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If you click on the actual thumbnail it makes it bigger!

Maybe best not to because it truly is disgusting. This isn't just "football banter", the person who tweeted that is sick in the head and deserves jail as far as I concerned.

Trust a female to tell us guys how to make it bigger. :lol:

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Some people on twitter etc seem to go out their way to find something to report to the police, I wish I had that much free time :lol:

Spot on mate, my misses got reported to her work for "liking" an I hate Neil Lennon page, her work details were plastered all over that huddle site with a link on how to report her, ended up with a written warning as a MP got involved. Fucking mental, she never even posted anything in there just some bitter bastard trolling through cunts on the page. Obviously she now doesn't have any personal details on her FB.

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So if he mocked a family member of yours who had been diagnosed with cancer, you would do nothing about it ?

I wouldn't report him to the police but I want want to kick his teeth out. I already said I don't think it's funny and I certainly don't condone it. It's disgusting and vile what he said.

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The things that are being said are not comedy. They're not being said in a comedic way. They're being said in a hateful way. What if one of your family members was crushed to death in an accident and I'm on your Facebook saying shit like - 'They got what they deserved'. Is it alright for me to do that? Of course not.

I never said they were, I used comedy as an example.

I wonder what the reaction would be on here if Lawwell died and someone had a "Peter Lawwell sucks cocks in hell" banner, a la Desmond White.

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I'm quite amazed that this still goes on. Have any of these people any sense at all, or is their hatred just too strong in order for them to control themselves.

Of course, if you're brought up hating other religions, and everyone around you is of the same opinion, it probably doesn't look so bad when you do something like this.

For sake of clarity, it is bad. It's very bad and is also illegal, so if you do the crime, you must have to do the time. Unless the judge is of the same opinion as you I suppose, which can happen.

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Och I know! I do agree with what your saying. It just makes my blood boil!

I would never report someone personally and I would probably feel uncomfortable about anyone else doing it.

Lets just hope someone stamps on his head.

Getting jailed would teach the cunt nothing.

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People should think before trying to claim the moral high ground.There were people on here last week mocking Alan Stubbs for having cancer a couple of days after Jak Trueman passed away,some who have posted in this thread

phoenix (plural phoenix or phoenixes or phoenices)

  1. (mythology) A mythological bird, said to be the only one of its kind, which lives for 500 years and then dies by burning to ashes on a pyre of its own making, ignited by the sun. It then arises anew from the ashes.
  2. (figuratively) Anything that is reborn after apparently being destroyed. Usually used as a simile. Astronomers believe planets might form in this dead star's disk, like the mythical Phoenix rising up out of the ashes.
  3. (mythology) A mythological Chinese chimerical bird whose physical body symbolizes the six celestial bodies.


Here Phoenix, JIMMY SAVILLE IS ONE OF YOUR OWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now fuck off back to your own sort.

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