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Stewart Regan's Succulent Lamb


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The proper term for the is "a gross dereliction of duty", a case for instant dismissal from any organisation. However I don't believe that this will force his removal as the vey people who put him in there in the first place have been moving more and more like minded men into the corridors of power within Scottish football.

What it does do however is open up an avenue to help finally prove that the 5-way agreement and the punishments levied within it are not legally binding, and that includes the confidentiality clause. I get the feeling that this may just be the first step by the VB's as far as this goes with possibly more damaging information to follow.

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He shoulda been sacked long ago for the way the whole situation was handled. Him and dungcaster have caused most of the disaray by the way they have handled it and pandered to the faux outrage that other clubs have expressed. Do i think him leaving early to have dinner with his wife on the day the paper was meant to be signed is a hard hitting exclusive? No. Hence the reason i'm disappointed that this article has been building up for weeks for this just to show more incompetence, which isn't gonna change anything.

Have you read the other articles VB has published on the SFA? One article doesn't mean he should be sacked, a weekly article showing his unprofessional attitude does. You seem to be more concerned with attacking those behind the article rather than the SFA?

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Have you read the other articles VB has published on the SFA? One article doesn't mean he should be sacked, a weekly article showing his unprofessional attitude does. You seem to be more concerned with attacking those behind the article rather than the SFA?

I've read all the articles and the Vanguard Bears are the only fan organization within Rangers that i give two fucks about. What i'm saying is we've known everything that has came before in the previous articles written by VB. The title stripping etc which btw they should be hung drawn and quatered for. What i'm saying is if the scottish media etc don't even mention something so utterly corrupt as trying to strip them of 15 league, cup and league cup titles, without any guilt whatsoever. Oh and which they have since been cleared of absolved of any guilt, TWICE. That they are suddenly gonna give a fuck that Regan decided to fuck off early? The only reason i'm disappointed is because i thought we had these bastards with the stuff that was forthcoming, with this i can see that they'll easilly wriggle out of it.

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The proper term for the is "a gross dereliction of duty", a case for instant dismissal from any organisation. However I don't believe that this will force his removal as the vey people who put him in there in the first place have been moving more and more like minded men into the corridors of power within Scottish football.

What it does do however is open up an avenue to help finally prove that the 5-way agreement and the punishments levied within it are not legally binding, and that includes the confidentiality clause. I get the feeling that this may just be the first step by the VB's as far as this goes with possibly more damaging information to follow.

Correct, if you read other articles relating to the five way agreement it was changed and no-one knows who or why it got changed, to me these are is now starting to create a picture septic lawyers dealing with the agreement, regan signing a blank piece of paper and leaving the fate of Rangers to person round the table. Who was the people round the table? I am sure most of us know who sat at the top of the table in the absence of regan. There is a picture forming here and say well done to VB for exposing this and I am sure they wont print this if they didnt have taking advice and have something to back it up.
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I've read all the articles and the Vanguard Bears are the only fan organization within Rangers that i give two fucks about. What i'm saying is we've known everything that has came before in the previous articles written by VB. The title stripping etc which btw they should be hung drawn and quatered for. What i'm saying is if the scottish media etc don't even mention something so utterly corrupt as trying to strip them of 15 league, cup and league cup titles, without any guilt whatsoever. Oh and which they have since been cleared of absolved of any guilt, TWICE. That they are suddenly gonna give a fuck that Regan decided to fuck off early? The only reason i'm disappointed is because i thought we had these bastards with the stuff that was forthcoming, with this i can see that they'll easilly wriggle out of it.

I agree with you mate, but I don't suppose it's as easy as just producing a document and saying 'This man must be fired" Looks like VB are just releasing info as they get it and letting the reader make up his own mind. The previous documents they released looked genuine enough and I've no reason to suspect this story isn't true either.

If one Bear sits up and takes notice of these articles and asks questions, it's all worth it.

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All we can do is expose what went on. More influential people than us SHOULD be taking it further but won't. And the mainstream media are totally avoiding it.

Is that not more important than ...are they sure of their facts.

We never publish anything that we cannot verify and to date no article (to my knowledge) has ever been removed due to the threat of legal action.

