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Another Reason To Hate James Mcclean If You Needed One..


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I know we all hate him anyway but all the previous aside, this latest episode is an absolute disgrace. He should be hounded as I have never seen a more blatant show of disrespect shown by a so called professional sportsman anywhere.

Ffs Germany bombed the fuck out of our countries killing thousands of civilians but we can still treat each other with respect and move on. Absolutely sickening if he gets away with this.

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This guys behaviour is disgusting but equally disgusting is that the English allow him to get away with it. He's not showing respect for his Irish heritage he's pishing all over ours . He may be trying for hero status from the paddys but he may get a fat lip one night and he'll not get much sympathy from me or any other Brit he's shat on.

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Someone said he's getting pelters on Twitter ? There are some critics but most that I saw are defending him?

His sickening attempts at trying to justify his stance like with the poppy saga are so preposterous yet he is seen as some sort of brave heart?

Does he realise that even though the British army shot 13 unarmed people in his home town of Londonderry that virtually every other town and city across the province including some in England suffered deaths, bombs, terrorism and injustices?

Why is it that all other players of all nationalities can represent their clubs and countries regardless of historic conflicts with respect without continually seeking to cause controversy?

If England played Argentina or Ireland would it be acceptable for players to turn their backs on the others anthems? In Norn Iron we constantly get lectured by politicians and clergy etc about equality, respect and tolerance for each other's religious beliefs, nationality and sexual orientation yet this scum bag continues to make political points on a sporting platform?

His actions are a direct attempt to be divisive and another example of what we are trying to get away from. How can we ever move forward with these hate filled morons.

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I have to wonder, if he feels so strongly about British state violence in his hometown (and fair enough) that he can't even bear to show common dignity when a national anthem plays, surely he also feels too strongly to work with Brits, live in Britain, earn a living from British fans etc? Or is it that his visceral revulsion at what the British have done to his community only bothers him when he can make political capital out of it, but not when he can make money out of putting it to one side? As I understand it, professional footballers in the Republic don't earn much, so it's a real dilemma for him.

absoluetly correct. He is a horrible hypocritical Fenian bastard
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What has this got to do with our Boardroom & Financial, or even Bear's Den. Get it moved to OT as this wanker doesn't even qualify for "sport".

Sorry didnt know where to post just thought it might be of interest seeing its anti British mods please delete

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Someone said he's getting pelters on Twitter ? There are some critics but most that I saw are defending him?

His sickening attempts at trying to justify his stance like with the poppy saga are so preposterous yet he is seen as some sort of brave heart?

Does he realise that even though the British army shot 13 unarmed people in his home town of Londonderry that virtually every other town and city across the province including some in England suffered deaths, bombs, terrorism and injustices?

Why is it that all other players of all nationalities can represent their clubs and countries regardless of historic conflicts with respect without continually seeking to cause controversy?

If England played Argentina or Ireland would it be acceptable for players to turn their backs on the others anthems? In Norn Iron we constantly get lectured by politicians and clergy etc about equality, respect and tolerance for each other's religious beliefs, nationality and sexual orientation yet this scum bag continues to make political points on a sporting platform?

His actions are a direct attempt to be divisive and another example of what we are trying to get away from. How can we ever move forward with these hate filled morons.

The ones defending him are either Republicans or Celtic fans

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He'd just be another mediocre footballer nobody gives a fuck about if it wasn't for these daft antics.

I hate this guy with a passion he believes he has been wronged but our country shake hands with Adams and McGuinness this sends a message to the likes of McClean that we have admitted any wrong doings in Ulster

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Was it not WBA who gave Anelka the sack for a political gesture?In an era now were ex combatants are making steps to respect each others culture and recognize the hurt caused by both sides ,we have this peacetime shitstirrer playing the uber Republican......laughable really.

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