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Lets go 55

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  1. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from jintybear in them   
    Our 55th title is a bigger achievement than their 8 and a bit titles to come from the bottom division and a club totally destroyed by wankers to national champions within ten years is a greater achievement than a team spending tens of million more than any other club in the country cruising to titles with no competition.
    Anybody with a couple of functional brain cells will know this. 
    Post of the day, nothing but the truth, they've spent millions in the pursuit of the ten,cunts never managed 9 , as Mr King said lucky to have won two in our absence.
    Fuck them and their cheating ways , they have had  total control since 2012 but fucked up the last few by their arrogance and self entitlement. 
    Bring on the court cases and expose these hypocritical cunts for what they truly are.
    Kick them Out. 
  2. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from LiverpoolBlue in them   
    Our 55th title is a bigger achievement than their 8 and a bit titles to come from the bottom division and a club totally destroyed by wankers to national champions within ten years is a greater achievement than a team spending tens of million more than any other club in the country cruising to titles with no competition.
    Anybody with a couple of functional brain cells will know this. 
    Post of the day, nothing but the truth, they've spent millions in the pursuit of the ten,cunts never managed 9 , as Mr King said lucky to have won two in our absence.
    Fuck them and their cheating ways , they have had  total control since 2012 but fucked up the last few by their arrogance and self entitlement. 
    Bring on the court cases and expose these hypocritical cunts for what they truly are.
    Kick them Out. 
  3. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from ritchieshearercaldow in them   
    Our 55th title is a bigger achievement than their 8 and a bit titles to come from the bottom division and a club totally destroyed by wankers to national champions within ten years is a greater achievement than a team spending tens of million more than any other club in the country cruising to titles with no competition.
    Anybody with a couple of functional brain cells will know this. 
    Post of the day, nothing but the truth, they've spent millions in the pursuit of the ten,cunts never managed 9 , as Mr King said lucky to have won two in our absence.
    Fuck them and their cheating ways , they have had  total control since 2012 but fucked up the last few by their arrogance and self entitlement. 
    Bring on the court cases and expose these hypocritical cunts for what they truly are.
    Kick them Out. 
  4. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from trueblue 64 in Clyde One Super Score Board   
    Beat them once in God knows how many games , his team are constantly spooked by the super duper attacking of celtic, compare how his team play against Rangers , Ferguson and McCrorie probably try their best but when you have a manager who on the evidence is shit scared of them, praises them at every turn are you surprised,the other 9 involved plus the subs are beat before they go on the park , the only meaningful game they won was handed to them on a plate, why, to prevent us gaining a European spot.
    Theres you example of a team not trying or being professional. 
    We complain and rightly so that the game is rigged in their favour off the field so is it too far fetched to think it is rigged on the field, I don't think so and that's just comparing the referees but we are supposed to believe that players are not capable of giving less than a 100% against the club they support. 
    Kick them Out. 
  5. Like
    Lets go 55 reacted to SuperLeeMcCulloch in Clyde One Super Score Board   
    Derek Mcinnes has shat the bed against them for the past decade, I don't doubt the other 2 would try but when your manager is such a shitbag then I would imagine its hard to go above and beyond yourself.
  6. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from plumbGER in Clyde One Super Score Board   
    He was and is , up to his neck in it, probably clears his conscious (if he has one)by confessing to one of the 4 priests. The moral bastion can pontificate on the financial matters at Rangers and how it affected society blah de blah but has gone down the Omerta route on his beloved celtic who were and are responsible for ruining the lives of countless children. 
    Where's your morals you cretin. 
    Kick them Out. 
  7. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from ronniescu in Clyde One Super Score Board   
    He was and is , up to his neck in it, probably clears his conscious (if he has one)by confessing to one of the 4 priests. The moral bastion can pontificate on the financial matters at Rangers and how it affected society blah de blah but has gone down the Omerta route on his beloved celtic who were and are responsible for ruining the lives of countless children. 
