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Pedros Four Pillars comment


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21 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

He's really clever in that regard. After yet another shocker, he rolls out the stuff about Scottish football and a few passionate sound bytes and everyone's happy and the tide turns back in favour towards him.

There's only so many times we can go through this shit.

If you want a passionate speaker for a Rangers manager get Farage, Hitchens or even George Galloway if that's all that matters - because their results will be on a par with Pedro which is something too many fans forget after listening to Pedro's wee pressers the actual results. 

Think we confuse the word 'clever' with 'brass neck', he's been told just to neck it out like others are doing, me I'm done with failure and he's a failure !


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2 minutes ago, dummiesoot said:

It doesn't stop teams winning one off games though. Honestly I have yet to hear about a bad challenge on sellik players this season (or last tbh) but every second game there is at least one on a Rangers player. Teams allow sellik to play, fear factor? Probably but no cunt puts the boot in.

Tims aside our two biggest games this season were Hibs and Motherwell, the refereeing in both were a shambles.  The two referees lost control of the games and allowed both of our opponent's to play an 80's aggressive style yet Morelos was booked in both games for fu*k all. Rangers are not playing in a level playing field because weak referees feel pressured into decisions every time Rangers player does a less than perfect tackle because he knows it'll be highlighted where as he'll get away with missing a diddy team players indiscretions. To think that we had a straight red and a retrospective red in these games while our opponent's kicked everything that moved and finished both games with 11 men is astonishing and very alarming. Bottom line is we have the worst group of referees in my 53 year old memory and not one capable of running a BIG game .

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53 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

It's like groundhog day.

Where we are, we can't go from this point under Pedro to winning the title. There has to be a progression to take us somewhere else (an improvement on where we are at just now) to give us a platform to mount a realistic challenge.

AGAIN you can't see this. You don't want an improvement on Pedro to take us to this point, because your pride would rather have us struggling in 3rd or 4th, getting humped in every big game we play just so you can point your finger at the board. It's a masochistic trait IMO.

You don't seem to agree that some improvement is better than none. It's all or nothing which is ridiculous and makes me wonder if you even want the best for Rangers. 

Sorry but you're way off.

More a case of you won't admit to it.

Ignoring facts and very basic first principles. The club run at a year on year loss. King is again in the shit and whatever that knock on effect that will have, but some cunt will need to pay the piper. We live off paltry loans. We haven't a player worth shit to sell on. They are ALL of very limited ability at best and abject dross at worst, far less many weak characters.

The reality is, that IS us. Now where the fuck is any manager getting funds for even one player of quality? Fucking Wonga wouldn't give us a loan. What chance of a manager improving us? Very little. 

If you can't do first in a club of our size, WTF is the point?

Being second is no better than being third or forth. You are still an embarassing loser for a club of our size. King may spin the illusion of spending more than the other also rans to beef up his slush fund, but it's no more than that. 

We have a long way to go to even be a consistent challenger for second. Befire any next move a coherent and transparent vision, plan and the neccessary strategies need to be in place to get us to the next level and the level after that. The basis building blocks are not in place, far less transparency as we blindly stumble for one folly to the next throwing away the meagre resources we have.

Before any next step in our journey, this king juggernaut of illusion, more of a mini in reality, pardon the pun, needs stopped in it's tracks and this board challenged with the hard questions asked. The answers may not be what we want to hear, but at least we will all be on the same page and we can decide from there what is acceptable or not and take what actions are needed if any.

Failure to do so, only means more of the same old shite, smoke and mirrors and more disappointment or even worse!

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55 minutes ago, gsa said:

Brown is a cheap shot merchant. In Rugby guys like that get smashed. That's exactly what he needs.

He remains far better than anything we've got, or anyone else in this backwater and he is as slow as a week in the jail.

What does that say about us and our ambitions?!


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43 minutes ago, Smile said:

Pedros meant to be here to fix our team he's needing to concentrate on that.

