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A Shameful State of Play


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Another excellent article from Admin at VB.


Written by: Admin

Tuesday, 25th March 2014

Once again, Rangers fans are witnessing an undignified battle between Club Director Sandy Easdale and the leader of the Sons Of Struth group, Craig Houston.

For more than two years now, our support have had to endure everything from administration, liquidation, attempted theft of our titles and eradication of our history, along with unfair and illegal punishments and the embarrassing antics of previous board members. And of course, Board members and so-called 'fan representatives' going at each others throats.

When was the last time any Rangers board came out and attacked our enemies, or even defended our fans?

When was the last time a Rangers fans' spokesperson wasn't attacking or smearing other Rangers fans?

Why are both sides using a Rangers-hating rag, the Daily Record (official partner of Celtic F.C.) to spread their propaganda?

Here is a novel suggestion for both camps, wether it be greedy businessmen or gullible fools being used by other greedy businessmen - Why don't you spend even a fraction of the time used to attack each other, and divert it towards the enemies of Rangers F.C. and our support? We wouldn't mock and deride both camps the way we do if they at least showed some guts in tackling those wishing to see our club gone forever.

Both groups shame our club.

On one side we have a gutless board who has stood by and allowed other clubs' officials, bitter and twisted politicians and the Rangers-hating media to besmirch our fans and smear the great name of our Club at every opportunity. On the other side, we have the attention-seeking 'fans' representatives who lust after that very same media, issuing statements and threats without any credibility. These people have no right to be considered 'representative' of our fans. No election was held, no consultation sought. But the media know this, which is why these 'reps' are approached. The media benefits from the in-fighting. It sells newspapers and advertising space.

None of the current Board, nor indeed any of the previous board members are worthy to be held in equal regard with the great Rangers directors of yesteryear and the fans reps are certainly not the fans many of us stood proudly with in years gone by and who we knew would defend fellow Bears to the last.

Furthermore, some of the clearly demented and easily led in our support need to heed the words of Dave King, speaking in today's press. Mr King "insisted the fans be patient" and is "dismayed by the sabre-rattling by some supporters".

Further, he stated "some of the supporters are looking for a fight……there are a lot of people who are so emotional about this they almost don't want the board to say everything is okay".

Mr. King is an intelligent man and has the measure of the agitators very quickly. He doesn't suffer fools gladly. It's very clear to whom Mr. King is alluding.

Vanguard Bears will continue to expose the enemies of our club, despite these factions and smear-merchants. Our club receives no parity within a Scottish Football that is overrun by our bitterest rivals, our culture is being marginalised a little more each and every day, and our country is being torn apart by nationalists and republicans, driven by hatred and bigotry, with delusions that somehow the way forward as a community is to put up more division, and all that seems to concern both the Board and these 'reps' is 'Who can look the toughest from behind a keyboard or a lawyers letter'.

With immense pride, our website has permanently displayed a quote, from the great Mr William Struth, in the upper right hand corner. It says:

"To be a Ranger is to sense the sacred trust of upholding all that such a name means in this shrine of football. They must be true in their conception of what the Ibrox tradition seeks from them. No true Ranger has ever failed in the tradition set him."

To both parties in this disgusting fracas, ask yourself if your acts and deeds are aligned with Mr Struth's belief of what it means to be a true Ranger. You shame our club, you embarrass us on a daily basis and you are not worthy of being in the Rangers family.


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'These people have no right to be considered 'representative' of our fans. No election was held, no consultation sought.'

These 'people' have to realise that 'WE' are the People. Together, not split.

Nail on head from the VBs. Good article

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The Vanguard Bears are the only group that consistently get it spot on. The SoS RST et al need to be told to Golf Tango Foxtrot. they represent NO one but there self inflated so called leaders and spokes people. And it seems even their "champion" Dave King has seen right through them as well. I bet he is next in line to be attacked.

Blazer Chasers OOT Real Fans Reps IN.

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