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Walter being considered for return to Scotland manager's job

Bad Robot

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Former Scotland manager Walter Smith could be in line for a return to the job with the national team.

The 69-year-old is one of several names currently under consideration by the Scottish FA.

Former Everton and Rangers manager Smith, who was assistant to Sir Alex Ferguson for a short spell in 1986, took over as Scotland boss when he succeeded Berti Vogts in 2004.

He had three years in charge before returning for a second spell at Ibrox.

Smith has been out of management since leaving Rangers in 2011.

While Scotland boss, he won seven of his 16 games in charge - a 44% win record.

He is not the only former Scotland boss to be linked with the job.

Alex McLeish, the 59-year-old former Rangers, Birmingham City and Aston Villa manager, let it be known soon after Gordon Strachan left the job in October that he would be interested.

The SFA instead approached Northern Ireland manager Michael O'Neill but have had to revisit the selection process after the 48-year-old rejected their offer last month.

Scottish football's governing body has since been left also seeking a new chief executive after the resignation of Stewart Regan.

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If he took that job it would be a slap in the face to the Rangers fans for more than one reason ... not just because of the way we've been treated by Scottish football but the fact that we need him back here desperately but don't persue it or pressure him into it because we assume he wants to enjoy his retirement away from football with nothing to prove.

He'd go right down in my estimation if he took that position on.

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1 minute ago, Prso's headband said:

Don’t want to rustle his feathers as we presume he is enjoying his retirement etc but that would be a really kick to the balls if he took that without even considering us.

No Rangers Men seem keen to step forward and work with this Board.

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12 minutes ago, Albertzz said:

International football may suit him where as fulltime club managment probably wouldnt.

Meh, knew somebody would say this...  Not buying it though, if he wants back in the game it should be with us. Even if only for two seasons to stop the taigs in their tracks.  Get the title back then hand the reins over.

I would be bitterly disappointed if he takes the SFA job while we're in desperate need of him.

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I'd file this under shite.

A 69 year old taking on a thankless poisoned chalice at that age? Is he looking to get health issues ffs?

However if true and he doesn't even consider us, it will say more about us than him, as in what regard he holds those in our corridors of power.

The leaderless and corrupt clusterfuck that is the SFA, can consider all the possible candidates they want, even SAF, but it is all meaningless shite, kidding themselves on and as I said, file under shite.

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