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Warburton And Weirs Transfers

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Considering the best out of contract players get snatched up in January or the start of summer, what a fucking job they've done to come in this late and get players of this quality!! And without a scouting network!!

This. So impressive when being interviewed, says the right thing and seems to back it up with his actions.

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They've done brilliantly it seems. Now that foundations are in place, let's get a scouting network in place to allow progression.

It is all about progress and how we move on from this strong start.

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Warburton must obviously have a large dossier of young players from his time when organizing that youth tournament and has kept an eye on their progress, that and the good connections he has with various managers down south, and with the way he operates he also keeps an eye on young up and coming players, his whole philosophy seems to centre around young hard working players, but the way he has this group playing in such a short space of time is quite remarkable.

Everything this guy does shows that he works hard, pays a lot of attention to detail, and has a real passion for success, his signing was a master stroke by the board and I just I wonder were would we be now if we had had him in 4yrs ago.

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I think the comment recently from Davie Weir regarding potential players was telling; this is roughly what he said: " Mark and I work in a slightly different market and have different contacts than what Rangers are generally used to."

I think the players we have signed up to date proves that point.

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I think the comment recently from Davie Weir regarding potential players was telling; this is roughly what he said: " Mark and I work in a slightly different market and have different contacts than what Rangers are generally used to."

I think the players we have signed up to date proves that point.

Yeah the players we have signed this season are actually decent.
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To use as an example, we snapped up Jordan Thompson after his contract expired at Manchester. Looking at top clubs youths and bringing them in to push into the first team is something we have lacked in years. Don't want to turn this into another rant at bashing the previous management, but its impossible not to compare the signing policies.

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Yeah the players we have signed this season are actually decent.

I think what DW was inferring was that under MW we will now go for mostly young 'unknown' type players who won't cost an arm and a leg to sign, whereas in the past Rangers have tended to go for a more established player that everybody has heard of.

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Warburton is the manager. Why folk feel the need to mention weir is beyond me.

Warburton has said that "respect" is one of the more important themes of his management style.

This is just one example that this manager encourages positive acknowledgement of his players staff and team, and especially his assistant manager.

Not wanting to hark back too much, but I very much doubt there was the same respect and acknowledgement of each other throughout the squad and management during Ally's regime.

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Signings found without a scouting system because its pretty obvious even at this early stage the man eats and breaths football and relishes in hard work. He has said himself if you are not onboard as a player you will not be at Rangers.No more jollies and jobs for the boys which is the way it should be.

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To use as an example, we snapped up Jordan Thompson after his contract expired at Manchester. Looking at top clubs youths and bringing them in to push into the first team is something we have lacked in years. Don't want to turn this into another rant at bashing the previous management, but its impossible not to compare the signing policies.

I think this is easier said than done. The football world is full of mediocre footballers who were once promising youths as top clubs. The best ones who still show promise are invariably snapped up quickly. Im not disagreeing with the sentiments of your post, but it really is hit and miss trying to figure which young players will go on to make something of themselves in the game and which ones will end up working as taxi drivers.

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Warburton must obviously have a large dossier of young players from his time when organizing that youth tournament and has kept an eye on their progress, that and the good connections he has with various managers down south, and with the way he operates he also keeps an eye on young up and coming players, his whole philosophy seems to centre around young hard working players, but the way he has this group playing in such a short space of time is quite remarkable.

Everything this guy does shows that he works hard, pays a lot of attention to detail, and has a real passion for success, his signing was a master stroke by the board and I just I wonder were would we be now if we had had him in 4yrs ago.

more to the point. can we keep him more than his three year contract ? :wub::love:

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Kiernan had a classy moment in the 2nd half on the halfway line, anyone spot that little shimmy/dribble/wrongfoot effort?

yes, I was quoting it in the pub earlier, he killed the ball stone dead with his 1st touch and dropped the shoulder to waltz by the advancing attacker.
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