Shifting the blame to cover Scottish football as a whole isn't going to cover up the fact he's making a cunt of it.


Yeah he's went wild with the deflection. Making such a huge deal about the refs now because of one game is laughable. Especially after all the talk about needing warriors with huge character and talking up his own tough guy image.

The guy thought Scottish football would be simple because it's not as good as Portugal. His thoughts show what he already thought of the game here. He just added the referees to it to make it seem relevant to the situation after the Motherwell loss.

I like a fighter but his instinct is to attack as the best defence even when he should have no choice but to accept the criticism. That's probably why he's also singled out Miller and now the whole team.

He's obviously got a huge ego and can't take the pressure and criticism. So even if he pulls a rabbit out the hat over the next few months it will only be a matter of time before he cracks again.

Imagine trying to talk your way out of a poor defeat by slagging of a country's ability in their national sport. Got to laugh at the guy's ability to stand up for himself at all costs. Strikes me as the sort of cunt who probably believes he's right because what he said is mostly true even though it has fuck all to do with why his side is not good enough.

I like the fact that he doesn't care what the media or Scottish football think but the crux is that we play route one football and so are likely to drop points everytime we don't manage to run over our oppenents. 

There's little point in being patient with him and letting him build because the tactics and style are too simple to get the better of good sides and win the league and that won't change regardless of how many windows he gets to spend money.

Even with cash and some success he would no doubt lose the plot at some stage when the inevitable bad results and criticism came. This will be why he's constantly moving from club to club. 

The board have made a mess of this managerial appointment. He doesn't have the talent to produce a good enough team for our needs or the mentality to deal with being the manager of Rangers. 

He won't learn or change either as he thinks he already knows everything he needs to or knows better than everyone else in Scottish football. Just speculating but that's the impression I get from him and why I think he smirks like a self indulgent child when he imagines he's said something really profound at press conferences. 

No harm to the guy he's not the one who's to blame for this. Whoever hired him needs shown the door. Just fucked us big time as it's cost us a season and a right few quid.

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39 minutes ago, Jack The Flipper said:

To be fair  mate, Pena looks like a bull, morelos is strong as fuck for his size and it's not as if Alves is a stranger to confrontation!

I know what you're saying, but it's not like Pedro has brought in a load of tippy tappy players with no real physical attributes.

However, his players don't seem very streetwise or have the guts to compete with the hammer throwers.

Would you be thinking that of Alves before he played a game for us? I think a lot of the comments were "I can't wait to Alves meets with the lego eater" etc

I think you're taking his comments to the extreme. He was clearly just saying things to protect his players in the hope that referees actually might start doing their jobs properly.

His comments have been produced after one of his players has had his nose broken, and after a match which to most reasonable people whom have watched it was physically extreme. It's not as if he's just suddenly came out with it for no reason and showing all what his plans are.

The game here is not to their liking. They aint adapting. Understandable to a degree after what we have been confronted with. Sadly only decent quality will overcome the hammer throwers as we see from the top clubs in Europe. In our shithole, only the scum have that quality to do so, plus a little help from the ref's.

You see, you can't have a shitebag in goal, a defender who can't defend, a central defender with a shrinking head and a bombscare, then a midfield with no creativity due to limited ability and strikers who couldn't hit a barn door at 10 yards. 

WTF are we expecting really?

All down to quality and quality costs money that we do not have.

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36 minutes ago, Bearsden bear said:

No recognised players

Co efficiency on the slide

International team unable to qualify for world cup/Euros for over two decades

And against that backdrop he cant put a team on the park to beat another made up of mainly Scottish players

Bar the scum, our players are no better than all the rest of the shite out there. Sorry, I forgot about Wes and Tav. World beaters.

At fucking knitting!

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2 hours ago, steven33jackie said:



If we had games officiated in a way that the borderline tackles were punished instead of let off and players were sent of for tackles which we deem reckless but would probably be seem as dangerous in any other country then perhaps the skilful more technical players could flourish and Scottish football in general could improve. 


