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Don’t shoot the messenger lads but I heard from a mate who knows Danny Wilson’s cousin who stays in the same street as Kenny Miller’s uncle that Forrester head-butted Warburton repeatedly after calling him a sevco zombie then was sent home where Michael O’Halloran was waiting for him belting oot IRA songs and cut off one of his legs in a cocaine and drink fuelled rampage.  Pure nightmare man.

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MoH is quick but thick. 

All the raw tools to become a good forward but just can't seem to take it in. Just gets the head down and crosses the ball in hope. 

This is why he looked so good for StJ. Counter attacking football there is less time to think about what your going to do you just do it. When MoH has time to think on the ball he loses it or plays it poorly. 

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2 hours ago, Pearson83 said:

He looks like he's not interested and can see clear as day he's not close with any of the players.

Well that's a lot of pish......if you followed any of our players on social you'd see there a pretty tight bunch forrester always on Instagram with pictures of him and windass and Wes as well......don't understand where your getting he's no interested from either the mangers starting policy stink players with average sometimes even bellow average performances get a run of games. 

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47 minutes ago, Fred1972 said:

Well that's a lot of pish......if you followed any of our players on social you'd see there a pretty tight bunch forrester always on Instagram with pictures of him and windass and Wes as well......don't understand where your getting he's no interested from either the mangers starting policy stink players with average sometimes even bellow average performances get a run of games. 

Not talking about forrister here tho talking about MOH so maybe read it before you comment on it!

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2 minutes ago, Alan72 said:

Forrester has just posted this on his Instagram, looks happy with Warburton although don't know if this was taken today. 


Canny be. Warbs face would be done in from all the heatbuttin and Forrester still has both legs

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2 hours ago, BF2 said:

Don’t shoot the messenger lads but I heard from a mate who knows Danny Wilson’s cousin who stays in the same street as Kenny Miller’s uncle that Forrester head-butted Warburton repeatedly after calling him a sevco zombie then was sent home where Michael O’Halloran was waiting for him belting oot IRA songs and cut off one of his legs in a cocaine and drink fuelled rampage.  Pure nightmare man.

Glad to hear this - so clearly, things aren't quite as bad as some of the posters are saying on this thread. :pipe:

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7 hours ago, TheBluebells said:

Than i guess that makes the continued inclusion of McKay all the more baffling as he's been consistently poor but consistently played. 

I know it's all just rumours but I wouldn't be shocked to hear of players unhappy at that for instance. 

They can be as unhappy as they want - but if they are not showing in training they are better then they don't give the manager an option 

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13 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

They can be as unhappy as they want - but if they are not showing in training they are better then they don't give the manager an option 

God knows how poor training is all week then if that's the shite McKay and others are producing consistently 

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3 hours ago, Jackal said:

Been a bit of a mystery why Harry has dropped right off the radar.

Honestly rate him very highly and don't think he's been anywhere near as bad as our so called star forwards. 

Definitely, it's a strange one. Great wee  player who appears to have the right attitude. Gets stuck in and shows a lot of heart. Wouldn't mind seeing him on the right side of the front 3 to see what he can offer. I think he's more direct than Waghorn and he can't stand a ball up into the middle

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7 hours ago, googglebot said:

Glad to hear this - so clearly, things aren't quite as bad as some of the posters are saying on this thread. :pipe:

You mean doom and gloom on RM, surely the fuck not......

Forrester is a decent enough player, remember you dont have to be that good to shine in Scotland

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I love all this pish. My grannys next door neighbours postmans mate says this ones arguing with that one & this ones fell out with the manager. Taig talk trying to bad mouth our team. Anyone actually heard anyone saying anything on record? No, didn't think so.

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15 minutes ago, THE_MIGHTY_BEARS said:

What do you read in to that picture? 

its clearly a message, Harry standing having a good laugh with the manager and a coupe of fellow squad members meanwhile moh standing in the background(not quite alone but with someone within a foot as has been pointed out) with his hands on his hips looking downwards in what could be perceived as showing negative body language. Either that or it's just one big coincidence and I'm making shit up.

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