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Police Scotland confirm received report into historic child abuse within football


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This is it, this is the start for these cunts. This guy I think, in order to "save his soul" the deluded bastard will open his mouth about exactly what happened

I hope he brings the SFA down and Celtic down crumbling with him

Say what you want about cheating the government out of taxes and operating dodgy tax schemes, but continuing to allow kids to be put in danger is fucking disgusting. If he had done that to my kids at Rangers and our club knew about it, I'd stab them all and take them down

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2 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

What he is really inferring is that we are as bad as them in all this. That malcontent cunt needs hung.

The scum are desperately trying to deflect the spotlight from themselves, Rangers supporters are highlighting how sinister this really looks now at Cellic park - yet we are accusing of point scoring.


Only in scotland 

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Just now, cushynumber said:

The scum are desperately trying to deflect the spotlight from themselves, Rangers supporters are highlighting how sinister this really looks now at Cellic park - yet we are accusing of point scoring.


Only in scotland 

It's like trying bring attention to a house fire and getting lifted for disturbance of the peace 

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3 minutes ago, cushynumber said:

The scum are desperately trying to deflect the spotlight from themselves, Rangers supporters are highlighting how sinister this really looks now at Cellic park - yet we are accusing of point scoring.


Only in scotland 

What is happening in all this, is the propaganda machine making sure when the full expose of scum fc is eventually put out there, we are already damaged goods through the perpetual lies and innuendo and are at least their equal in all this, so that will somehow take the heat off them by their way of thinking.

Much like the SCF, the whole thing is politicised because of who is involved. SNPIRA will set the tone and PS and the footballing authorities will toe the all too suitable company line. After all, SNPIRA are needing allies in their anti Brexit stance and courting the ROI and SFIRA. There is also the taig vote to be maintained to keep them in power, so I won't be building up any hope in those cunts being punished in any way and in fact fully expect to hear just how wonderful the scum fc child protection policy is these days and others should follow their lead.

That's just how bad it is here in this scum infested backwater.

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10 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

Spiers, the discredited liar ?

Who cares what he says 

Get what you are saying mate but the more these cunts get to peddle their pish in the public domain the more it gets into people's heads.

Someone said it in another thread.  Its Derren Brown brain washing.  Messing with people's minds and eventually everyone will be towing the line believing whatever pish they spout.  They are all at it, trying to link us to anything with negative connotations.

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57 minutes ago, cushynumber said:

The scum are desperately trying to deflect the spotlight from themselves, Rangers supporters are highlighting how sinister this really looks now at Cellic park - yet we are accusing of point scoring.


Only in scotland 

Since when is expecting their mates in the mhedia to stop covering up for them points scoring?

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Why did they include the guy in the statue is it a clue.





Youth coach Jim McCafferty, who spent time at Celtic in the 1990s, has admitted to criminal activities with young boys during his time at the club, according to the Daily Record.

The 71-year-old former kitman for Celtic, Hibernian and Falkirk, has spoken to the newspaper of a campaign of sexual abuse of young footballers over two decades. He now faces a possible police investigation and a likely prosecution and prison sentence.

FA appoints Clive Sheldon QC to lead sex abuse scandal review


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McCafferty, who lives in Belfast, said: “I understand it was wrong. I was wrong and I did wrong and I am sorry. I have remorse. I know if I’m found guilty I will have to serve time, and I’ve said to myself that’s what I’ll have to pay back for what I’ve done. I’m OK with that. I hope that will cleanse my soul.”

The coach admitted his guilt to the paper after preying on teenagers in the 1980s and 90s while coaching boys’ and junior teams in West Lothian. He also told the newspaper he abused young players at Celtic between 1990 and 1996.

McCafferty gave the Daily Record the names of five of his victims but has stated there were around a dozen boys in total whom he preyed on. He said he never raped boys but admitted sexually touching their private parts. He admitted to regular sexual contact, including fondling and masturbation, with his victims.

“I’ve regretted it for years. It has haunted me and I’ve not had a good night’s sleep for a long time,” McCafferty said. “Tonight, I feel unburdened.”

When asked why he had decided to confess, he said: “Now I can take a breath again. My concern is if someone hurts me when I’m walking down the street.”

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1 hour ago, Irn Blu said:

How fuckin deluded can you get?

Only asking for justice to be done, but they lot just want to sweep it under the rug with the rest of their corrupt indecent behaviour.

We have acted accordingly and to a high moral standard in all of this, and have nothing to be ashamed about.

Filthy scum bastards

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That guy is a prize fanny.

