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Everything posted by Bakbear

  1. Mind when we talked about sublime passes, mazy runs and great goals? Now it’s all “they get more decisions than us, they have more supporters in positions of power than us, it’s all a conspiracy” shite about peados and taxes and Pacific Shelf and Sevco. Games fucked. All the enjoyment sucked out of it. My 6 year old lad is getting into football in a big way. I don’t know how I explain the Scottish game to him. It’s fucking tempting to let him be a Chelsea supporter or Man City or whatever, anything’s better than trying to explain the cesspit of Scottish football scottish football the game that hated itself to death
  2. It’s the badge on the front that matters, not the name on the back.
  3. Where does he say he is unlikely to stay? He says he is Liverpool’s player. Which he is.
  4. You know we can be as facetious and flippant as we like about this but I’ll admit to getting scunnered with it all. At 42 years of age and living overseas I am just about ready to chuck it. The games fucked. It’s actually embarrassing. What must Gerrard be thinking about this tinpot backwater pish. A Compliance Officer with certain allegiances that takes her directions from watching the BBC coverage. Shock jock pricks like Sutton and Stewart who just spout controversial pish to get a reaction. No responsibility for the hatred and anger that they stir up. The list is endless of the lack of parity and one sided treatment The treatment Alfredo is getting is fucking brutal and while we can argue it’s because of his race or nationality, it’s simply because he is a Rangers player, if he was wearing the hoops it would be a completely different narrative. He’d be a 30 million pound player by now, I dare someone to tell me that’s not true? It’s been going on for over a decade now and it’s not even subtle. The SFA and SPFL need fucking gutted and the whole lot thrown out and start again with complete transparency on the independence of the games administrators. The BBC Pacific quay needs carpeted and neutrality restored. Ditch the click bait era controversy and bring back fair factual reporting The whole country has been completely fucking poisoned by fenian wankers and their agenda. I recall when Rangers fans demanded that “we deserve better” from our board, well now it’s we deserve better from the authorities.
  5. Aye yer heart sank because yer heart is the size of a pea. Like yer nads. A loser who recruited losers and instilled a loser mentality throughout the club that is only just being exorcised
  6. Check my earlier posts. This is what I though too but seeing the way his left leg is dragged up into the air and then as it falls back down McKenna thrusts up into his face forcing him to turn away i stand by the opinion that Morelos is innocent in this. It’s a tangle of legs ending in a thrust up by the Aberdeen player
  7. Oh and just looking more at that Willie Vass photo. You do recognise that McKenna is pushing himself up in the picture right? Like he is actually fully extended up and thrust toward Alfie’s face so actually he is pushing up on to Morelos foot
  8. And whit? What goes up must come down. His leg has been forced up by the fall and it has to come back down. It doesn’t come down with any force and he doesn’t make any forced motion at all. It’s gravity. What else can he do its tangled legs that’s it
  9. Mate I am a technophobe and I am sure someone with better skills than me can highlight this. I am sure wee Stevie from IT will do something for the appeal but look at this screen grab. You can see the toe of McKenna’s boot is hooked on the back of his leg and as he is falling he is lifting his leg up
  10. Look he was wrestling with the guy, McKenna had a handful of his shirt. As the ball goes out Alfie gives him a shove to get him off, as he falls McKennas foot pulls his leg up. What is Morelos meant to do
  11. So I have only just cottoned on to what people mean by Morelos leg is hooked on McKennas. Now that I have noticed that, there is no way that’s a red. As McKenna falls back and his feet are rising, his boot is lodged in at the back of Alfie’s knee and his leg is raised up by that falling action. I couldn’t figure out why Morelos raised his leg like that but I see it now Morelos is completely innocent in this.
  12. First time I have noticed him but seems like a 10 a penny, bang average, Scottish midfielder. The type of player every team in Scotland has 2 or 3 of.
  13. Several camera angles. Replayed multiple times. 6 pages of discussion ranging from defo straight red to defo rescinded. I will admit that watching it on RTV last night I felt Madden made the right call. Watching over and over again and reading all the back and forth debate here I think that Morelos has been petulant and sneaky with the way he swings his leg. It’s not needed at all. But it’s not worthy of a red on its own. The ref didn’t have the benefit of 8 hours reflection, multiple angles and multiple replays. I have no complaints that he called it a red. I think Madden had a very decent game last night and if we do appeal then regardless of the outcome I won’t blame Madden. Is it just me or have the refs been better since the big meeting
  14. Aye. Cannae wait for the Sports writer player of the year award coming his way. The compliant media will chose anyone but him
  15. Christ we had a full blown, taig faced fenian cunt playing for us a couple of years back. One that actually attended the beast game while on our books. Why would anyone Gaf that we have another practising Catholic in a long line of practising catholics. Total fail by the sun on this one. Newspapers should be done under trades description act. News my fucking arse.
  16. Well, without being too controversial, I would say having awarded 3 penalties and the team being well up I would only expect him to give stonewallers thereafter. Any ones that were borderline and could have gone either way I would expect him to give the benefit of the doubt. Having said that, the fifth was a stonewaller.
  17. 4-3-3 is our best set up. Not for the first time we have created a problem by signing an ageing player looking for a last payday. Defoe or Morelos, in my opinion, not both at the same time. I love having Defoe and Davis as back up options but we didn’t need them as starters.
  18. Thing is that Gerrard can only learn from mistakes. So we can’t expect zero mistakes AND an improving manager. Also, he needs to learn what his alternatives are. If 4-3-3 ain’t working what does he do to change it? He has to experiment with different formations and different players to learn what can work problem we have always had is there are no good games to experiment. We have to win every game. You will never see what works on the training field, you need a competitive environment to test these things. Cowdenbeath was an opportunity to get some game time for players and maybe try different partnerships and learn a bit about the team. What happens? We win 3-1 but the manner of the win is slaughtered. Has Gerrard learned anything from last night? Did he learn anything from Kilmarnock? Time will tell
  19. It’s embarrassing. Don’t care what the majority think and I don’t care what other teams do. We were 2-0 up and cruising against Livingstone ffs. If it was a last minute winner at the peadodome I would get it. But all thy are doing here is making a rod for our own backs because when something worth celebrating comes along we will be hemmed in like sheep
  20. What a fucken ball that was from Candeias into Morelos when he hit the post. Unbelievable weight and accuracy.
  21. Defoe is a great back up to Alfie. Davis can come in to relieve Arfield. Until either of those players win the jersey on merit they should be on the bench. Morelos is too greedy to play in a two upfront. Unless the other guy is Mark Hateley. Last night was our best team given the players we have available. Put Goldson in for Worrall and we are good as a starting eleven. The rest are back ups
  22. Both Kilmarnock and Livingston are getting way more points at home this season than their abilities would suggest. They may have put these pitches in to save some money but don’t be surprised if they fight to keep hold of them because it wins them points.
  23. Time the club started issuing cease and desist notices for any cunt making up shite. It’s defamation and damages our brand. Sue the cunts for every penny and then go after the BBC as their employers.
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