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Brothers Jailed For Attack After Old Firm Match


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The article doesnt seem to mention the sides the brothers support so given our media I'd assume they were Shetllesons?

[/Think I read in the Daily Rebel that it was two tarries that tried to murder a Rangers supporter minding his own business. quote]

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Previous stories from the time of the attack said it was mhanks. None of the articles do any more.

Yes noticed that myself.

It would be interesting to know why this is the case. The reports in the week after the game certainly portrayed this as related to the match, albeit iirc, the lad and his son watched it in a pub.

No surprise that the cunt(s) who hit the young bear with the bottle have never been caught, largely thanks to the self proclaimed best supporters in the world closing ranks and protecting the hard men.

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The article doesnt seem to mention the sides the brothers support so given our media I'd assume they were Shetllesons?

I'm pretty sure the tims have some sort of legal thingy in place in regards to mentioning 'Celtic fans' in articles that put them in bad light.

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Confirmed. It was a scum attack on a Bear.

Old Firm violence: Father-of-four left unconscious after brutal attack in aftermath of match undergoes surgery for broken jaw
  • 13:04, 4 FEB 2015
  • UPDATED 13:10, 4 FEB 2015
TWO thugs launched an unprovoked attack on 37-year-old James Martin outside the pub where he had watched the Old Firm clash just a few hours earlier.
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James Martin lays sedated in hospital after being subjected to a horrific unprovoked attack at the pub. Wife Laurette claims the 'drunken thugs' were Celtic fans.

A FATHER-of-four will today undergo surgery after he was brutally beaten on the night of the Old Firm game.

Two thugs launched an unprovoked attack on Rangers fan James Martin, 37, outside the pub where he had watched the match a few hours earlier.

James's wife Laurette said he was knocked unconscious then kicked in the head repeatedly as he lay helpless .

Writing on Facebook Laurette today confirmed Jim's jaw operation has been brought forward 24 hours having originally been scheduled for Thursday.

Earlier she revealed the lorry driver was now conscious after his ordeal.

She wrote: “Today Jim finally woke up, confused, in a lot of pain, unstable on his feet, face still very swollen and he's unaware of what has happened but he is able to communicate now, tonight he hadn't remembered anything from earlier visit or what doctors are telling him as his memory is still fuzzy and delayed, the only thing he remembers is walking home with our son and having a carry on ( laugh and a joke) he is healing well though and hopefully tomorrow he is will be better than today.

“So so hard seeing him like this."

James was given a brain scan after the attack amid fears it may have caused long term damage.

He also suffered a broken jaw, broken teeth and cuts and bruises to his face.

JS55895915.jpgLaurette Martin has pleaded for help in tracking down the "scum" who battered her husband Jim

Laurette, 38, who released photos of James in hospital, claims the "drunken thugs" responsible were Celtic fans .

She released photos of her husband lying in hospital on Monday and urged the public to help police catch the attackers.

James was assaulted at about 10.40pm on Sunday as he walked past McAlpine's Bar in Newarthill, Lanarkshire.

His son Jordan, 17, was with him and was also targeted.

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McAlpine's Bar in Newarthill, Lanarkshire

James had been in the pub earlier, watching his team lose to Celtic in the first Old Firm match for three years.

Laurette said he went home to his family after the game but popped out later to go to the local shop and was attacked on his way home.

She said: “James was approached by two guys.

“One of them asked for a cigarette and he gave him one.

“The other guy then attacked my husband by punching him. He slipped on ice with that punch and was knocked out instantly. The guy proceeded to kick James repeatedly while the other guy attacked Jordan.

“Jordan fought back and managed to escape and ran to passing cars for help. It just so happened his aunt was going to work and he stopped her.”

Laurette ran to the scene and James was taken to hospital.

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Laurette says Jim suffered a broken jaw, broken teeth, and cuts and bruises to his face. He has been sedated by medics after undergoing a brain scan and it is feared he may suffer long-term damage

She claimed: "The guys who attacked him were Celtic supporters.

"My husband likes Rangers but doesn't take it seriously like most do. He doesn't wear strips or make kids wear strips."

Laurette appealed to local people to tell police if a “friend, son, brother or boyfriend” came home with blood on them on Sunday night.

She added: “It would be mostly on their shoes, from kicking my husband's head repeatedly in front of his son.

“Do the right thing and call police.

“These guys deserve punishment.”

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Absolute low-life scum, regardless of who they support.

I will never understand how someone could inflict so much damage on another human. To physically stamp on an unconscious man's head, what is that? Mental issues? Their upbringing?

Serving time in prison is like becoming degree educated to these people. Their quality of life is so low, drinking three litre bottles of Strongbow on the streets until they're in their forties, that being sent behind bars is hardly punishment and they'll wear it as a badge of honour upon their release.

Then, they'll breed and their offsprings will rinse and repeat the process.

Fucking Motherwell, typical. Raqqa is more appealing than that absolute shitehole.

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I'm pretty sure the tims have some sort of legal thingy in place in regards to mentioning 'Celtic fans' in articles that put them in bad light.

I would tend to agree with this

A tool to win the propaganda war , which is something our board should also use

Otherwise they are fighting a battle with both hands tied behind their backs

The guy who got attacked in the slop house in the gallowgate got his medicine from Ajax fans which was correctly portrayed

But what hasn't saw the light of day in the mainstream media is the trouble with the Ajax support is historical dating back to a few years ago when the groin brigade stole a flag from the Ajax ultras ,it's been a war ever since

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I'm pretty sure the tims have some sort of legal thingy in place in regards to mentioning 'Celtic fans' in articles that put them in bad light.

(tu) Me too. No idea how it would work, and it sounds far fetched, but it's more plausible than every journalist and editor at every media outlet wanting to protect them. Can't think of any other explanation.
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Scumbags the pair of them. Hope the guy is fully recovering.

Will never forget the news on the Monday after that Old Firm, they didn't mention it being celtc fans that attacked the wee boy on the bus with a bottle but 5 seconds later "Sectarian singing was heard exclusively in the Rangers end"

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