A dozen years ago the people who run the NHL had had enough of hooking and holding taking away from skilled open play... they TOLD refs to start calling the fouls... every time... no exceptions...

literally within a few games players stopped the bullshit plays because they knew they’d be punished...

Bottom line, if the refs blew the whistle and called games by the rules technical ability, flair and skill takes over. 

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2 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

Bar the scum, our players are no better than all the rest of the shite out their. Sorry, I forgot about Wes and Tav. World beaters.

At fucking knitting!

Yeah, back in the day we had vastly superior players to the others so when they raised their game vs us, it didnt matter as we were a lot better.

Now we are very similar or maybe on paper slightly better, but the opposition treat our game as a one off and our players are unable to match their application week after week.

Be interested to see how Motherwell get on next game


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44 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

He remains far better than anything we've got, or anyone else in this backwater and he is as slow as a week in the jail.

What does that say about us and our ambitions?!


No he's not. He's an awful footballer. I'm 16 and a half stone and I even I could play SPL football off I was allowed to barge, elbow and kick people the way Brown is.

He's not refereed in Scotland. You can see the difference in Europe and for Scotland, when he's refereed on the same es as the other 21 players on the park he's utterly ineffective. 


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What perplexes me is all people pushing the "Scotland is different, it's so physical, foreign managers don't understand it here". Nonsense.

If Scotland is such a tough environment, why do Scottish teams get put out of Europe at the prelim rounds every year? Scottish teams are easy to play against. Scottish players are physically weak, they lack power and agility .

If the games are refereed correctly and within the rules (a big oif) this is one of the physically least demanding leagues going. 



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2 minutes ago, McEwan's Lager said:

If we put a foreign referee in for a game he would yellow card players for tackles we wouldn't even think was a foul and we would all still be whingeing.

It’s just a horrendous era for referring standards in Scotland no more no less. 

I don’t like seeing this narrative that’s bubbling beneath the surface that referees are to blame for our faults managerial and footballing ability as this is what some is about to latch onto. 

Nevermind demoting these refs to the second tier after having a shocker, suspend them for a month and see how they learn from that 

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Just now, K.A.I said:

It’s just a horrendous era for referring standards in Scotland no more no less. 

I don’t like seeing this narrative that’s bubbling beneath the surface that referees are to blame for our faults managerial and footballing ability as this is what some is about to latch onto. 

Nevermind demoting these refs to the second tier after having a shocker, suspend them for a month and see how they learn from that 

Yeah. Paterson was saying this last night as to why McLean got another appointment. Apparently he had another shocker in the Hamilton - Thistle game again. I haven't seen it but apparently two stonewall penalties turned down for both sides.

Consistency would go a long way to sorting out the paranoia. We keep seeing yellow cards for nothing, red cards for nothing, then worse tackles not getting penalised at all.

The compliance officer situation needs reformed too. 

Simply we need a better standard - and I think if they were to go fully professional this may help somewhat.


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3 hours ago, OhW said:

I think that was maybe Pedro's point. Like he was saying "I know you hate Rangers, but you're cutting your nose off to spite your face. If we are strong it helps all of Scotland."

Maybe they think the same as you but in reverse. They care more about having a weak Rangers than having a strong Scottish football.

So what are they to do to help Rangers then? 

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ScotlandSt is reeking in this thread with all his crap about corruption and linking us through Murray. Keep an eye on him Gogzy. Even seems to have vultures eating a carcass as his avatar. On my phone so can't see for sure. 

Blue Avenger why do you seem to always be wetting your self about the 'quality' of the tarriers and their messiah Rodgers? Can't you just rant about the board without rimming that lot, or better still, save it for the boardroom section?  No offence but it's brutal seeing them being being put on a pedestal every day. We all know a big wad of cash would be nice. Don't know why you feel the need to say the obvious so much. If you were a new poster you'd get dogs abuse as people would assume you were only mentioning it so you could big-up the filth. 

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