    Where's your morals you cretin. 
    Kick them Out. 
  8. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from Paisley Blue Loyal in Do you support the SFAs Scotland team?   
    Not anymore, since the SFA tied themselves up with beasts and are nothing more than a mouth piece for big Pete and his cronies, stood idly by when we were shafted, tartan trannies booing Rangers Players , 
    There was a time when it was the majority of Rangers Supporters who kept these clowns in the Game , full houses at hampdump .
    Like everything else in this country it's going to the dogs ,the tartan army are another bunch of eejits  ,when Ian Ferguson gave them the finger after Scotland had been humped tells you all you need to know , a bit like The Sheep supporters ,they are glad to bask in abject failure, another case of ,look at us we're the best supporters in the world, in that respect their the same as the tims, everybody loves us ,in reality they make you cringe ,grown men prancing about in a skirt singing doh a dear, Willie from the Simpsons is worthy of more respect, Iam sure he doesn't pish or shit on  peoples property , flashing  women ,cause they can get away with it, och it's just a bit of banter (easily replaced by craic) when in reality their a disgrace, but not in the Scotland of today.
    So I hope they continue to blunder along getting pumped , until they either replace the ones running the SFA with honest men who are not driven by the agenda of one club, hopefully this arrives soon when the beasts from the East are removed from football.
    Kick them Out.
  9. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from 1690tamRFC in Armed Forces Day.   
    Don't be surprised if the offended try and get this banned, It's part of the crusade , go for Orange Walks as is in their warped minds it's a sectarian fest, no place for celebrating the armed forces in football, meanwhile they will allow the rancid mob to march through the streets of Scotland celebrating the IRA , glorify in the deaths of young men who died in countless wars to preserve the freedom that they besmirch by their ingrained hatred, they call us H*** but the very cunts they glorify helped the Enemy in both world wars , treacherous,treasonous bastards  to a man.
    Why Britain bailed out the ROI  during their economic crisis amazes me as this mob have allowed terrorists to operate against the United Kingdom for years , they forget that one of the main players in their economic crisis was none other than Dodgy Dermot and his cronies.
    Meanwhile here you have a mob at local and national level who will not take the action required against the plastic terrorists who imitate the nationalist terror groups , threatening the local populace ,know your place H** scum.
    When the powers that be embolden all theses terrorist supporting scumbags  with their lack of action against them and choose to portray them as peaceful protesters whilst their opponents are described as sectarian thugs .
    Don't be surprised if this Country turns into a state of constant civil unrest and who will the appeasers turn to , none other than the armed forces.
    Vote them Out.
    Kick them Out.
  10. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from Blumhoilann in Armed Forces Day.   
    Don't be surprised if the offended try and get this banned, It's part of the crusade , go for Orange Walks as is in their warped minds it's a sectarian fest, no place for celebrating the armed forces in football, meanwhile they will allow the rancid mob to march through the streets of Scotland celebrating the IRA , glorify in the deaths of young men who died in countless wars to preserve the freedom that they besmirch by their ingrained hatred, they call us H*** but the very cunts they glorify helped the Enemy in both world wars , treacherous,treasonous bastards  to a man.
    Why Britain bailed out the ROI  during their economic crisis amazes me as this mob have allowed terrorists to operate against the United Kingdom for years , they forget that one of the main players in their economic crisis was none other than Dodgy Dermot and his cronies.
    Meanwhile here you have a mob at local and national level who will not take the action required against the plastic terrorists who imitate the nationalist terror groups , threatening the local populace ,know your place H** scum.
    When the powers that be embolden all theses terrorist supporting scumbags  with their lack of action against them and choose to portray them as peaceful protesters whilst their opponents are described as sectarian thugs .
    Don't be surprised if this Country turns into a state of constant civil unrest and who will the appeasers turn to , none other than the armed forces.
    Vote them Out.
    Kick them Out.
  11. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from theredhandofNewcastle in Armed Forces Day.   
