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He was employed to get us promoted. He failed. He knew there was a chance he wouldn't become our long term manager. He still got an interview.

What's disgusting about the way he's been treated?

Let me know so I can be pyoor beelin as well

And his still doing the the job he was previously doing. If anything he was well looked after for doing us a favour.

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Go on. Lets play.

Why are you so bothered?

His win ratio?

His tactical genius?

His non achieval of the key goal?

The fact he wasnt offered what he wasnt guaranteed to be offered?

Cause he's a Rangers man?

His stunning substitutions?

Because he wanted the gig?

Yes it was difficult for him but he really didnt get enough success to make himself irreplaceable.

And out of him and Warbuton we've got imo the better man for the job.

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Stuart had a go at turning a piss poor set up round and couldn't manage to do it. I doubt mourinio could have done much better with the material he had. Time will tell if the new team will do better, I believe they will, I hope they will. However I saw light at the end of the tunnel when that whyte bastard appeared, I thought things could only get better under chuck, I even voted labour, what do I know.

I think he will play some part in rangers set up at some time, given time and his own players I honestly believe he would have done a job for us. He was just the wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time. Onwards and upwards, we are the people.

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OP's on a fishing trip or Stuart McCall waved at him once in Asda and is dismayed that he's not in the hotseat :lol:

Stu has many a fans admiration, he acted well, tried hard, got the team playing reasonably well, it was just too little too late. No hard feelings to him, quite the opposite, he'll be well remembered imo.

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I really don't understand.

McCall was given a short term appointment and it was fulfilled, he was fully aware that it was short term and it would be reviewed at the end of the season regardless of his performance - what's to be disgusted at?

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The board promised us they would do what was best for Rangers at all times, and that's exactly what they done here, put what is best for the club first, Warburton is the right man at the right time.

McCall will get over it, he's a cracking wee guy and gave it his best shot but fell short of what was needed. I'm sure he'll be one of the first to wish Warburton and Big Davie all the best, and wont hold any grudge.

Feel a bit sorry for him but Rangers is far more important to me, and the board 100% made the correct decision.

Edit- And what the fuck does DJXL stand for, Derek Johnstone extra large ? ( inserts shifty eyes thing )

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Stuart McCall deserves a thank you and a handshake for coming in at an impossible time and attempting to hold together a shite squad and force them into promotion.

He didn't manage it. Which is unfortunate. I'm sure Stuart knew that this would likely mean he be replaced.

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Whats there to be disgusted about? If the board thinks theres a better man for the job then thats that. Im sure McCall doesnt feel hard done by or feel angry like OP does. Hes already got a job working with Scotland and at the end of the day he failed at his objective - promotion.

Personally after watching us at the tail end of this season, from the big ray of hope against Hibs etc, then to get utterly destoryed by Mothewell just left me gutted, im glad we've got someone else in because I dont think McCall was the man for the job anyway.

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I'm disgusted at the fact the Irish were that thick during the tattie famine, they never realised there's plenty of other food out there to eat. Morons.

Imagine people, living on an island surrounded by fish, dying of starvation.

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