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What age did you first take your kid(s) to Ibrox?


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Never took them and not sure when/if I will. They're 7 and 10 but not really in to football (both girls)

Took them to Accies vs Dundee United last season (don't fucking judge me) as they got free tickets from their school. They complained until half time when I decided enough was enough and walked home.

Can't see me taking them to Ibrox unless one of them starts taking an interest and starts watching the games on the telly with me.

Although not really interested in football my 7 year old does a great rendition of Warburton is Magic :lol: Might be hope yet.

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My son was about 8. He was spoiled because we had fantastic players then. He doesn't go as much now because he works away.

Started taking my grandson when he was 5 but it was the McCoist era and I think he thought he was getting punished for some reason. He was bored shitless.

We bought his first ST last season because he took a bit more interest when McCall was managing us so he actually wanted to go. Last season he thoroughly enjoyed it because we were playing great and more importantly we were winning. TBH he doesn't seem to be enjoying it as much this year because we're not winning as much :( I hope that changes soon 

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1 minute ago, Jamie0202 said:

Never took them and not sure when/if I will. They're 7 and 10 but not really in to football (both girls)

Took them to Accies vs Dundee United last season (don't fucking judge me) as they got free tickets from their school. They complained until half time when I decided enough was enough and walked home.

Can't see me taking them to Ibrox unless one of them starts taking an interest and starts watching the games on the telly with me.

Although not really interested in football my 7 year old does a great rendition of Warburton is Magic :lol: Might be hope yet.

My daughter has absolutely no interest in going. She went to hampden years and years ago to see Scotland because she didn't want her brother getting something without her getting it too! 

Shes 17 now and what I will say is she is a bluenose even though she has no interest in going to games. She hates the tims and recently she was at a house party and the boys started singing the tunes and she said they were astounded when she knew all the words and joined in :lol: 

No matter how much they say they hate it if you've raised them with good values, and more importantly the right CD in your car, then they will come good in the end ;)

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1 and a half, November 2014, 4-0 vs Falkirk.  He was actually ok for it but me and his maw where there.

i took him to his second one this season, 2-0 vs Annan, Friday night. He was an absolute pain in the hole.  He sat really well for the first half an hour then turned into the devil child.  Wouldn't sit at peace, started greeting, annoying everyone about us and it was just me that had him this time.  Ended up leaving 20 minutes to go.  He won't be back for another season maybe more.

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Took my daughter when she was 4, she is now 34 and hardly missed a home game since, had my granddaughter at the last home game and she was 3, she did really well sitting watching until 70 min when it got cold and she couldnt see as good as the subway loyal were on the move earlier than normal.

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13 hours ago, Gaz52 said:

Their age obviously :P 

I'm thinking about taking my wee boy to one this season at some point to see how he gets on, if he likes it then it'll be season tickets next year. He's 2 and a half, he knows when a goal goes in when watching it on the tele and he shouts 'Rangers' all the time but obviously he won't understand what's really happening at the game, he might get a bit overwhelmed by the people and noise, that's my only worry but I think he'll cope.. He won't run about daft I don't think he's quite content. 

Obviously it comes down to knowing your own child best but I was just wondering when any Dads/Mums on here first took their kids and how they got on? I think I'd take him in the BR as IIRC that's the family section so there will be other kids there which might help? Even if he can get through an hour I'd be happy with that (not with him making me miss 30 mins though)

It's been a long 2 and a half years of not getting to Ibrox on Saturday's due to that being one of the days he's with me, I need to get back!


Daughter was 5 before I took her along. Thank fuck for iPads and Nintendo DS is all I can see. She's 10 now and enjoys watching the footie but at the start it was sweets, footie and iPad.

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I took my son to his first game when he was 8. It was against Hearts, and he absolutely loved it. I think that was about the right age for him, as he understood what was going on. He lost his voice a bit, and due to where we live, it was a while before his next game. I never earned enough money to to take him to games...

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On 17/11/2016 at 9:46 AM, HuistraHairDo said:

my daughter is 18 and she has no interest whatsoever never has, my boys are 13 and i took them to their first game 5 year ago the first game of Div3, we ended up only missing 2 home games they love it.

My first game i was 6 many moons ago against clydebank!!

all depends  if the weans will sit tbh.... but if its stopping you from getting to the game just take him along maybe take an i pad or something because I'll guarantee he'll be bored after half an hour.

me and my bro are taking my niece on Saturday to her 1st game she's 7.






Yes my daughters first game was east stirling 5-1 game. She was 4 then, now in her second season as an ST holder. She's also seen us at Hampden, The Piggery and Rugby Park so far this season, hopefully get to a few more away games luck dependent on the CCCS. An expensive hobby following Rangers with kids at times but it is her God given right and who am I to stand in the way of that.

She is mad for the Rangers even more so than I was at her age I think. 

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Same as OP, took her for her first game at 2 1/2 got herST the season after, she misses a lot of games but the kids STs are such a good sea that it doesnt matter if she only gets to a handful of games

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Took mine to his first game when he was 5. I'm sure it was the playoff game against QotS at Ibrox.

I don't really see the point in taking them to a friendly or a "wee game" first to see if they like it. If anything it will make it more of a shock to them when they go to an important match as they'll still be expecting the same laid back atmosphere.

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1 hour ago, TheLoudenTavernier said:

Took mine to his first game when he was 5. I'm sure it was the playoff game against QotS at Ibrox.

I don't really see the point in taking them to a friendly or a "wee game" first to see if they like it. If anything it will make it more of a shock to them when they go to an important match as they'll still be expecting the same laid back atmosphere.

Me and @Rfc52 took our boys to the hibs game last december and they loved it. It was as close to the old atmosphere on champions league nights as you could get

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4 minutes ago, Gascoigne8 said:

Me and @Rfc52 took our boys to the hibs game last december and they loved it. It was as close to the old atmosphere on champions league nights as you could get

It's the best games to take them to mate, gives them a taste for it.

I was gutted we didn't get the win at the wee man's first game but he went tonto when we scored.

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14 hours ago, Dazzler said:

How did it go?

Thinking of taking my boy on Saturday, but thinking he'll just be cold and miserable.

Had two kids with me and we were sitting in the back row of the Broomloan Road stand. Up and down every two minutes taking one of them to the loo. 

On the plus side, we beat the Pars 7-0!

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