    Don't be surprised if the offended try and get this banned, It's part of the crusade , go for Orange Walks as is in their warped minds it's a sectarian fest, no place for celebrating the armed forces in football, meanwhile they will allow the rancid mob to march through the streets of Scotland celebrating the IRA , glorify in the deaths of young men who died in countless wars to preserve the freedom that they besmirch by their ingrained hatred, they call us H*** but the very cunts they glorify helped the Enemy in both world wars , treacherous,treasonous bastards  to a man.
    Why Britain bailed out the ROI  during their economic crisis amazes me as this mob have allowed terrorists to operate against the United Kingdom for years , they forget that one of the main players in their economic crisis was none other than Dodgy Dermot and his cronies.
    Meanwhile here you have a mob at local and national level who will not take the action required against the plastic terrorists who imitate the nationalist terror groups , threatening the local populace ,know your place H** scum.
    When the powers that be embolden all theses terrorist supporting scumbags  with their lack of action against them and choose to portray them as peaceful protesters whilst their opponents are described as sectarian thugs .
    Don't be surprised if this Country turns into a state of constant civil unrest and who will the appeasers turn to , none other than the armed forces.
    Vote them Out.
    Kick them Out.
  12. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from HG5 in Armed Forces Day.   
    Don't be surprised if the offended try and get this banned, It's part of the crusade , go for Orange Walks as is in their warped minds it's a sectarian fest, no place for celebrating the armed forces in football, meanwhile they will allow the rancid mob to march through the streets of Scotland celebrating the IRA , glorify in the deaths of young men who died in countless wars to preserve the freedom that they besmirch by their ingrained hatred, they call us H*** but the very cunts they glorify helped the Enemy in both world wars , treacherous,treasonous bastards  to a man.
    Why Britain bailed out the ROI  during their economic crisis amazes me as this mob have allowed terrorists to operate against the United Kingdom for years , they forget that one of the main players in their economic crisis was none other than Dodgy Dermot and his cronies.
    Meanwhile here you have a mob at local and national level who will not take the action required against the plastic terrorists who imitate the nationalist terror groups , threatening the local populace ,know your place H** scum.
    When the powers that be embolden all theses terrorist supporting scumbags  with their lack of action against them and choose to portray them as peaceful protesters whilst their opponents are described as sectarian thugs .
    Don't be surprised if this Country turns into a state of constant civil unrest and who will the appeasers turn to , none other than the armed forces.
    Vote them Out.
    Kick them Out.
  13. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from AlbertzLoyalRSC in Armed Forces Day.   
    Don't be surprised if the offended try and get this banned, It's part of the crusade , go for Orange Walks as is in their warped minds it's a sectarian fest, no place for celebrating the armed forces in football, meanwhile they will allow the rancid mob to march through the streets of Scotland celebrating the IRA , glorify in the deaths of young men who died in countless wars to preserve the freedom that they besmirch by their ingrained hatred, they call us H*** but the very cunts they glorify helped the Enemy in both world wars , treacherous,treasonous bastards  to a man.
    Why Britain bailed out the ROI  during their economic crisis amazes me as this mob have allowed terrorists to operate against the United Kingdom for years , they forget that one of the main players in their economic crisis was none other than Dodgy Dermot and his cronies.
    Meanwhile here you have a mob at local and national level who will not take the action required against the plastic terrorists who imitate the nationalist terror groups , threatening the local populace ,know your place H** scum.
    When the powers that be embolden all theses terrorist supporting scumbags  with their lack of action against them and choose to portray them as peaceful protesters whilst their opponents are described as sectarian thugs .
    Don't be surprised if this Country turns into a state of constant civil unrest and who will the appeasers turn to , none other than the armed forces.
    Vote them Out.
    Kick them Out.
  14. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from BlueAvenger in Armed Forces Day.   
