat as the commercial director; and is squeaky clean of any relationships with any former Directors at Ibrox. What do you pay for that sort of super-star who is prepared to join this journey with all of the financial perils it seems it is still facing? Which top-flight FD would take that role - any suggestions? And what can we afford to pay that person? Certainly no bonuses - they are out because they are just too controversial for this third tier Club and probably can't be considered until a return to the top flight. Besides which its not affordable. Basic salary - got to be a lot less than £200k PA . Why? Because cuts are needed so at least 15% less may need to be seen to be the deal as a way of leading from the front. Could the CEO and Board get someone credible and who did all of the above for (say) a basic of £125k? Will be interested to see. Most of the FD's I've known in various business - admittedly bigger commercial outfits than Rangers but not a single one of them have had to endure the sort of media and other scrutiny that happens at Rangers - would not get out of bed for that sort of number, and would not have got out of bed for the £200k that BS was on. So either the CEO / Board get lucky and get a good quality FD for a knock down salary - a Rangers man or woman for whom the honour of working for the Club is more important that the salary, or they have to choose the best of those who are selected for interview from a pool of candidates who would be happy to work under the strain of life at Ibrox for a salary maybe a lot lower than £200k PA. I hope the CEO and Board have some very good candidates in mind who would bite at the chance to take the job. No doubt we'll see soon enough. I hope it is a wise choice.

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