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Why Hasn't Anyone Tried To Defend Us?

Jack The Flipper

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We have people whom are in control of the club and people whom are wanting to be in control of the club and they both want to gain fan/shareholder support, so why do they stay away from something which would rally the troops and easily help their cause?

The amount of shit the cauliflower has thrown at us of late, and the constant one-sided bashing from so called journalists in all forms of media is gob-smacking.

Is there a reason why our owners/controllers/wannabes are staying out of this? Our name is being dragged through the mud for no good reason and by defending us fans would instantly see the defenders in a better light.

Do they not want the best for the club?

If they are too busy to comment on the hypocrisy and witch hunt should they have anything to do with us?

Where are our Rangers legends in all of this?

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We have people whom are in control of the club and people whom are wanting to be in control of the club and they both want to gain fan/shareholder support, so why do they stay away from something which would rally the troops and easily help their cause?

The amount of shit the cauliflower has thrown at us of late, and the constant one-sided bashing from so called journalists in all forms of media is gob-smacking.

Is there a reason why our owners/controllers/wannabes are staying out of this? Our name is being dragged through the mud for no good reason and by defending us fans would instantly see the defenders in a better light.

Do they not want the best for the club?

If they are too busy to comment on the hypocrisy and witch hunt should they have anything to do with us?

Where are our Rangers legends in all of this?

those in charge wont, those trying to take over certainly wont.Since David Holmes left no one defends us, King and Murray have already sat on boards that had no interest in defending us.

depressing, part of the reason why I dont want them near us.

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because they have no interest other than money?

because sectarianism is a conversation they dont wish to have?

because discussing racism with a black man is a no-win situation for white guys - especially one from South Africa?

because they will hope by ignoring it, it goes away?

because they dont wish to engage a half wit like stan - in the full public glare?

maybe a combination of all of them?

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Hate to say it but i think we are too far down the road for it to be defended properly. David Murray wanted rid of everything associated with the Orange and Protestantism. That was the green light for the media to really go after us. They knew they had us by the balls way back then.

We can still defend ourselves much better on plenty of issues though.

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No one is willing to put their head above the parapet, indeed why should they when they would be tarred immediately with the "sectarian" brush by the polititions, media and most of the Scottish media commentators? The die has already been cast years ago and the oppossition has made use of these years to cement this skewed position into the shared public psyche regarding what is "right and wrong" with certain songs etc. It know plenty sellik supporters who have no problems with The Billy Boys or The Sash et al, however as I stated above the media savvy high profile sellik supporters have worked tirelessly for decades to promote the eternally offended underdog persona that is prortrayed to the UK public today.

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What is crazy to me is that the bias is no longer semi-hidden it's in your face and they don't give a shit what we think about it. I'm starting to feel this is going to take decades of hard work for some kind of neutrality and even-handedness to be put in place. It's very worrying.

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Hate to say it but i think we are too far down the road for it to be defended properly. David Murray wanted rid of everything associated with the Orange and Protestantism. That was the green light for the media to really go after us. They knew they had us by the balls way back then.

We can still defend ourselves much better on plenty of issues though.

The ship has sailed due to the David Murray era, and not one peep from King and Mini along the way. A losing battle? no....a lost battle!

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Surely there's nothing to defend, party songs are banned no matter which side sings them

I don't agree but that's how it is

I see what you're saying, and I'm not saying we should start a campaign of "oh but they do that", people like the cauliflower are making it out to be all Rangers fans are sectarian bigots and for me this is unacceptable.

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I see what you're saying, and I'm not saying we should start a campaign of "oh but they do that", people like the cauliflower are making it out to be all Rangers fans are sectarian bigots and for me this is unacceptable.

We are targets for these people because we are seen as the majority but maybe not for long, its always easy to attack the majority, if it was supporters of a small club singing these songs nothing would be said
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We are targets for these people because we are seen as the majority but maybe not for long, its always easy to attack the majority, if it was supporters of a small club singing these songs nothing would be said

Of course, we're not the only ones who sing the billy boys and nothing is said.

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Quite simply because they are cowards or are more interested in themselves than the fans.

We are an easy target and have been since Murray. Indeed him and his puppet Bain allowed Liewell and Reid a free run at the scum becoming the 'establishment' club in this country.

The worst things that have happened in the last few weeks were the attacks on our fans by their fans which led to 2 of our lot being hospitalised, including a 10 year old who was hit by a bottle during an attack by marauding scum.

Compare press coverage and police action with the Paris metro incident, not to mention political comments, and the bottle attack.

Whilst racism can never be condoned the victim was not hurt and the individuals in the train have been identified, in some cases by fellow Chelsea fans. Those found guilty will quite rightfully be punished for their actions.

Where are the scum fans coming forward to identify the perpetrators of the attack on the young boy?

Then we come to the singing. A few weeks ago millions were in support of the right of free speech even though it offended muslims. Fast forward to Friday and it would appear the right to freedom of speech doesn't extend to our support.

Je suis Charlie does not extend to expression against all religions.

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Quite simply because they are cowards or are more interested in themselves than the fans.

We are an easy target and have been since Murray. Indeed him and his puppet Bain allowed Liewell and Reid a free run at the scum becoming the 'establishment' club in this country.