    Don't be surprised if the offended try and get this banned, It's part of the crusade , go for Orange Walks as is in their warped minds it's a sectarian fest, no place for celebrating the armed forces in football, meanwhile they will allow the rancid mob to march through the streets of Scotland celebrating the IRA , glorify in the deaths of young men who died in countless wars to preserve the freedom that they besmirch by their ingrained hatred, they call us H*** but the very cunts they glorify helped the Enemy in both world wars , treacherous,treasonous bastards  to a man.
    Why Britain bailed out the ROI  during their economic crisis amazes me as this mob have allowed terrorists to operate against the United Kingdom for years , they forget that one of the main players in their economic crisis was none other than Dodgy Dermot and his cronies.
    Meanwhile here you have a mob at local and national level who will not take the action required against the plastic terrorists who imitate the nationalist terror groups , threatening the local populace ,know your place H** scum.
    When the powers that be embolden all theses terrorist supporting scumbags  with their lack of action against them and choose to portray them as peaceful protesters whilst their opponents are described as sectarian thugs .
    Don't be surprised if this Country turns into a state of constant civil unrest and who will the appeasers turn to , none other than the armed forces.
    Vote them Out.
    Kick them Out.
  15. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from govananter in Armed Forces Day.   
    Don't be surprised if the offended try and get this banned, It's part of the crusade , go for Orange Walks as is in their warped minds it's a sectarian fest, no place for celebrating the armed forces in football, meanwhile they will allow the rancid mob to march through the streets of Scotland celebrating the IRA , glorify in the deaths of young men who died in countless wars to preserve the freedom that they besmirch by their ingrained hatred, they call us H*** but the very cunts they glorify helped the Enemy in both world wars , treacherous,treasonous bastards  to a man.
    Why Britain bailed out the ROI  during their economic crisis amazes me as this mob have allowed terrorists to operate against the United Kingdom for years , they forget that one of the main players in their economic crisis was none other than Dodgy Dermot and his cronies.
    Meanwhile here you have a mob at local and national level who will not take the action required against the plastic terrorists who imitate the nationalist terror groups , threatening the local populace ,know your place H** scum.
    When the powers that be embolden all theses terrorist supporting scumbags  with their lack of action against them and choose to portray them as peaceful protesters whilst their opponents are described as sectarian thugs .
    Don't be surprised if this Country turns into a state of constant civil unrest and who will the appeasers turn to , none other than the armed forces.
    Vote them Out.
    Kick them Out.
  16. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from LiverpoolBlue in Armed Forces Day.   
    Don't be surprised if the offended try and get this banned, It's part of the crusade , go for Orange Walks as is in their warped minds it's a sectarian fest, no place for celebrating the armed forces in football, meanwhile they will allow the rancid mob to march through the streets of Scotland celebrating the IRA , glorify in the deaths of young men who died in countless wars to preserve the freedom that they besmirch by their ingrained hatred, they call us H*** but the very cunts they glorify helped the Enemy in both world wars , treacherous,treasonous bastards  to a man.
    Why Britain bailed out the ROI  during their economic crisis amazes me as this mob have allowed terrorists to operate against the United Kingdom for years , they forget that one of the main players in their economic crisis was none other than Dodgy Dermot and his cronies.
    Meanwhile here you have a mob at local and national level who will not take the action required against the plastic terrorists who imitate the nationalist terror groups , threatening the local populace ,know your place H** scum.
    When the powers that be embolden all theses terrorist supporting scumbags  with their lack of action against them and choose to portray them as peaceful protesters whilst their opponents are described as sectarian thugs .
    Don't be surprised if this Country turns into a state of constant civil unrest and who will the appeasers turn to , none other than the armed forces.
    Vote them Out.
    Kick them Out.
  17. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from Bobby Hume in Armed Forces Day.   
