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Just How Sweet Is 55 Going To Be?

Jakes Pal

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I can't wait for it. It will be a huge moment for our club. I know winning a premiership title in itself is something special but this one will be really something.

Winning the Third Division + League One were the first steps getting us back to where we belong. Next up is returning to the Premiership. After that, 55th title.

It will continue our status as most successful club in Scotland. If anyone thinks we're still a dead club then it will put it beyond doubt that we are very much alive. It will be a huge FUCK YOU to every single person who has tried to keep us down and to everyone who wants to see our titles taken from us.

I don't when or where it'll happen but it's coming and much sooner than some people might think.

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When all this shit is finally behind us and we wrap up 55, there are a few targets that I am not going to miss.

I am sure that I will not be alone, and with The Magic Hat firmly in place, that day is coming a lot sooner than those Mhanky bastards think.

You bet mate . I will spend weekend in jail for some of the things I have planned .

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Im rather looking forward to this day.

But you know what..... my old man is in his 80s still never misses a game home or away.... he had better still be around to see this and Im sure he will be. (tu)

I certainly hope so to bud . He deserves at least that ,for putting up with the last 4 years garbage that has probably troubled him more than most .

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