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jackal and the day late rhebel stirring again.


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Once again more scaremongering and unsubstantiated claims! It really is getting boring now! The thing that gets me though is why some people still react everytime a 'story' like this is published! Using the 'but this happened under whyte' Pish is embarrassing as the situation is unbelievably different on so many levels! Grow up and stop believing the rags!

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Just asking a hypothetical question is all, what if he is actually right, and we do crumble like he's predicted, then what do we do? Is it so bad to keep an open mind, and take everything from both sides with a pinch of salt, for example Graham Wallace is still on his 120 day trial, and has really not done much, and his keeping Dave King out is abit of a shocker, Rangers could sure do with his Millions..

On the other hand, Dave Kings predicting things like this, but nothing has yet to happen - although still should be considered?

Upon what evidence do you base your assertion that Wallace has not done much ?

You say we should keep an open mind yet seem to be pushing admin and Dave King at the same time.

Who benefits from all these admin tales placed in the rebels fav that ?

It would appear only tims or someone looking to buy cheaper shares.

Much the same thing.

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To be fair, that's not a barometer to judge anything on.

He was quite at ease with Whyte, Green, Mather.....

You mean we shouldn't listen to Alistair... he should stick to the boot room rather than Dragons Den?

Strange one letting his vote be used against the board wouldn't you say.

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I've had 2 comments today that sums up the reason for this story Nd why it won't go away any time soon.

"Stockbridge said we would run out if money by April"

He didn't, but there was so much spin put on this in the run up to the AGM that it has now become fact for some people.

"This board incompetent and not fit for purpose"

I couldn't believe this one, surely we have moved on at least a little bit, the board has change, almost completely and GWallace, incompetent???

Articles like this are playing to fans fears and help to keep us divided and on the back foot. Yes, we will need fresh investment we all know that but how many times has Jackson wrote this story?

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here we go............................

KEITH believes that the financial situation at Ibrox will be crystal clear on February 27, when staff and player wages are due to be paid and investor Dave King says the club will have run out of money. 17 Feb 2014 07:57

Craig Williamson/SNS Group JS31425834-3042287.jpg

Rangers Chief Executive Graham Wallace (centre) flanked by shareholders Sandy (left) and James Easdale

EVERYONE loves a pay day. And few more so than some of the characters who have heaved bulging pockets out of the Ibrox front doors in recent times.

But in less than a fortnight, on February 27 to be exact, Rangers will face a very different kind of pay day. And this one may well define the shape of things to come in the sort to medium term, both for this club and its current custodians.

As is routinely the case the last Thursday of every month is the day wages are deposited into the accounts of this club’s employees.

But that’s where the normality ends and the latest twist in this never-ending Rangers saga might finally begin to take shape.

Quite simply this club is either about to run completely out of cash before it has time to rake in new season-ticket money. Or it is not.

In other words the mysterious Rangers identity crisis is about to reach an end.

Either this is the club which is so skint it has no choice but to ask its players to accept wage cuts.

Or it is the club which is so flush it can afford to offer the players lunch and afternoon naps at Carnoustie ahead of a league game at Forfar.

One thing is for sure, it cannot continue to be both for much longer.

craig-whyte-691403225-925688.jpg View gallery

In Pictures: The key players in the Rangers crisisView gallery

Dave King, the perennial would-be saviour, has done his sums and believes Rangers are about to collapse financially for the second time in little more than two years.

In fact, even as recently as Friday, on the single most ignominious anniversary in the 142-year narrative of Rangers Football Club, King was attempting to engage with the board but his efforts to provide a solution to the problems were rebuffed.

In other words this is becoming a stand-off which will ultimately be determined by the true state of the club’s bank balance.

If King is correct, Rangers will be in very serious trouble indeed, if not after settling this month’s wages, then almost certainly before the next lot are due at the end of March.

If he is wrong,the board will have enough breathing room at least to get to the end of Graham Wallace’s 120-day review. So far the CEO has had his head stuck under the bonnet for half that time which may explain why he has disappeared from view.

