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Frank Mcparland


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Last summer MW and David Weir had to build a new team from scratch. They signed 11/12 players and I'd say pretty much all of them were a success. Guys like Tav, Waghorn, Fod, Halliday, Holt etc.

Every transfer window since, Frank Mcparland has been at the club. Since then none of our signings have had any serious impact on the first 11. Gostomski, MOH, Billy King and Forrester were signed last January and Forrester in patches is the only one that has done anything.

This season none of the summer singings have yet to make a serious impact. On Saturday the first 11 consisted of 7 players who were either at the club already or signed last summer (would have been 8 if it wasn't a cup game as Fod probably would have started).

What is Frank Mcparland actually bringing to the club? The 2 transfer windows he's been here have been failures IMO. I think Rossiter and Windass will go on to be decent players for us so I suppose he has to get some credit there but apart from that I don't really see any progress since he joined the club.

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What can you do with no money?

Fed up of cunts going on about Warburton and now our scout. Dave king isn't given them money so how the fuck can we compete and sign decent players 

Most people think the manager should go but someone tell me who the fuck will come to us. Our club has been a mess for years. 

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20 minutes ago, jackrfc95 said:

Last summer MW and David Weir had to build a new team from scratch. They signed 11/12 players and I'd say pretty much all of them were a success. Guys like Tav, Waghorn, Fod, Halliday, Holt etc.

Every transfer window since, Frank Mcparland has been at the club. Since then none of our signings have had any serious impact on the first 11. Gostomski, MOH, Billy King and Forrester were signed last January and Forrester in patches is the only one that has done anything.

This season none of the summer singings have yet to make a serious impact. On Saturday the first 11 consisted of 7 players who were either at the club already or signed last summer (would have been 8 if it wasn't a cup game as Fod probably would have started).

What is Frank Mcparland actually bringing to the club? The 2 transfer windows he's been here have been failures IMO. I think Rossiter and Windass will go on to be decent players for us so I suppose he has to get some credit there but apart from that I don't really see any progress since he joined the club.

Agreed the players signed this season haven't had an impact, don't see what that's to do with McParland. He didn't sign the players, he just gave MW and DW a greater choice. I see his job is to give MW and DW as many players to choose from as possible, the rest is up to them.

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4 minutes ago, Queen's_highway said:

What can you do with no money?

Fed up of cunts going on about Warburton and now our scout. Dave king isn't given them money so how the fuck can we compete and sign decent players 

Most people think the manager should go but someone tell me who the fuck will come to us. Our club has been a mess for years. 

So who is to be held responsible for the summer spending?  You and I both knew what Barton was like, and I certainly knew that Rossiter was injured more often than not, not sure if you knew that, but the manager certainly would have.  How much is Senderos getting paid (I honestly don't know)?  There are 3 simple signings that are costing us a few quid, and we are getting nothing back for it.  Fingers crossed for Rossiter long term, but the other 2 are/were a waste of money, money that we can't afford to squander.

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Wow, overflowing with positive thoughts this one.

Calm down guys, I remember when we had less than 8000 for a home match against Dundee.  I was there then and I'll be there for as long as I can.  We are to put it mildly skint, so no high quality player will join us.  We have to make the best of what we have and hope for some revolutionary signings from out the blue.  Last season's signings were playing at a lower level so looked better.

Nobody likes us being 2nd best but that's what happened as we were owned and run by crooks, thieves and ratbags.

Stick with it and support the club, we will return.

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3 minutes ago, BallochBear said:

Wow, overflowing with positive thoughts this one.

Calm down guys, I remember when we had less than 8000 for a home match against Dundee.  I was there then and I'll be there for as long as I can.  We are to put it mildly skint, so no high quality player will join us.  We have to make the best of what we have and hope for some revolutionary signings from out the blue.  Last season's signings were playing at a lower level so looked better.

Nobody likes us being 2nd best but that's what happened as we were owned and run by crooks, thieves and ratbags.

Stick with it and support the club, we will return.

Spot on.

MW said something along the lines of "if six out of ten new signings are a success then they would be happy"

Not every player settles or brings the same form. It's happened for years. We sign a player who looks great for another club but then can't make the step up.

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41 minutes ago, Queen's_highway said:

What can you do with no money?

Fed up of cunts going on about Warburton and now our scout. Dave king isn't given them money so how the fuck can we compete and sign decent players 

Most people think the manager should go but someone tell me who the fuck will come to us. Our club has been a mess for years. 

Dave King said he was going to spend 30-50 million. He did not say he was going to spend 30-50 million on transfer fees. Money has been spent whether you like it or not. No one actually knows how much.

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2 minutes ago, Skyson1872 said:

Say what you want about the signings, but most people were happy with our transfer business in July and have already wrote them off after they have played 3/4 games 

I think the problem is that we've signed a lot of players since January and despite all the homework, analysis and character checks not many of them seem to be an improvement on what we already had.

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The same Frank McParland everyone was wanking into oblivion over on here for giving us access to players like Rossiter and Barton or uncovering hidden gems in Crooks and Windass? 

Things aren't going well for us, but for fuck sake grab a hold of yourself. We don't need to be hyper-analysing every area of the club because we've had a few bad results. 

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So are we now back to a place where we are going to see threads popping up where every single person employed by the club is questioned and we are saying "what do they do"?

Warburton is getting it, McParland is getting it so it surely won't be long before Weir, Stewart & the fitness coach are too.

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45 minutes ago, BallochBear said:

Wow, overflowing with positive thoughts this one.

Calm down guys, I remember when we had less than 8000 for a home match against Dundee.  I was there then and I'll be there for as long as I can.  We are to put it mildly skint, so no high quality player will join us.  We have to make the best of what we have and hope for some revolutionary signings from out the blue.  Last season's signings were playing at a lower level so looked better.

