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Police Scotland confirm received report into historic child abuse within football


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I saw the Mark Daly thing last night on BBC, the strangest thing about it was the SFA are going to have a phone line where people can call if they have anything to report - surely this must be dealt with by a group who have nothing to do with anyone in football? 

Theres no way the SFA can be allowed to collect this information before passing it on to the police.

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53 minutes ago, silverback said:

I saw the Mark Daly thing last night on BBC, the strangest thing about it was the SFA are going to have a phone line where people can call if they have anything to report - surely this must be dealt with by a group who have nothing to do with anyone in football? 

Theres no way the SFA can be allowed to collect this information before passing it on to the police.

Correct. NSPCC have set up a dedicated helpline for this.  The SFA should be encouraging those affected to use that avenue.  Specialist, trained, competent, independent and confidential professionals versus the SFA????


Edit: just checked the SFA website.  They do indeed direct you to the NSPCC hotline.  But you can also message them on an SFA email address....

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The FA has today published the full Terms of Reference for the review into issues arising from the recent press reports relating to allegations of non-recent child sexual abuse in football. The FA is committed to full disclosure of the review’s findings, subject to any legal restrictions, and the Terms of Reference remain open to amendment should it be deemed necessary by external counsel or The FA.


3. To consider the extent to which The FA was aware of any of the issues relating to non-recent child sexual abuse which have been brought to light in the press relating to the 1970’s,1980s and 1990s, and [up until around 2005];

4. To consider what steps The FA took to address safeguarding/child protection issues in the sport up until 2005, and to consider any failings by The FA at the time, in particular whether it failed to act appropriately to anything raised with it relating to child sexual abuse, in relation to any football club (at any level of the game including grass roots clubs) or alleged abuser that may come to light.

5. To consider the steps those  clubs (that is any club at any level of the game including grass roots clubs) which are identified as linked to alleged sexual abusers took at the time of any incidents, and are taking to investigate what that club did or did not know and/or did or did not do in relation  to child sexual abuse which have been brought to light in the press relating to the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, and up until around 2005; in the event the Review finds such steps to be lacking the Review will look to extend its scope.

6. To consider what lessons can be learned by The FA and/or the clubs arising out of the investigations that are taking place/have taken place.

7. To make recommendations as appropriate

read this and wonder - will the SFA follow suit? because some of this will leave no stone unturned. So the question to the SFA is: are you following suit? have you launched your own review to the same extent? if not - then why not?

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16 hours ago, ex-guardsman said:

Just seen this SFA doing a sweep sweep job like the cretins.


The SFA are doing their best to sweep this aside right now, as there are 1 or 2 nonce coaches working within the SFA coaching network right now. 

And there is suspicions about a current Celtic youth coach right now as well. It is an open secret within the game so I'm told.

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6 minutes ago, Blue Nosed Babe said:

I read it. I was sick reading it. Why were the police not called by any of the clubs especially celtic who fired him over allegations 20 years ago? 

He was a a prime suspect in the murder of a young celtic player as well. fat vile Fenian bastard 

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Sorry but I'm not going to be an apologist over this and hope that it opens the floodgates to have this vile family of self-righteous, twisted, criminal Irish catholic paedophiles exposed. It is deeply ingrained in this religion but seems to feature more in one catholic country than others.

We all understand the more important aspect that is to finally rid sport, religion and community of these actions and I don't need the "poor young adults" lecture. It's an evil history that sickens each and every one of us on RM. I get it.

I am slevvering blood now to stick it right up those bead rattling child molest covering up land thieving Glasgow council running tax avoiding bastards.

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That's 5 now been named at celtic park. If that's not a paedophile ring then I don't know what the fuck is! Disgusting vile bastards. The press up here have allowed it to happen by keeping it quiet!

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