Wallace’s Invisible Man act cannot continue indefinitely. With so much conjecture and speculation about the state of his business he must pipe up soon and find a voice if he is to provide this club with the leadership it requires.

If he would rather keep a low profile he’s in the wrong job.

But again Wallace’s actions are likely to be determined by the state of the club’s accounts. If they are as bad as King has calculated then Wallace will not be able to keep shtum for much longer.

Daily Record Dave-King-1866881.jpg Dave King

One way or the other a clearer picture of its financial health is about to emerge after many weeks and months of confusion and clandestine operations behind the scenes.

According to back of the fag packet accountancy a sum of around £500k will be needed just to pay the first-team wage bill.

But that’s far from all because, remember, this is a football club like no other. This is a football club which, going by its most recent audited numbers, lavishes even?more money on its executives and non-football staff than it ploughs into the dressing room.

So let’s be conservative, assume some good housekeeping has been carried out in the interim period, and settle for £1million. Either those in charge of Rangers can afford to stump it up without King’s assistance or they can’t.

If they can’t what other options are open to them? The answer is not many.

If there is enough left in the vault to keep the lights on until the season-ticket money arrives, Rangers may be able to stumble forward into the summer, hoping supporters who have refinanced this club every year since Craig Whyte’s takeover are prepared to bail it out for a fourth time in huge numbers.

Which is in itself far from certain.

If, however, the money really is all but gone in the next few weeks then Wallace will have to find some from elsewhere. And if not from King, who else is there?

It’s understood that to date, and despite his very best efforts, Wallace has failed to secure any external financing. Which should come as no great surprise. Rangers, having burned through £22m of IPO investments in little more than a year, are a seriously bad risk.

But if Wallace can’t raise money in London then there may be one last alternative. It begins with the letter A and ends in II.

On those rare occasions when Wallace has raised his head he has stated categorically that a second administration will not happen on his watch. If he is true to his word, Rangers fans need not worry.

Trouble is they’ve heard it all before.

And look how that turned out.

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- I still think it should be considered though; although it may be nothing but absolute bollox (here's hoping) I distinctly remember 2 years ago when talk of Administration etc was looming, those people that were saying such things like:

"We're to big to go into Administration"

"It'll never happen, We're Rangers"

"No one will let this happen to us"

but yet, 2 years later, we're on a journey back to the top flight because it did happen. I still don't think it's right to just simply wave things off as pish, without first actually considering it, I mean why's no one hammering down Graham Wallace's throat right now asking where he plans to find investment? Why's no one pounding him with questions about why he's rejecting millions from Dave King?

Your last couple of paragraphs: do you really think the fans or club should react to every story in the papers ? Wallace had said administration won't happen - hammering on the door will not change the story he gives us. I know we as fawns are nervous about finance but reacting to a story in the record is a waste if the directors time - I would much rather they spent there time planning our top flight return

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Like is said. It is a piece made to play on fans fears and divide us again.

If not this month then certainly next

Month but might get through til ST time.....

This will be trotted out for months and the character assassination of Graham Wallace will continue.

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Like is said. It is a piece made to play on fans fears and divide us again.

If not this month then certainly next

Month but might get through til ST time.....

This will be trotted out for months and the character assassination of Graham Wallace will continue.

And the enemy within will lap it up

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Once again more scaremongering and unsubstantiated claims! It really is getting boring now! The thing that gets me though is why some people still react everytime a 'story' like this is published! Using the 'but this happened under whyte' Pish is embarrassing as the situation is unbelievably different on so many levels! Grow up and stop believing the rags!

(tu) last sentence

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here we go............................

KEITH believes that the financial situation at Ibrox will be crystal clear on February 27, when staff and player wages are due to be paid and investor Dave King says the club will have run out of money. 17 Feb 2014 07:57

Craig Williamson/SNS Group JS31425834-3042287.jpg

Rangers Chief Executive Graham Wallace (centre) flanked by shareholders Sandy (left) and James Easdale

EVERYONE loves a pay day. And few more so than some of the characters who have heaved bulging pockets out of the Ibrox front doors in recent times.