I'm not on Twitter, but for the avoidance of doubt, this has NOTHING to do with Celtic for me.  It's about beasts preying on children and those knowing about it turning a blind eye.  THAT'S ALL!  The fact that Celtic are prime targets in this is incidental.  The fact they had Torbett first and didn't deal with it properly is one thing, but to allow it to happen all over again with McCafferty!!!! They deserve all they get.  And I'd say exactly the same if it was Rangers.

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Posted earlier but not sure if it was seen:


A former kitman for Celtic, Hibs and Falkirk has confessed to a sickening campaign of sexual abuse of young footballers over two decades.

Youth coach Jim McCafferty now faces a police investigation and a possible prosecution and prison sentence.

But any justice he receives will come too late for his many victims.

The Daily Record today reveals how John Gaffney, one of the young players McCafferty admits preying on, took his own life more than 30 years later.

John’s widow is convinced the abuse he suffered was to blame.

And another victim, assaulted by McCafferty “about a dozen times” on a minibus after games, has told us how the abuse left him dependent on alcohol and destroyed his life.


'He was like Jimmy Savile': Ex-wife of youth football abuse victim says ordeal drove husband to suicide

Even as he made his stunning confession and apologised for his crimes, McCafferty, 71, remained in denial about the terrible damage he has done.

He described his serial acts of abuse as “a bit of fun, a bit of hilarity”. And he spoke of enjoying “teenage orgies” with boys in the dressing room after victories.

McCafferty even had the gall to claim that the sexual abuse he inflicted helped “toughen up” one of the boys he was trusted to look after.

And as he finally admitted his crimes and “paedophile tendencies”, it was clear he had far more pity for himself than his victims.

McCafferty, who now lives in Belfast, told us at his home: “I understand it was wrong. I was wrong and I did wrong and I am sorry.

“I have remorse. I know if I’m found guilty I will have to serve time, and I’ve said 
to myself that’s what I’ll have to pay back for what I’ve done.

“I’m OK with that. I hope that will cleanse my soul.”

McCafferty waited decades to admit his guilt after preying on teenagers in the 80s and 90s while coaching at boys’ and junior teams at West Lothian.

He also abused young players at Celtic between 1990 and 1996.

McCafferty named five victims – two from Celtic – when he spoke to us. But he later said there were “about a dozen”, and admitted he didn’t know all their names ...

He said he never raped boys, but admitted sexually touching their private parts. He confessed to regular sexual contact, including fondling and masturbation, with his victims.

McCafferty described his abuse as “not going the whole way, but going some of the way”.


Jim McCafferty's sordid past goes back 20 years as kitman quit Celtic after abuse claims

He added: “I was getting a bit of fun and I suppose as much enjoyment.

“I feel bad that I was involved in it. But at the time I was thinking to myself, if they didn’t want to be involved in it, nobody forced them.”

Bizarrely, McCafferty claimed he preyed on one boy – a particular favourite of his – to “toughen him up”.

He recalled: “One of the boys was a very mummy’s boy, a soft boy. He was my favourite but he needed toughened up.

“I took advantage of one boy. He needed a bit of life about him. It was sexual at that time. There was a lot of fondling and fun.

“I loved being with the boys. I had deep fondness for them all.

“The boys weren’t bad at football and I was trying to help them, to bring them to people’s attention, to take notice of them.”

Jim McCafferty (back left) celebrates with the Celtic Youth team following their 4-1 victory over Dundee in the BP Youth Cup Final at Hampden Park in 1996

McCafferty saw it as his job to help form the character of young boys in his care. But he chose to use physical and sexual assault to do it.

He admitted he often touched boys private parts and pulled their penises, describing it as “a bit of fun, a bit of hilarity on that side”.

And when asked if he had rubbed boot polish on one boy’s private parts – an incident described to us by one of his victims – he replied: “I wouldn’t deny and say it didn’t happen because there’s that possibility it would have happened, yes.”

Even though he was a grown man in his 30s and 40s at the time, McCafferty admitted he would strip naked and join boys in the showers after games.

He said he would then take part in “horseplay”, touching and pulling at boys’ private parts.

McCafferty said he understood, even as he was doing it, that it was wrong. But he claimed the boys were “messing about” among themselves and enjoying it, although he should have taken control of the situation.

He said: “I saw what was happening and I thought, ‘No that’s not right.’ When they were all messing about in the dressing room and things, common sense would come to you.

“Yes, it could become too much. But then again sometimes it was taken for the way it’s meant to be, as fun.

“Back then it was normal, run-of-the-mill stuff, just playing the game. After a home win the excitement would be heightened.”

McCafferty compared the scenes in some dressing rooms after victories to “a teenage orgy”.

