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Legomuncher wins appeal


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New it was coming, what a joke it was a red card all day long.

See for every red card we get from now on i would appeal it and see what happens then if it isnt sucessful just remind them of this appeal and see what they say

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5 minutes ago, Waggy1872 said:

Wins appeal but that yellow card takes him over the yellow card threshold so after this game he's banned for 2?! Could only happen up here ?


Very convenient for the publicised rest he's been promised to make sure he's fresh for the tartan trannies

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This is a sad sad day for Scottish football. The sfa/spfl have been outed and the obvious agenda is to ensure the beasts have an unbeaten domestic season. Why? it cannot be good for the game, sponsorship, attendances. The Halliday tackle which will come up is a total smokescreen. Any argument from the scum should have been why Halliday did not receive the same as broon and not why did broon not have received same as Halliday. Both were reds(imo). They are a sad shower and have helped to screw the game in Scotland. I am disappointed but not really surprised. I firmly believe the rest of Scottish club chairmen should get together and say" what the fuck is going on". I totally despair.

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SFA not even trying to hide it now, absolutely disgraceful (though not so surprising) decision.

Scissor challenges like that for me are reds, coupled with the fact its from behind it's just a no brainer......goes nicely with the brainless biased mhuppets in the SFA.

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32 minutes ago, Howsitgoing said:

Yes there's something a play here. I don't think it's as simple as liewell controlling Scottish football either. Giving them one more good season prior to them finally having to face justice, maybe!!

One begs the question to what purpose would giving them sporting sympathy soften the blow if in the (unlikely) event they are hammered by justice for harbouring a peado ring?

Given everything they get away with and all the advantages gifted I am not holding my breath out for any sort of punishment to be given out by the SFA. 

We were decimated in the aftermath of the actions of a corrupt businessman through using a (legal at the time) tax loophole.  

They knowningly kept a horrendous crime secret and it's been known about for years. I just can't see the punishment fitting the crime. 

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2 minutes ago, Domthenbud said:

This is a sad sad day for Scottish football. The sfa/spfl have been outed and the obvious agenda is to ensure the beasts have an unbeaten domestic season. Why? it cannot be good for the game, sponsorship, attendances. The Halliday tackle which will come up is a total smokescreen. Any argument from the scum should have been why Halliday did not receive the same as broon and not why did broon not have received same as Halliday. Both were reds(imo). They are a sad shower and have helped to screw the game in Scotland. I am disappointed but not really surprised. I firmly believe the rest of Scottish club chairmen should get together and say" what the fuck is going on". I totally despair.

Yup. Halliday was stupid and lucky he wasn't binned by the ref. 

Not one of us would have been surprised if he was not would we have made excuses for him. 

That lot however (despite Brenda saying he had no problem with it) think it was a fair challenge and a harsh red given by a Masonic ref. 

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2 minutes ago, Bluenose1986 said:

One begs the question to what purpose would giving them sporting sympathy soften the blow if in the (unlikely) event they are hammered by justice for harbouring a peado ring?

Given everything they get away with and all the advantages gifted I am not holding my breath out for any sort of punishment to be given out by the SFA. 

We were decimated in the aftermath of the actions of a corrupt businessman through using a (legal at the time) tax loophole.  

They knowningly kept a horrendous crime secret and it's been known about for years. I just can't see the punishment fitting the crime. 

We were hammered by HMRC because they were too scared to go after bigger fish in England.

You think Scotland Yard or Interpol will be sent to an English clubs door or a Scottish clubs door over this scandal?

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2 minutes ago, Getstiffed said:

We were hammered by HMRC because they were too scared to go after bigger fish in England.

You think Scotland Yard or Interpol will be sent to an English clubs door or a Scottish clubs door over this scandal?

What could the police do to them besides arrest the people involved?

Would it not be up to the SFA to take appropriate measures?

HMRC couldn't strip titles or league status. Just money. It was the SFA who then tried to figuratively create a corpse. 

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ONLY reduced to a yellow...that is surprising. I was expecting a hand written apology to Brown for treating him and his club so shabbily.

Anyway, I'm starting to wonder, if Rangers are dead who actually conspires against celtic?

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55 minutes ago, Bluenose1986 said:

One begs the question to what purpose would giving them sporting sympathy soften the blow if in the (unlikely) event they are hammered by justice for harbouring a peado ring?

Given everything they get away with and all the advantages gifted I am not holding my breath out for any sort of punishment to be given out by the SFA. 

We were decimated in the aftermath of the actions of a corrupt businessman through using a (legal at the time) tax loophole.  

They knowningly kept a horrendous crime secret and it's been known about for years. I just can't see the punishment fitting the crime. 

If it was just the SFA that have some unclear appeasement towards them then I'd agree with you. The media unarguably appease them, 40million dembele, need I say more!! The government with the Palestinian issue and ira sympathisers. 

I think there fucked and this is them getting there one last hurrah. 

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He's portrayed as a changed man this season,a cowardly stamp on the Slovenian player,an elbow on Holt off the ball and a potential leg breaker against Boyce.

These are all incidents in just the last few weeks,the guy is a fucking animal who gets away with murder and as long as the authorities indulge him he will continue.

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