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What age did you first take your kid(s) to Ibrox?


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Their age obviously :P 

I'm thinking about taking my wee boy to one this season at some point to see how he gets on, if he likes it then it'll be season tickets next year. He's 2 and a half, he knows when a goal goes in when watching it on the tele and he shouts 'Rangers' all the time but obviously he won't understand what's really happening at the game, he might get a bit overwhelmed by the people and noise, that's my only worry but I think he'll cope.. He won't run about daft I don't think he's quite content. 

Obviously it comes down to knowing your own child best but I was just wondering when any Dads/Mums on here first took their kids and how they got on? I think I'd take him in the BR as IIRC that's the family section so there will be other kids there which might help? Even if he can get through an hour I'd be happy with that (not with him making me miss 30 mins though)

It's been a long 2 and a half years of not getting to Ibrox on Saturday's due to that being one of the days he's with me, I need to get back!


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my daughter is 18 and she has no interest whatsoever never has, my boys are 13 and i took them to their first game 5 year ago the first game of Div3, we ended up only missing 2 home games they love it.

My first game i was 6 many moons ago against clydebank!!

all depends  if the weans will sit tbh.... but if its stopping you from getting to the game just take him along maybe take an i pad or something because I'll guarantee he'll be bored after half an hour.

me and my bro are taking my niece on Saturday to her 1st game she's 7.






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Took my oldest child to see Rangers for the first time when he was 8, Took my daughter at 8 also, Unfortunately my 3rd born is coming up for 8,But the little brat has followed in his mothers footsteps, And chose to support the c%(%"*c, I am devastated, Hopefully my 4th born who is now 5, Shows no signs of brain damage.

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I have a 10 year old daughter and take her.  She enjoys the spectacle more than anything.  Although she is learning about some of the players.  She knows Joey and Niko but that's about it. I'm hoping as the year go by she becomes more enthusiastic about the whole thing.

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42 minutes ago, Gaz52 said:

Their age obviously :P 

I'm thinking about taking my wee boy to one this season at some point to see how he gets on, if he likes it then it'll be season tickets next year. He's 2 and a half, he knows when a goal goes in when watching it on the tele and he shouts 'Rangers' all the time but obviously he won't understand what's really happening at the game, he might get a bit overwhelmed by the people and noise, that's my only worry but I think he'll cope.. He won't run about daft I don't think he's quite content. 

Obviously it comes down to knowing your own child best but I was just wondering when any Dads/Mums on here first took their kids and how they got on? I think I'd take him in the BR as IIRC that's the family section so there will be other kids there which might help? Even if he can get through an hour I'd be happy with that (not with him making me miss 30 mins though)

It's been a long 2 and a half years of not getting to Ibrox on Saturday's due to that being one of the days he's with me, I need to get back!


Wouldn't take them till at least the age of 9/10 , took my oldest when she was 6, fucking nightmare , her and her sister are season ticket holders now with me aged 12 and 15 and love it wee one is only 6 and she won't be going for a few years yet , too young and it will put you and the kid right off it.

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I took the wee man when he was 4 to the qos playoff match last year,

Didnt want to take him to a full price match coz I knew he wouldnt last ,he made it to half time ,but up until then he loved it and whenever the songs started he was up bouncing on the seat 

He loved the swearing too,the best bit was when there was a bad challenge on a gers player and ref played on,a guy a few rows down should ,ref yer a phukin catholic,the wee man say,aaah that man said a bad word,I asked which one,he said both,the bears around us were pishin themselves 

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He'll get cold, bored, want to leave early, and will probably fall asleep sometime during the game. Stock up with lots of sweets and juice. Be prepared to go up and down to the loo a few times.

Mine was 4 when I first took him. He was more excited by the noise, the songs, flags etc than the game but wanted to come back each week. Now years later he follows home and away and still gets as excited as he did the first time I took him (although that might be due to the beer nowadays).

To me, two and a half is too young, but you know best. If he wants to leave at half time then that's what you do. Make it a happy day out so that he wants to come back again 

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Took both my girls to the first hibs games last year and they were 10 and 8. The youngest struggled with it at the time. Then my old man was not well so had to miss the Kilmarnock game and they got to choose between them who wanted to go and it was the youngest who went and had a ball and wants to go back. 

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I took my wee girl to the Rangers youths vs Hibs youth in a cup semi final at Ibrox when she was nearly 3. She seemed to enjoy it although was distracted with other things. I then took her to a few games against the likes of Livingston and Stenhousemuir which both finished as draws I think. The events I think were abit overwhelming for her as she sometimes fell asleep in the second half, even sleeping when the crowd cheered at goals or when shouting abuse at the team and management. I have caught her a few times singing follow follow, warburton is magic etc and she doesn't notice anyone is listening which is funny. She is now 6 and is asked questions about the game and likes a wee kick about at the park so I think she will grow up and do me proud :541:

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First took my lad aged 5 to the Sheffield Wednesday friendly and he loved it.  Even more so when they guy behind him who kept digging him in the ribs all game gave him a fiver for being so entertaining.  Slightly awkward when he asked me what a wanker was after the whole stand had been giving it to Rhys McCabe!

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Started when my lad was 6....long day for a 6 year-old travelling from God's Country to Ibrox.


He loved the whole experience but tended to sleep a bit through the games. Think it was being 'one of the boys' that he liked more than the footie cos he's 31 now and has no interest!!

Sweets, drinks, scotch pies and toilet....not necessarily in that order!


Never Forget Never Forgive




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