The worst things that have happened in the last few weeks were the attacks on our fans by their fans which led to 2 of our lot being hospitalised, including a 10 year old who was hit by a bottle during an attack by marauding scum.

Compare press coverage and police action with the Paris metro incident, not to mention political comments, and the bottle attack.

Whilst racism can never be condoned the victim was not hurt and the individuals in the train have been identified, in some cases by fellow Chelsea fans. Those found guilty will quite rightfully be punished for their actions.

Where are the scum fans coming forward to identify the perpetrators of the attack on the young boy?

Then we come to the singing. A few weeks ago millions were in support of the right of free speech even though it offended muslims. Fast forward to Friday and it would appear the right to freedom of speech doesn't extend to our support.

Je suis Charlie does not extend to expression against all religions.

Je suis Billy.
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Quite simply because they are cowards or are more interested in themselves than the fans.

We are an easy target and have been since Murray. Indeed him and his puppet Bain allowed Liewell and Reid a free run at the scum becoming the 'establishment' club in this country.

The worst things that have happened in the last few weeks were the attacks on our fans by their fans which led to 2 of our lot being hospitalised, including a 10 year old who was hit by a bottle during an attack by marauding scum.

Compare press coverage and police action with the Paris metro incident, not to mention political comments, and the bottle attack.

Whilst racism can never be condoned the victim was not hurt and the individuals in the train have been identified, in some cases by fellow Chelsea fans. Those found guilty will quite rightfully be punished for their actions.

Where are the scum fans coming forward to identify the perpetrators of the attack on the young boy?

Then we come to the singing. A few weeks ago millions were in support of the right of free speech even though it offended muslims. Fast forward to Friday and it would appear the right to freedom of speech doesn't extend to our support.

Je suis Charlie does not extend to expression against all religions.

Some good points in there.......

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This is how the Telegraph are describing our game on Friday

Friday February 27

Falkirk v Rangers (19.45), Scottish Championship, BT Sport 1 VM 547 / 549 HD, 19.30

Our weekly chance to check on what chaotic nonsense has befallen Rangers and what havoc Mike Ashley has managed to wreak north of the border in the last seven days carries us to a Friday night in Falkirk. Inevitably all the coverage, and most of the crowd, will be interested in the UK's most farcical club (settle down fans of Leeds and QPR, you've got nothing on these guys) but spare a thought for Falkirk who used to yo-yo up and down out of this league quite a bit before they suddenly found Hearts, Hibs and Billy Smart's Travelling Circus joining them at the second tier.

Currently fifth, Falkirk have a great chance to claim a famous win here given how abysmally Rangers are playing football, conducting their business, treating their wives, tending to their gardens, behaving on the way home from the pub and everything else besides.


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Quite simply because they are cowards or are more interested in themselves than the fans.

We are an easy target and have been since Murray. Indeed him and his puppet Bain allowed Liewell and Reid a free run at the scum becoming the 'establishment' club in this country.

The worst things that have happened in the last few weeks were the attacks on our fans by their fans which led to 2 of our lot being hospitalised, including a 10 year old who was hit by a bottle during an attack by marauding scum.

Compare press coverage and police action with the Paris metro incident, not to mention political comments, and the bottle attack.

Whilst racism can never be condoned the victim was not hurt and the individuals in the train have been identified, in some cases by fellow Chelsea fans. Those found guilty will quite rightfully be punished for their actions.

Where are the scum fans coming forward to identify the perpetrators of the attack on the young boy?

Then we come to the singing. A few weeks ago millions were in support of the right of free speech even though it offended muslims. Fast forward to Friday and it would appear the right to freedom of speech doesn't extend to our support.

Je suis Charlie does not extend to expression against all religions.

As usual the media were slobbering over the tarriers and the atmosphere at the Inter game.

Well among those 60,000 or so wonderful,people was the guy who threw that bottle, and plenty of people whe know he threw it.

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This is how the Telegraph are describing our game on Friday

Friday February 27

Falkirk v Rangers (19.45), Scottish Championship, BT Sport 1 VM 547 / 549 HD, 19.30

Our weekly chance to check on what chaotic nonsense has befallen Rangers and what havoc Mike Ashley has managed to wreak north of the border in the last seven days carries us to a Friday night in Falkirk. Inevitably all the coverage, and most of the crowd, will be interested in the UK's most farcical club (settle down fans of Leeds and QPR, you've got nothing on these guys) but spare a thought for Falkirk who used to yo-yo up and down out of this league quite a bit before they suddenly found Hearts, Hibs and Billy Smart's Travelling Circus joining them at the second tier.

Currently fifth, Falkirk have a great chance to claim a famous win here given how abysmally Rangers are playing football, conducting their business, treating their wives, tending to their gardens, behaving on the way home from the pub and everything else besides.


Who the fuck do these cunts think they are? I mean "treating their wives"? It's absolutely disgusting how we are being portrayed.

I wonder how many bears would react to being called a wanker in the street and how many would walk on in dignified silence.

This is a fucking war, make no bones about it.

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Who the fuck do these cunts think they are? I mean "treating their wives"? It's absolutely disgusting how we are being portrayed.

I wonder how many bears would react to being called a wanker in the street and how many would walk on in dignified silence.

This is a fucking war, make no bones about it.

You can maybe blame the recent Vine of Willie Waddell saying fans would go home and beat their wives if Rangers lost.


They've posted that everywhere.

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