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Black Ops 4

Brian Fantana

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23 hours ago, FlippinEck said:

Thinking about getting it for PC! 

Wont regret it mate. Having had the time to play Zombies and the core modes like TDM and S&D as well as Blackout I feel like I've bought 3 very solid games in one.

And I'm not a COD fanboi either. Last one I bought was MW ?

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Not bought a CoD since, World at War on the PS3, but considering this one as it seems to tick all the boxes - traditional multiplayer plus zombies plus battle royale.


I've not been bothered about single player FPS games for the last few years so the fact there isn't one doesn't bother me. What would put me off though will be loot boxes or other pay to win nonsense and there doesn't seem to be any of that on launch at least.

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On 16/10/2018 at 18:45, Getstiffed said:

Wont regret it mate. Having had the time to play Zombies and the core modes like TDM and S&D as well as Blackout I feel like I've bought 3 very solid games in one.

And I'm not a COD fanboi either. Last one I bought was MW ?

Enjoying it. Played a couple free for alls on the old Summit map. Stinker first game, 17 kills in the next! Got a bit of getting used to it as ive always played it on Xbox. 

Me and my brother have been having a go of the battle royale and its tough. Used to playing pubg.

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I have played it for a bit now and so far it's one the best in a long while, multiplayer is pretty good and it's good to see some of the old maps again.

Struggle on the battle royale game, i'm pretty good on Fortnite but this one harder i think due to the map being smaller and it's harder to spot people but it's good not to be stuggling to build 4 walls while a 9 year old builds a fucking castle in the same time.

They better not start that loot boxes pish again though.

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  • 1 month later...

Swear to fuck every time I turn on the Ps4 there's a massive update for this. All I play is team death match so it does my box in. Don't particularly care for the game so might trade it. Hate the way video games are nowadays with constant downloads. 

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  • 1 month later...

Not a regular player of online Shooters. So been playing it the last couple of days and is it just me or...


How the fuck does a head shot not kill? Unless of course you hit them more than once.


Also does anyone think that there should be some way of separating connection speeds? i.e. those lucky buggers with fibre get segragated and the paupers on broadband get papped on to a separate server.


Aye the downloads are a fucker, sat there for a day letting it download. Got the beers when done, sat my arse down, 20gb fucking update. ARRGH IVE NO EVEN FUCKING STARTED PLAYING YET YOU FUCKERS!!! so that was another 8 bloody hours.


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Downloads are a pain in the arse so just let the PS4 auto update when it is in rest mode.


If it doesnt work try rebuilding the database. I had to rebuild the database to get mine working. Apparently it's a good idea to periodically rebuild the database anyway.


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I don't tend to leave it on rest, always turn it off. 

I've literally just had to do the rebuild due to the kid being an arse and turning it off during a previous update (I've been away for a few months) and fucking it to the point that it would only start in safe mode 

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