But in less than a fortnight, on February 27 to be exact, Rangers will face a very different kind of pay day. And this one may well define the shape of things to come in the sort to medium term, both for this club and its current custodians.

As is routinely the case the last Thursday of every month is the day wages are deposited into the accounts of this club’s employees.

But that’s where the normality ends and the latest twist in this never-ending Rangers saga might finally begin to take shape.

Quite simply this club is either about to run completely out of cash before it has time to rake in new season-ticket money. Or it is not.

In other words the mysterious Rangers identity crisis is about to reach an end.

Either this is the club which is so skint it has no choice but to ask its players to accept wage cuts.

Or it is the club which is so flush it can afford to offer the players lunch and afternoon naps at Carnoustie ahead of a league game at Forfar.

One thing is for sure, it cannot continue to be both for much longer.

craig-whyte-691403225-925688.jpg View gallery

In Pictures: The key players in the Rangers crisisView gallery

Dave King, the perennial would-be saviour, has done his sums and believes Rangers are about to collapse financially for the second time in little more than two years.

In fact, even as recently as Friday, on the single most ignominious anniversary in the 142-year narrative of Rangers Football Club, King was attempting to engage with the board but his efforts to provide a solution to the problems were rebuffed.

In other words this is becoming a stand-off which will ultimately be determined by the true state of the club’s bank balance.

If King is correct, Rangers will be in very serious trouble indeed, if not after settling this month’s wages, then almost certainly before the next lot are due at the end of March.

If he is wrong,the board will have enough breathing room at least to get to the end of Graham Wallace’s 120-day review. So far the CEO has had his head stuck under the bonnet for half that time which may explain why he has disappeared from view.

Wallace’s Invisible Man act cannot continue indefinitely. With so much conjecture and speculation about the state of his business he must pipe up soon and find a voice if he is to provide this club with the leadership it requires.

If he would rather keep a low profile he’s in the wrong job.

But again Wallace’s actions are likely to be determined by the state of the club’s accounts. If they are as bad as King has calculated then Wallace will not be able to keep shtum for much longer.

Daily Record Dave-King-1866881.jpg Dave King

One way or the other a clearer picture of its financial health is about to emerge after many weeks and months of confusion and clandestine operations behind the scenes.

According to back of the fag packet accountancy a sum of around £500k will be needed just to pay the first-team wage bill.

But that’s far from all because, remember, this is a football club like no other. This is a football club which, going by its most recent audited numbers, lavishes even?more money on its executives and non-football staff than it ploughs into the dressing room.

So let’s be conservative, assume some good housekeeping has been carried out in the interim period, and settle for £1million. Either those in charge of Rangers can afford to stump it up without King’s assistance or they can’t.

If they can’t what other options are open to them? The answer is not many.

If there is enough left in the vault to keep the lights on until the season-ticket money arrives, Rangers may be able to stumble forward into the summer, hoping supporters who have refinanced this club every year since Craig Whyte’s takeover are prepared to bail it out for a fourth time in huge numbers.

Which is in itself far from certain.

If, however, the money really is all but gone in the next few weeks then Wallace will have to find some from elsewhere. And if not from King, who else is there?

It’s understood that to date, and despite his very best efforts, Wallace has failed to secure any external financing. Which should come as no great surprise. Rangers, having burned through £22m of IPO investments in little more than a year, are a seriously bad risk.

But if Wallace can’t raise money in London then there may be one last alternative. It begins with the letter A and ends in II.

On those rare occasions when Wallace has raised his head he has stated categorically that a second administration will not happen on his watch. If he is true to his word, Rangers fans need not worry.

Trouble is they’ve heard it all before.

And look how that turned out.

Check out the subliminal message portrayed between the photos of Wallace and the Easdales and the one of King

It's back to the old days of 'Ibrox from behind the weeds' subliminal messages

Now it's the 'Directors in darkness'

Shower of cunts

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