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Thomson is publishing an unsubstantiated rumor regarding a PLC company which could affect the share price, there must be rules against this surely

Yes there are which makes this and the actions of the rebels pre-agm going unchallenged a disgrace.

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Typical Alex. Instead of being a proper investigative journalist you write a fluff piece, using an unnamed source, with the (one must assume) mission of spreading as much unease amongst the Rangers support as possible.

Meanwhile the European Commission has in recent weeks written to a Scottish football club and Glasgow City Council requesting details on alleged state aid and stories continue to appear on blogs and twitter regarding further questionable dealings between the football club and council and the Co-Op bank.

Where is the journalist who wrote;

"'Right – let me make two things absolutely clear at the outset.

First, I am writing this imagining that one or two people outside Glasgow use the internet, so I might make some observations familiar to Clydeside surfers.

Second, this arises from my continuing investigation into Rangers which is still in early stages. That is to say, I am not investigating Celtic. If I were, rest assured RFC Bears – they’d get just the same treatment."

One might suggest that given your inability to report (what a journalist does) on a potentially giant story breaking in Scottish football with documents, facts and figures in the public domain already, contrasted with your continued determination to comment and speculate (what a gossip columnist does) using unnamed sources render your above comments nothing but a smoke-screen for a determined attack on a football club, and by extension a section of British society.

Who knows, the above article may yet turn out to be true, or it might prove to be once more all Craig Whyte bluster. The European Commission may yet find Glasgow City Council did not partake in "State Aid" and that everything is squeaky clean in the East End of Glasgow. Or it might find a level of dealings which may border on corruption. This is all speculation.

What is for certain the continued double standards of all reporting on football matters in Scotland stinks to high heavens, and will continue to do so while editors a one sided agenda such as yours to continue.

Think I'm wrong Alex? Prove me wrong and do some digging into land deals and cheap loans like you promised you would back in 2012...

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So multiple investigations later the charlatan whyte's factious claims springs up again - at best he is at it ( a wee legal case holds up more cash coming in based on legal threat - real or not) and a wee extra is payment - in his fking dreams

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Its far too far down the line, even if there was something to it.

You cant just undo an IPO.

Best Whyte could hope for would be to go after Green and Ahmed personally, if they conned him illegally.

That's the way I look at it.

Surely he would have taken some sort of legal action to block the IPO at the time.

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Thomson is publishing an unsubstantiated rumor regarding a PLC company which could affect the share price, there must be rules against this surely

Yes there are which makes this and the actions of the rebels pre-agm going unchallenged a disgrace.

If it was one of our own fans spreading unsubstantiated gossip Ronnie & Reggie would probably have the Club's lawyers sending legal threats.

It seems like the yahoos and their compliant pals in the media can write whatever they want about our Club, but our own fans can't.

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As soon as you see Alex Thomsons name on something you give it the contempt it deserves.

He and all his other rat infested cabal are ignoring the corruption surrounding celtc FC receiving illegal state funding and deliberately undervalued land deals for their financial gain.

Speaks volumes to me.

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As soon as you see Alex Thomsons name on something you give it the contempt it deserves.

He and all his other rat infested cabal are ignoring the corruption surrounding celtc FC receiving illegal state funding and deliberately undervalued land deals for their financial gain.

Speaks volumes to me.

not only ignoring it - but now maybe involved in actively turning peoples attention away from it and back onto us by publishing this.

This really smells to me.

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If it was one of our own fans spreading unsubstantiated gossip Ronnie & Reggie would probably have the Club's lawyers sending legal threats.

It seems like the yahoos and their compliant pals in the media can write whatever they want about our Club, but our own fans can't.

Sorry Zappa think I am missing your point.

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Sorry Zappa think I am missing your point.

My point was that if it wasn't timmy thommo writing this crap, but one of our own fans, then maybe the people running our Club would spring into action and get the Club's legal eagles to send threats in order to have the content removed. Maybe not though!

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Fk Thomson & Fk Whyte plenty of good people have been telling us another onlsaught was coming from the crazy bloggers and the scottish mhedia. Time for all Bears and the club to meet these bastards head on. No coincidence it's at a time with the GCC and State Aid issue with the mhanks gathering some pace.....

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My point was that if it wasn't timmy thommo writing this crap, but one of our own fans, then maybe the people running our Club would spring into action and get the Club's legal eagles to send threats in order to have the content removed. Maybe not though!

They didn't exactly jump on too much when the rebels were affecting share price. The odd sound bite was not a resounding jump on negativity.

About time we stomped on this site full stop.

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