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He shoulda been sacked long ago for the way the whole situation was handled. Him and dungcaster have caused most of the disaray by the way they have handled it and pandered to the faux outrage that other clubs have expressed. Do i think him leaving early to have dinner with his wife on the day the paper was meant to be signed is a hard hitting exclusive? No. Hence the reason i'm disappointed that this article has been building up for weeks for this just to show more incompetence, which isn't gonna change anything.

i think we all agree he should have went a long time ago and instead of directing your frustrations with fellow bears direct it to those who deserve it.
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All we can do is expose what went on. More influential people than us SHOULD be taking it further but won't. And the mainstream media are totally avoiding it.

Is that not more important than ...are they sure of their facts.

We never publish anything that we cannot verify and to date no article (to my knowledge) has ever been removed due to the threat of legal action.

Thanks for bringing this, and the other, information up and keep up the good work.

Can I ask though, what are you doing with the information? Is it just being posted to forums or is it being passed to anyone else to use?

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In case I've missed a post or two, I'm sure I read a few weeks back that VB, who I believe do tremendous work for us fans and Rangers, said that in a couple of weeks time, or so, the proverbial shit will hit the fan, and that our detractors will be outed, are they any further forward with this?

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Unfortunately for us, this is easy to refute and dismiss as a fan group conspiracy. Not sure how this information came to light, but it would need a high profile (and unbiased) whistleblower to come out in public in order to bring any real weight to this.

Like our Ally .Good bear and all that
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Thanks for bringing this, and the other, information up and keep up the good work.

Can I ask though, what are you doing with the information? Is it just being posted to forums or is it being passed to anyone else to use?

As with all the articles the links are sent in tweets, emails and on facebook to any and all parties who should be doing more with it.

I can assure you it doesn't just go on our website and that's it. The true level of nepotism and corruption in this country would shame Robert Mugabe.

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As with all the articles the links are sent in tweets, emails and on facebook to any and all parties who should be doing more with it.

I can assure you it doesn't just go on our website and that's it. The true level of nepotism and corruption in this country would shame Robert Mugabe.

If enough of the "right" people get to hear about it, you would hope that something will be done. Keep pumping out the information and hopefully something will get done eventually.

Maybe Bob could help out? He is a stand up chap well respected in these parts :pipe:

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I cannot stand Regan at all but the SFA are raking in more sponsorship money and bigger TV deals than ever before and its all under this cunts watch, that makea him bullet proof for the time being.

Are they? I must have missed that one.

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Who else was round the tables at these meetings?

Largely Rangers haters who voted in favour of 5 way agreements, demoting us, depriving us of a licence etc. None I can see who aren't culpable in some way and who definitely wouldn't speak in our favour now.

Longmuir as head of SFL must have some real evidence of corruptness against us

If we can't find anyone who was at the meeting to speak up and verify this, then maybe the proof lies in placing him elsewhere at the time of the meeting. IE In a restaurant in Leeds.

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The only Rangers friendly person in the media that I can think of that would take this on is Gary Ralston at the DR, but then he'd be upsetting the applecart and would most likely be told / ordered to leave it well alone.

Maybe you could point us in the direction of the last article Gary Ralston wrote in the Record defending the club

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Tom English of the BBC is not a happy bunny with the VB's. Saying the day he reads that website will be the day he "Gouges his eyes out" So, here we have an article saying the chief of Scottish football signed a blank piece of paper and then left his post to head off for tea, without knowing the conclusion isn't worthy of reading because it's VB?

Scottish journalism at its very best. Shoot the messenger and all that.

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We all need to read this, share this and use this in a growing narrative of the events surrounding the 2012 fiasco.

It needs to be thrown in the face of the "you are sevco", "only 2 years old", "new club, Rangers died" bunch who constantly push their (very flawed) version of events.

By pulling together the whole story, we can show how Rangers were horrendously treated and then go after those guilty of such unjust actions.

When we move from defending our club to going on the offense against those who tried to destroy our club then we will truly get somewhere.

Well done VBs for getting the ball rolling in such a strong way.

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