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Originally Posted by matty_f:

Surely Hibs would have a case to complain about The Rangers' approach if they continue to pursue the player after being categorically told we won't sell to them?

Correct. To repeatedly make hostile offers in the face of repeated rejection must be seen as provocation and aggression. Does it amount to bringing the game into disrepute?

Oh ffs, clutching at straws here junky cunts

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Originally Posted by matty_f:

Surely Hibs would have a case to complain about The Rangers' approach if they continue to pursue the player after being categorically told we won't sell to them?

Correct. To repeatedly make hostile offers in the face of repeated rejection must be seen as provocation and aggression. Does it amount to bringing the game into disrepute?

Aye, just read that too :lol:

I'll have some of what he's on this morning :lol:

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after reading it - theres some sensible posters on Hibs.net - but they have there fair share of absolute rockets too. The attitude seems to be that we have to be punished for these bids (FIFA to ban us, bringing the game into disrepute etc) . Now, they may not like the fact that we are bidding for him - frankly thats fair enough - but the hope for some sort of punishment to be doled out to us is a bit peculiar.

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Hibs.net? "not..disrespectful",..."honest and realistic"?

From my own reading of their forum for the last week +, they refer to us as being 'scum, racist, H***, der H***, sectarian, standing for everything they despise, dead club' etc etc. With regards to being honest and realistic 50%+ claimed last week that they were better than us and that they'd win the league, that Scott Allan is worth between £1.5m and 8.5M just now.

Now obviously we all say silly things from time to time but generally speaking I have found their site to be hoaching with Hibs fans that have a somewhat "hard-on" for everything semi Celtic related. Sure they don't say it in so few words but there is definitely an anti-british, anti-protestant, pro-independence, pro-celtic, anti-rangers, etc etc mindset over there in abundance.

Now obviously many of our own fans speak of Hibs and their fans in an unsavory fashion and so you could say it's tit for tat, I think though they are in-effect a more blatant and open-speaking version of Celtic. Celtic fans on KerryD will refer to us as being 'carrots' while calling us "racist and sectarian", Hibs fans just straight out refer to us as being "H***" while openly fantasizing about driving everything about us out of Scotland as we are "sectarian and racist" (irony lost). The misinformation seems to become fact largely on the basis of how much hatred the person saying it has for us i.e. "when Rangers wound up the first time I wonder how much money they avoided paying to clubs in transfer fee's", within 3 posts we had never paid back a penny and clubs in Scotland had suffered greatly on that basis. To one fans credit he/she pointed out that we had paid back the outstanding money we owed clubs and by way off proof as to this being the case, it was highlighted that it was part of the '5-way-agreement'.

With all of this said some of even the biggest Rangers, Protestant & British haters, have their feet firmly planted in reality with regards to the situations involving our clubs etc. There is a core who for while I can't give a character reference, they appear at least to call it like it is without fear from the aforementioned unsavory-heid-bangers.

As a further point to mention - some of the posts over there are genuinely side-splitting, in one in particular a Hibs fan stated just after our thrashing of them that "on the plus side I'm now fluent in the Gaelic phrase 'Goal for Rangers'", which did genuinely give me a laugh and took the edge off some of the feral hatred for everything about us they have rocking over there.

You could easily and rightfully say that their is some good posters/people over there, but if you were to proclaim that they aren't that bad they'd make Celtic look like a Rangers supporters club (obsession aside).

Fine post.

The reason the KDS bheasts call us 'carrots' is the filter on their site, stops DOB showing up.

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i spent most of the day flipping between RM and Hibs.net yesterday, some of the rockets on that site are incredible

It's a weird site, mix of pessimistic, downtrodden stay away fans who are sick of the club just now, some completely apathetic ''who cares anymore '' types and lastly, the deluded ones who are convinced an English club will come in with 1.5 - 2 mil for Allan and that the club are finally sticking up for the fans.

Got several Hibs supporting buddies, all of them are cracking lads tbf and call the game exactly as it is, I do feel for the genuine fans as the club always seem to take the cash over success, they might be changing based on their latest Allan stance, but some fans are not convinced.

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As for their fans and claiming we are a new club, all the usual pish because a new company runs the business side of the club, welllllll.....

On their club badge, they have 1875, the year they were formed, but according to them, that's not how it works, they were incorporated in 1903,

the old adage, throwing stones in glass houses comes to mind...



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As for their fans and claiming we are a new club, all the usual pish because a new company runs the business side of the club, welllllll.....

On their club badge, they have 1875, the year they were formed, but according to them, that's not how it works, they were incorporated in 1903,

the old adage, throwing stones in glass houses comes to mind...


They also went out of business in 1891 for a few years, but still consider themselves to be the original Hibs....


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Hibs.net? "not..disrespectful",..."honest and realistic"?