    Don't be surprised if the offended try and get this banned, It's part of the crusade , go for Orange Walks as is in their warped minds it's a sectarian fest, no place for celebrating the armed forces in football, meanwhile they will allow the rancid mob to march through the streets of Scotland celebrating the IRA , glorify in the deaths of young men who died in countless wars to preserve the freedom that they besmirch by their ingrained hatred, they call us H*** but the very cunts they glorify helped the Enemy in both world wars , treacherous,treasonous bastards  to a man.
    Why Britain bailed out the ROI  during their economic crisis amazes me as this mob have allowed terrorists to operate against the United Kingdom for years , they forget that one of the main players in their economic crisis was none other than Dodgy Dermot and his cronies.
    Meanwhile here you have a mob at local and national level who will not take the action required against the plastic terrorists who imitate the nationalist terror groups , threatening the local populace ,know your place H** scum.
    When the powers that be embolden all theses terrorist supporting scumbags  with their lack of action against them and choose to portray them as peaceful protesters whilst their opponents are described as sectarian thugs .
    Don't be surprised if this Country turns into a state of constant civil unrest and who will the appeasers turn to , none other than the armed forces.
    Vote them Out.
    Kick them Out.
  18. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from Courtyard Bear in Armed Forces Day.   
    Don't be surprised if the offended try and get this banned, It's part of the crusade , go for Orange Walks as is in their warped minds it's a sectarian fest, no place for celebrating the armed forces in football, meanwhile they will allow the rancid mob to march through the streets of Scotland celebrating the IRA , glorify in the deaths of young men who died in countless wars to preserve the freedom that they besmirch by their ingrained hatred, they call us H*** but the very cunts they glorify helped the Enemy in both world wars , treacherous,treasonous bastards  to a man.
    Why Britain bailed out the ROI  during their economic crisis amazes me as this mob have allowed terrorists to operate against the United Kingdom for years , they forget that one of the main players in their economic crisis was none other than Dodgy Dermot and his cronies.
    Meanwhile here you have a mob at local and national level who will not take the action required against the plastic terrorists who imitate the nationalist terror groups , threatening the local populace ,know your place H** scum.
    When the powers that be embolden all theses terrorist supporting scumbags  with their lack of action against them and choose to portray them as peaceful protesters whilst their opponents are described as sectarian thugs .
    Don't be surprised if this Country turns into a state of constant civil unrest and who will the appeasers turn to , none other than the armed forces.
    Vote them Out.
    Kick them Out.
  19. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from 35 Yard Dangerman in Haud the heed here   
    Changing the shape fucked it up, Arfield looks as if he needs a rest, Tav  needs a winger in front of him, Goldson was bullied the whole game , his pass killed us, midfield couldn't find an out ball. McGregor too slow with his distribution and the continuous punt out Tav just doesn't work, It's 50-50 football ,numerous times there is acres of space on the other side to attack, not just today ,you see it in most games,punt it into space and turn the defenders at worst it goes out for a throw in well into enemy territory.
    Hem them in ,their defence was there for the taking and we let them  of the hook,gave them too much time and space, why change a winning formula and be so negative.
    Again the badly prick in the middle let them away with their petty antics,breaking up play feining injury, the usual pulling back ,the obligatory dive, not booked , and McGregor should have been booked for his tackle,all the pish about It's early in the game , a foul meriting a red doesn't matter when it happens, he did his usual gave fouls in favour of Rangers when there was no danger,this is to even up the match stats and look as if he is playing fare.
    In the real world they would have been removed from the game altogether for their crimes but not in Scotland, where it seems that singing a song ,using a legal tax scheme will land you in the shit.
    Destroy countless children's lives and cover it up doesn't merit a mention in this infested shithole.
    Kick them Out.
  20. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from HG5 in Haud the heed here   
    Changing the shape fucked it up, Arfield looks as if he needs a rest, Tav  needs a winger in front of him, Goldson was bullied the whole game , his pass killed us, midfield couldn't find an out ball. McGregor too slow with his distribution and the continuous punt out Tav just doesn't work, It's 50-50 football ,numerous times there is acres of space on the other side to attack, not just today ,you see it in most games,punt it into space and turn the defenders at worst it goes out for a throw in well into enemy territory.