He added: “Yes, that’s what it was like. It was a bit of fun and enjoyment for them to have, but as adults we should have used our brains and stepped in and stopped it.

“I’ve regretted it for years. It has haunted me and I’ve not had a good night’s sleep for a long time.

“Tonight, I feel unburdened.”

McCafferty said he craved the company of boys because of loneliness and confusion about his own sexuality.

And when we asked him if he had paedophile tendencies, he admitted: “To a certain extent, yes.”

He added: “Not just because I like young boys. But it’s just a case that you’re there, involved with them and that side of them.”

McCafferty said he was no longer a threat to teenagers because he is no longer involved in football.

Asked if touching boys in the way he did amounted to paedophilia, he said: “I suppose to a certain extent the answer would have to be yes. But the point is I’m away from it.”

McCafferty denied grooming any boys, saying: “I wouldn’t have known what grooming was.”

And despite his claims to be haunted by his past crimes, he admits he still thinks back fondly to the days when he was surrounded by boys.

“They made me feel good,” he said. “I felt very physically good with them.

“It make me that wee bit extra cheerful. They’d have a laugh and a joke with me, same as I had with them.”

Jim McCafferty at Falkirk

McCafferty claimed only one boy he abused ever told him to stop.

He said: “I’d have said I’d have been involved with him once, twice at the most. The one thing I think he could have over me is that he was in France playing in some competition. I had to pick them up and take them to the hotels they were in and we had a laugh and a joke.

“I grabbed him by the willy and that sort of thing, in his room.”

McCafferty said the boy was 19 at the time. He added: “He just looked at me, and I can remember because he was a wee bit of a holy holy.

“He said, ‘No Jim, just step back Jim.’”

Asked if he challenged the boy, McCafferty replied: “No, because I was very friendly with his dad.”

McCafferty was born in Wishaw, Lanarkshire, and was a promising player himself as a boy. And he said that while playing youth football in England, he was subjected to the same acts he later carried out.

He said: “It happened to me. People would pull your ‘bobby’, as we called it, in those days.

“Most clubs, most players would have been involved. It was part of the game. Without a doubt there are stacks of managers who wouldn’t have, but there’s something different in the genes in me.”

McCafferty insisted he never raped a boy. He said: “No, nobody would even get away with that.”

Asked why he had finally decided to confess his abuse, he said: “Now I can take a breath again.

“My concern is if someone hurts me when I’m walking down the street.”

McCafferty has offered to hand himself in to police in Northern Ireland for questioning. Police Scotland are already investigating claims he abused young footballers in Scotland.

He says he hopes others who have been in authority in football will now come forward and face their demons.

“I’m willing to face it,” he said. “No one has accused me of raping them but I cannot lie.

“There are things I’ve done and I have to accept that. But now this is about me drawing the line.

“I don’t want to hide anything. I have been haunted by what I did.

“I was lonely and the boys made me feel good. I wanted their company without a doubt, although the greatest interest was football.”

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3 minutes ago, coopsleftboot said:

That guy is a prize fanny.

I'm not on Twitter, but for the avoidance of doubt, this has NOTHING to do with Celtic for me.  It's about beasts preying on children and those knowing about it turning a blind eye.  THAT'S ALL!  The fact that Celtic are prime targets in this is incidental.  The fact they had Torbett first and didn't deal with it properly is one thing, but to allow it to happen all over again with McCafferty!!!! They deserve all they get.  And I'd say exactly the same if it was Rangers.

Spot on mate, im seeing a shift with them now on twitter scurrying with the line now of "Torbett was not under the employment of Celtic.  Its nothing to do with us."  

They are completely missing the point of the fact that it is the cover up that needs investigation, who knew what and why it wasnt reported to protect other youths.

Thats before we get into the fact he was then later reemployed, knowing what had gone on before

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1 minute ago, Irn Blu said:

Spot on mate, im seeing a shift with them now on twitter scurrying with the line now of "Torbett was not under the employment of Celtic.  Its nothing to do with us."  

They are completely missing the point of the fact that it is the cover up that needs investigation, who knew what and why it wasnt reported to protect other youths.

Thats before we get into the fact he was then later reemployed, knowing what had gone on before

Correct.  It's not the fact the beast was there (if he wasn't under the employment of Celtic, why the claim "Stein kicked him out"), because these beasts could have been employed anywhere, especially back then.  It's how it was dealt with by the organisation/club.  The fact it's been covered up, moved on, not reported, is the issue.  The beast was free to continue somewhere else...the protection of children wasn't the paramount consideration.  It amounts to institutional paedophilia.

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