From my own reading of their forum for the last week +, they refer to us as being 'scum, racist, H***, der H***, sectarian, standing for everything they despise, dead club' etc etc. With regards to being honest and realistic 50%+ claimed last week that they were better than us and that they'd win the league, that Scott Allan is worth between £1.5m and 8.5M just now.

Now obviously we all say silly things from time to time but generally speaking I have found their site to be hoaching with Hibs fans that have a somewhat "hard-on" for everything semi Celtic related. Sure they don't say it in so few words but there is definitely an anti-british, anti-protestant, pro-independence, pro-celtic, anti-rangers, etc etc mindset over there in abundance.

Now obviously many of our own fans speak of Hibs and their fans in an unsavory fashion and so you could say it's tit for tat, I think though they are in-effect a more blatant and open-speaking version of Celtic. Celtic fans on KerryD will refer to us as being 'carrots' while calling us "racist and sectarian", Hibs fans just straight out refer to us as being "H***" while openly fantasizing about driving everything about us out of Scotland as we are "sectarian and racist" (irony lost). The misinformation seems to become fact largely on the basis of how much hatred the person saying it has for us i.e. "when Rangers wound up the first time I wonder how much money they avoided paying to clubs in transfer fee's", within 3 posts we had never paid back a penny and clubs in Scotland had suffered greatly on that basis. To one fans credit he/she pointed out that we had paid back the outstanding money we owed clubs and by way off proof as to this being the case, it was highlighted that it was part of the '5-way-agreement'.

With all of this said some of even the biggest Rangers, Protestant & British haters, have their feet firmly planted in reality with regards to the situations involving our clubs etc. There is a core who for while I can't give a character reference, they appear at least to call it like it is without fear from the aforementioned unsavory-heid-bangers.

As a further point to mention - some of the posts over there are genuinely side-splitting, in one in particular a Hibs fan stated just after our thrashing of them that "on the plus side I'm now fluent in the Gaelic phrase 'Goal for Rangers'", which did genuinely give me a laugh and took the edge off some of the feral hatred for everything about us they have rocking over there.

You could easily and rightfully say that their is some good posters/people over there, but if you were to proclaim that they aren't that bad they'd make Celtic look like a Rangers supporters club (obsession aside).

that is pretty funny to be fair.

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Absolute belter below, almost fell off my seat laughing

''Waste of money as the SMSM aren't interested in what we have to say !!

Got to hand it to DK - he's proved he's not a crook for no reason !. Makes a couple of ludicrous bids he KNOWS won't be accepted so -

(1) his money (if he has it ??) is safe but the 'Moron-Loyal' think he's serious ! (Completely outwith their IQ to think WHY the haggling over a Championship-player who's had, in all truth, one good season ??)

(2) Hibs, one of their top-players and the supporters all over the place before the season starts !!

Gonna be a long season and the h**/SMSM will just get worse - no longer able to finance games/victories/trophies etc, the h** will now use their natural-born skills of 'Machivealinism' to win off-field !! ''

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What grounds do Hibs have to try and ridicule a football club for having no money? What money do they have and how much have they spent in the last decade? There fans don't even go to the games Easter road was empty on Saturday.

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Absolute belter below, almost fell off my seat laughing

''Waste of money as the SMSM aren't interested in what we have to say !!

Got to hand it to DK - he's proved he's not a crook for no reason !. Makes a couple of ludicrous bids he KNOWS won't be accepted so -

(1) his money (if he has it ??) is safe but the 'Moron-Loyal' think he's serious ! (Completely outwith their IQ to think WHY the haggling over a Championship-player who's had, in all truth, one good season ??)

(2) Hibs, one of their top-players and the supporters all over the place before the season starts !!

Gonna be a long season and the h**/SMSM will just get worse - no longer able to finance games/victories/trophies etc, the h** will now use their natural-born skills of 'Machivealinism' to win off-field !! ''

hands up those that are natural born Machiavellians ?

no me neither... but at least i can spell it.

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hands up those that are natural born Machiavellians ?

no me neither... but at least i can spell it.

That bit got me, I was able to contain the eruption of laughter up until I read that.

The phsycology ins and outs of Machiavellianism will be discussed another time, but I find it hilarious they are hating on us for having the media do the dirty on Allan and Hibs, yet they are the ones giving off soundbites and releasing confidential information on the ins and outs of our bids. Any time a journalist has asked Warburton or Rangers, we've answered in nothing but variations of ''he's not our player and it wouldn't be fair to comment''

loving the seethe just now

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Originally Posted by bod:

SA might decide to stay now that coming on for Foster's made him cup tied

:lol: :lol:

I'm positive that HibsNet is purely for those fans, grown adults, who go to the matches fully kitted-out in the new strip, carrying a plastic bag from the club shop which is filled with Celebrations to nervously pocket munch.

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