    Hem them in ,their defence was there for the taking and we let them  of the hook,gave them too much time and space, why change a winning formula and be so negative.
    Again the badly prick in the middle let them away with their petty antics,breaking up play feining injury, the usual pulling back ,the obligatory dive, not booked , and McGregor should have been booked for his tackle,all the pish about It's early in the game , a foul meriting a red doesn't matter when it happens, he did his usual gave fouls in favour of Rangers when there was no danger,this is to even up the match stats and look as if he is playing fare.
    In the real world they would have been removed from the game altogether for their crimes but not in Scotland, where it seems that singing a song ,using a legal tax scheme will land you in the shit.
    Destroy countless children's lives and cover it up doesn't merit a mention in this infested shithole.
    Kick them Out.
  21. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from SuperLeeMcCulloch in Taigs to attack buses tomorrow Govan road   
    Intelligence would tell you that it will have been organised  in a pub right after their peaceful protest, possibly the tall cranes or one of the other slop houses, you never know maybe some of the politicians who enjoy having their photograph taken in these cultural cafes were in attendance.
    They'll have called an emergency meeting at the terrordome,FARE, Nil by Mouth, Call it Out , Friends of Ireland and any other haters ( Enablers one and all) in attendance, a quick conference call to Gerry, instructions given on the plan of action, job done.
    Plod will be listening out for the naughty songs along with Peters minions at the SFA, journos  at the ready with the fake outrage.
    Give them fuck all to use against Rangers.
    Stay safe.
    Kick them Out.
  22. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from Burnbank Derry in Taigs to attack buses tomorrow Govan road   
    What happened in Govan last night was utterly unacceptable. My thanks to @policescotland for their response. I welcome Glasgow City Council’s commitment to review the procedures around marches. Peaceful protest is a part of our democracy - violent and sectarian disruption is not. https://twitter.com/humzayousaf/status/1167566958730076163 …
    Humza Yousaf✔@HumzaYousaf
    Thank you to Police Scotland for dealing with this incident robustly - utterly depressing to see this divisive thuggery on our streets. Note Glasgow City Council will now take steps to review their procedures on marches & parades and take necessary actions to keep our City safe https://twitter.com/SWGlasgowPolice/status/1167547652361400322 …
    These pair of useless cunts have found their voice surprise surprise, who sanctioned the march ,the enemy within are free to do what they like ,we know who she is accusing of the violence and sectarianism and it ain't the jolly craicsters.
    She is fuelling the fire with her divisive political machinations, she cries democracy but doesn't practice what she preaches, the people of this Country have said no twice ,she can't or won't accept this,the same with brexit.
    The stormtroopers will be out in force tomorrow with their detailed list of targets.
    Keep the city safe, this prick who has allowed the perpetrators of the mock execution of Rangers Supporters and Members of the Orange Lodge to evade justice, are they both in agreement that we the H*** should know our place.
    The only collaboraters during the wars with Germany (H***)were the founders of her party and the supporters of the IRA .
    Still no comments from either when it comes to the ring of depravity that has been allowed to operate out of the cesspit.
    How anyone can vote for this shower is unbelievable even if the alternative  choice are just as bad.
    As Paxman said a shower of useless bastards.
    Do they want to bring the politics of Northern Ireland and all it entails to the streets of Scotland,looks like it to me ,They would accept blood and mayhem on the streets as long as they achieve their Political aims.
    If the plastics want a United Ireland take their protests to Southern Ireland and see how well it goes down there ,they might just be surprised by the response.
    Kick them Out.