Nobody likes us being 2nd best but that's what happened as we were owned and run by crooks, thieves and ratbags.

Stick with it and support the club, we will return.

Well said fellow bear, could not have put it any better myself, ps that Dundee game I was also there am I right in saying that a certain Mr J Brown played for Dundee that day.

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1 hour ago, jackrfc95 said:

Last summer MW and David Weir had to build a new team from scratch. They signed 11/12 players and I'd say pretty much all of them were a success. Guys like Tav, Waghorn, Fod, Halliday, Holt etc.

Every transfer window since, Frank Mcparland has been at the club. Since then none of our signings have had any serious impact on the first 11. Gostomski, MOH, Billy King and Forrester were signed last January and Forrester in patches is the only one that has done anything.

This season none of the summer singings have yet to make a serious impact. On Saturday the first 11 consisted of 7 players who were either at the club already or signed last summer (would have been 8 if it wasn't a cup game as Fod probably would have started).

What is Frank Mcparland actually bringing to the club? The 2 transfer windows he's been here have been failures IMO. I think Rossiter and Windass will go on to be decent players for us so I suppose he has to get some credit there but apart from that I don't really see any progress since he joined the club.

It's not McParland's fault.

We were in such a bad state when Warburton and Weir first arrived that they had an easy job to rebuild us and it could be done on the cheap with a squad made up of free transfers and bargain basement signings (with the exception of O'Halloran)

Now we have a better squad but they're still expected to improve it with free transfers and bargain basement signings (with the exception of Garner)

Two points here:

1. McParland has a job to identify players that we can afford but it's not down to him to sign them. If we want to improve the quality of players he can identify then we must increase the budget available. You can't expect to get a better quality of player when you keep spending the same amount of money, that's just hoping to get lucky.

2. As much as we need the board to give more money to invest in the squad. Could it be that the reason Warburton hasn't been backed with more cash is because the 2 most expensive players he's signed during his time here don't even get regular games?

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6 minutes ago, Falkirk bear said:

Well said fellow bear, could not have put it any better myself, ps that Dundee game I was also there am I right in saying that a certain Mr J Brown played for Dundee that day.

I believe he was and from memory he was outstanding, or at least helped keep us at bay.

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20 minutes ago, DBBTB said:

So are we now back to a place where we are going to see threads popping up where every single person employed by the club is questioned and we are saying "what do they do"?

Warburton is getting it, McParland is getting it so it surely won't be long before Weir, Stewart & the fitness coach are too.

Fitness coach should have told McParland that Kranjcar, Windass and Rossiter were going to get injured. :pipe:

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None of them have had a serious impact so far but it's still early days. 

The talent in Windass and Rossiter is obvious and they will grow into the team over the season. Big Clint Hill seems to have steadied the ship at the back, he is obviously a short term solution but we are looking a bit better defensively.

Most of us thought Barton and Niko would stroll it and we have seen glimpses of it from Niko.

We just need to bite the bullet and accept that 2nd place is our target this year, stay behind the manager and the players and hopefully we grow as a team as the season goes on.

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2 hours ago, jackrfc95 said:

Last summer MW and David Weir had to build a new team from scratch. They signed 11/12 players and I'd say pretty much all of them were a success. Guys like Tav, Waghorn, Fod, Halliday, Holt etc.

Every transfer window since, Frank Mcparland has been at the club. Since then none of our signings have had any serious impact on the first 11. Gostomski, MOH, Billy King and Forrester were signed last January and Forrester in patches is the only one that has done anything.

This season none of the summer singings have yet to make a serious impact. On Saturday the first 11 consisted of 7 players who were either at the club already or signed last summer (would have been 8 if it wasn't a cup game as Fod probably would have started).

What is Frank Mcparland actually bringing to the club? The 2 transfer windows he's been here have been failures IMO. I think Rossiter and Windass will go on to be decent players for us so I suppose he has to get some credit there but apart from that I don't really see any progress since he joined the club.

How do think those 11/12 would've done had they pitched straight into the top league instead of the championship? 

Also you get what you pay for, so maybe if Mcparland was told to scout players worth 3/4 mill he would have more success. 

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Lets see where we finish with these players and then judge. We will be 2nd which is exactly where most neutral would it best expect us to be. We exited a cup at the semi final stage to the only team we have a financial disadvantage to.

We need investment in better quality no doubt but we will get there and Europe next year will help 

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1 hour ago, DBBTB said:

So are we now back to a place where we are going to see threads popping up where every single person employed by the club is questioned and we are saying "what do they do"?

Warburton is getting it, McParland is getting it so it surely won't be long before Weir, Stewart & the fitness coach are too.

I blame the guy that cuts the grass.

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3 hours ago, Queen's_highway said:

What can you do with no money?

Fed up of cunts going on about Warburton and now our scout. Dave king isn't given them money so how the fuck can we compete and sign decent players 

Most people think the manager should go but someone tell me who the fuck will come to us. Our club has been a mess for years. 


Have to say I disagree tons of decent managers would jump at the chance to be Rangers gaffer right now and have chance to manage in front of 50,000 every other week,  get a chance to try and win cups and test themselves in an auld firm game which are seen all over the world.

As for money Liam Boyce a free transfer that Ross County picked up has scored more league goals than Waghorn, Miller, MOH , Garner and Dodoo put together this season. So you don't need to spend £20m to pick up players who can do a job in Scotland.

Also lets not forget it's not La Liga Warburton is in the top 3 sides in the SPL last year lost European games to teams from Gibraltar ,Malta and Luxembourg in the summer.

It's time to stop the excuses and just admit MW is a woeful manager.

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