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Hibs Statement


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Wow........it's taken them all day to put together this. 

Let's be clear - they have no choice but to co-operate and the reasons behind the events occurring are simple: 6 to 7000 of your fans invaded the pitch when they shouldn't have. 

Everything else after that was as a direct result of this.  End of.

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What a load pish. 

Widest ranging terms of reference, aka we want those H** bastards done for singing bad words. 

Without fear or favour, aka those H** bastards will threatening everybody. 

No fucking apology again from the shower of scum bastards. 

Resign now Petrie ya fat hate filled mess and do us all a favour, surely there must be a conflict of interest when it's your club getting investigated. 

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2 minutes ago, ara said:

How can an "Independent Commission" be run run by the SFA with such an obvious conflict of interest???...:mad:

That statement certainly sounded almost happy that the SFA would be investigating SFA members clubs, as well as the police investigating themselves.

Corruption is rife everywhere, but rather concentrated in Scotland.

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You can be sure that Hibs, the SFA and certain mhedia channels are all using this time to set in place their mutually co-ordinated response - i.e. propoganda

The whole thing reeks nearly as badly as these bastards do! :mad:

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21 minutes ago, Prso's headband said:

Forced into it by Rangers again, just like the SNP cult, sorry government. If Rangers hadn't made such a statement this would be getting brushed under the carpet consistently and then left to lie because it is the end of the season.

No dealings with Hibs.

No away fans at Ibrox.

Look into moving into the English leagues. Fuck this hovel and it's supporters.


I have always been against us leaving Scotland but even l have had enough of the daily hatred and double standards, fuck the lot of them, time to get ourself to fuck out of this small minded midden.

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That's a two piece statement. 

I was actually impressed with the first half of that statement, the club accepting responsibility, welcoming a wider investigation, apologising for the fans coming on the park. Acknowledging  the Hibs fans who carried out the assaults and advising they will do all they can to bring them to book, and saying they will take strongest possible actions against them.

No attempt to condone or deflect from what was witnessed, and no pretence of waiting for independant reports before they would act. 

The second half though is simply a sweep sweep attempt to get Petrie of the hook for his initial  views deliberately ignoring the obvious then pretending he was unaware and subsequently trying to deflect it.  

Almost like two different authors..........and obviously authorised or endorsed by Petrie himself.

He is now further embarrassing his club as well as himself. 

"Chairman Rod Petrie said: “It is now clear from various sources that supporters being on the pitch at the end of the match led to acts of violence and disorder."   

Big Jock knew and chose to ignore.

Petrie knew too, and tried to ignore.  

Hoist by his own petard, should resign now.

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This whole "alleged assault" shite is starting to boil my piss, there are dozens of videos showing these cowards punching and kicking our players.

Notice the media hasn't mentioned anything to do with sectarian violence, them purposely missing that part out just builds more tension between people in this country, but its only an issue if its Protestants marching, or Rangers fans singing or loyalists protesting, never the other way round.

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34 minutes ago, DMax399 said:

Wow........it's taken them all day to put together this. 

Let's be clear - they have no choice but to co-operate and the reasons behind the events occurring are simple: 6 to 7000 of your fans invaded the pitch when they shouldn't have. 

Everything else after that was as a direct result of this.  End of.

Spot on my friend.

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3 minutes ago, Jamesy1872 said:

Stick your apology up your scummy arse

Too little too late! Had plenty time to come out with that half arsed pish before now! 

Hope hibs rot in lower leagues for good 


There's still been no apology to us, the players, staff and our fans, which is quite simply deplorable..........

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27 minutes ago, dougie76 said:

I have always been against us leaving Scotland but even l have had enough of the daily hatred and double standards, fuck the lot of them, time to get ourself to fuck out of this small minded midden.

I've always been on the fence, particularly the basic guarantee of some Euro footy every season swayed me to want to stay but this has gone way too far. Nothing has been done over 48hours later and anything that's been said has been praise for the police shambles, excitement or it was ok basically because it was Rangers.

I'd love us to move now. I really would. 

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Was raging today at work, fans of other provincial teams (not the Hivs) trying to make Rangers out somehow to be at fault for this. The fact that the rest of this sad little backward country hate us should bring us Bears closer. Let's go to away grounds in typical big numbers next season, not to give money to the likes of the sheep and Motherwell but to support our club and the players and staff representing it. Don't want them to go into hostile atmospheres without the blue army behind them.  No one likes us we don't care!!!. 

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There's an old saying better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than open it and remove all doubt. If that's the best he can do after 48 hours he'd be better sticking to the former. Waste of space we can see the cover up coming coming already and why do I feel we're not going to come out of this Scot free. Always been proud to be scottish but  I'm beginning to wonder if we can ever get a say in our countries future.

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3 minutes ago, Prso's headband said:

I've always been on the fence, particularly the basic guarantee of some Euro footy every season swayed me to want to stay but this has gone way too far. Nothing has been done over 48hours later and anything that's been said has been praise for the police shambles, excitement or it was ok basically because it was Rangers.

I'd love us to move now. I really would. 

Or we stay and win back our league and rub every fucking one of their bitter rancid fucking noses right in it, it's a win win?

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1 hour ago, ara said:

How can an "Independent Commission" be run run by the SFA with such an obvious conflict of interest???...:mad:

I agree, The SFA are ultimately responsible for the security breach that led to our players being assaulted while the game was still in play. (they hadn't left the pitch) .  Someone above the SFA should be looking at what happened as the SFA were the hosts of the game

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57 minutes ago, tannerall said:

That's a two piece statement. 

I was actually impressed with the first half of that statement, the club accepting responsibility, welcoming a wider investigation, apologising for the fans coming on the park. Acknowledging  the Hibs fans who carried out the assaults and advising they will do all they can to bring them to book, and saying they will take strongest possible actions against them.

No attempt to condone or deflect from what was witnessed, and no pretence of waiting for independant reports before they would act. 

The second half though is simply a sweep sweep attempt to get Petrie of the hook for his initial  views deliberately ignoring the obvious then pretending he was unaware and subsequently trying to deflect it.  

Almost like two different authors..........and obviously authorised or endorsed by Petrie himself.

He is now further embarrassing his club as well as himself. 

"Chairman Rod Petrie said: “It is now clear from various sources that supporters being on the pitch at the end of the match led to acts of violence and disorder."   

Big Jock knew and chose to ignore.

Petrie knew too, and tried to ignore.  

Hoist by his own petard, should resign now.

I agree it does seem a two piece statement the club have acknowledge what happened.

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