  23. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from BallochBear in Taigs to attack buses tomorrow Govan road   
    What happened in Govan last night was utterly unacceptable. My thanks to @policescotland for their response. I welcome Glasgow City Council’s commitment to review the procedures around marches. Peaceful protest is a part of our democracy - violent and sectarian disruption is not. https://twitter.com/humzayousaf/status/1167566958730076163 …
    Humza Yousaf✔@HumzaYousaf
    Thank you to Police Scotland for dealing with this incident robustly - utterly depressing to see this divisive thuggery on our streets. Note Glasgow City Council will now take steps to review their procedures on marches & parades and take necessary actions to keep our City safe https://twitter.com/SWGlasgowPolice/status/1167547652361400322 …
    These pair of useless cunts have found their voice surprise surprise, who sanctioned the march ,the enemy within are free to do what they like ,we know who she is accusing of the violence and sectarianism and it ain't the jolly craicsters.
    She is fuelling the fire with her divisive political machinations, she cries democracy but doesn't practice what she preaches, the people of this Country have said no twice ,she can't or won't accept this,the same with brexit.
    The stormtroopers will be out in force tomorrow with their detailed list of targets.
    Keep the city safe, this prick who has allowed the perpetrators of the mock execution of Rangers Supporters and Members of the Orange Lodge to evade justice, are they both in agreement that we the H*** should know our place.
    The only collaboraters during the wars with Germany (H***)were the founders of her party and the supporters of the IRA .
    Still no comments from either when it comes to the ring of depravity that has been allowed to operate out of the cesspit.
    How anyone can vote for this shower is unbelievable even if the alternative  choice are just as bad.
    As Paxman said a shower of useless bastards.
    Do they want to bring the politics of Northern Ireland and all it entails to the streets of Scotland,looks like it to me ,They would accept blood and mayhem on the streets as long as they achieve their Political aims.
    If the plastics want a United Ireland take their protests to Southern Ireland and see how well it goes down there ,they might just be surprised by the response.
    Kick them Out.
  24. Like
    Lets go 55 got a reaction from One Jock Wallace in Taigs to attack buses tomorrow Govan road   
    What happened in Govan last night was utterly unacceptable. My thanks to @policescotland for their response. I welcome Glasgow City Council’s commitment to review the procedures around marches. Peaceful protest is a part of our democracy - violent and sectarian disruption is not. https://twitter.com/humzayousaf/status/1167566958730076163 …
    Humza Yousaf✔@HumzaYousaf
    Thank you to Police Scotland for dealing with this incident robustly - utterly depressing to see this divisive thuggery on our streets. Note Glasgow City Council will now take steps to review their procedures on marches & parades and take necessary actions to keep our City safe https://twitter.com/SWGlasgowPolice/status/1167547652361400322 …
    These pair of useless cunts have found their voice surprise surprise, who sanctioned the march ,the enemy within are free to do what they like ,we know who she is accusing of the violence and sectarianism and it ain't the jolly craicsters.
    She is fuelling the fire with her divisive political machinations, she cries democracy but doesn't practice what she preaches, the people of this Country have said no twice ,she can't or won't accept this,the same with brexit.
    The stormtroopers will be out in force tomorrow with their detailed list of targets.
    Keep the city safe, this prick who has allowed the perpetrators of the mock execution of Rangers Supporters and Members of the Orange Lodge to evade justice, are they both in agreement that we the H*** should know our place.
    The only collaboraters during the wars with Germany (H***)were the founders of her party and the supporters of the IRA .
    Still no comments from either when it comes to the ring of depravity that has been allowed to operate out of the cesspit.
    How anyone can vote for this shower is unbelievable even if the alternative  choice are just as bad.
    As Paxman said a shower of useless bastards.
    Do they want to bring the politics of Northern Ireland and all it entails to the streets of Scotland,looks like it to me ,They would accept blood and mayhem on the streets as long as they achieve their Political aims.
    If the plastics want a United Ireland take their protests to Southern Ireland and see how well it goes down there ,they might just be surprised by the response.
    Kick them Out.
  25. Like
    Lets go 55 reacted to SuperLeeMcCulloch in Taigs to attack buses tomorrow Govan road   
    Fat chance mate, Cunt's couldn't even herd sheep 
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