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Bbc Fannies Had To Commentate From Pacific Quay

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I don't think they should be banned but it was funny how every chance they got they undermined Rangers and bigged up Hibs, even the goal was more to do with their poor keeper than our good Tavernier. BBC Scotland really are mediocre.

but their not banned. That rat looking arsehole Chris mccuntface had his media pass revoked so the bbc decided to boycott.

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I don't think they should be banned but it was funny how every chance they got they undermined Rangers and bigged up Hibs, even the goal was more to do with their poor keeper than our good Tavernier. BBC Scotland really are mediocre.

They're not banned, though. They are staying away by choice. Only McLaughlin is banned.

I'm guessing they only confessed to commentating from Pacific Quay to avoid being done by trading standards if they tried to pass it off as "live".

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Heard them saying how Hibs should've won with their 6 chances.

No mention of Ranger's having one cleared off the line or the saves Oxley had to make.

Aye that got me too, wonderful free kick but they keeper was at fault, if the scum had scored similar in the CL they would have been wetting themselves.

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Very few of us should/do care. That's the funny thing.

If we draw the sheep or Pacific Shelf in the cups, they will not be boycotting the stadium though.... although it would be pretty cool if our board just all out banned them.

Hope you enjoyed that atmosphere of Crocker you biased knobs.


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I remember certain peole at the BBC slaughtering Talkpish when they did international match commentaries, with the Guys doing the show being in a different country to the game etc. Was it no live at a knocking shop in Amsterdam ?

So had to turn on the radio, on the way home from work to listen to this absolute mince from a cupboard at Beeb central.

If there are not people at BBC Scotland who can't see the humiliation in this then it's lost on me.

You take what you think is a principled stand on a subject, you've made your choice fair enough ( even though he's been shown to be ahem a wee bit prejudiced).

You turn round tell The Rangers fair enough we'll only cover Match days or whatever pish they come out with.

Then have Brass Neck to cover a match which is taking place exactly One mile away if you walk, with no Staff there ?


It's time someone there was asked if they are actually wilfully wasting Licence Payers money or is there some hidden agenda that's now bit them on the Arse.

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With Sky sports and BT Sports the bbc are yesterdays forgotten people.

The problem is some folk don't have Sky or Bt, they rely on the radio.

That comentary was a disgrace, there was no atmosphere, no noise of the crowd, just some guys watching a telly, when we scored they hardly raised a voice.


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I complained again to OFCOM today, (even though I was at the match and only caught big Jon Daly talking some piss about Dundee United on the way home) We are paying the BBC for that , it's disgraceful, they commentated on 4 live games yesterday, all from the stadium's they were played in. It's a denail of service when it comes to us and should be challenged be each and everyone of us, and our opponents. Shower of fucking cunts, I will back any government that does away with having to pay those cunts upfront ....

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