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    DiamondBear reacted to magic8ball in Mp writes to Humza re: effiges at the knewcamp   
    If there is a god he would more likely be in line with protestants than RC anyway .
    Afterall the reformation was a protest to the church as they felt the vatican was corrupt and going away from the beliefs of many in northern europe .
    Those who left the RC church and became part of the new protestant church were going back to a more traditional way of life .the one that god had intended .
    So if there is a god he will be a prod 
  2. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to Blue Avenger in Mp writes to Humza re: effiges at the knewcamp   
    There has never been any doubt about that!
  3. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to Blueshoff in How Steven Gerrard makes me a better entrepreneur   
    Ever thought of writing a book? Maybe something like Trainspotting but about Rangers?.......
  4. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to LegendofCoop in Joe Lewis   
    Part of me (my left pinkie) wants to think Defoe thought he was going to get clattered and tried to limit the impact. 😄 
    The rest of me just thinks.....POW RIGHT IN THE KISSER!!!
  5. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to kanjo in Will we give those bastards a guard of honour?   
    After their antics a few weeks ago? not a chance. The Smhellies will be lucky if they don't see their 'captain' get another sore jaw let alone a GOH.
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    DiamondBear reacted to Falcoholic in Steven Gerrard article from the Beeb   
    Steven Gerrard might have retired from football in 2016, but his legacy will long live on whenever anyone plays a football video game in what has become colloquially known as 'Gerrard mode'.
    Think of it as football with superpowers, where one player can push his way from the halfway line into the opposition area with the idea of them being tackled little more than a pipe dream.
    The appeal of the style comes from how unrealistic it is, or at least should be. Football is a team game, and the idea of one man doing it all by himself is something which ought to be restricted to park kickabouts or, yes, video games, not at the elite level.
    However, for Gerrard, this was the reality. Throughout more than 800 games for club and country, he played football how you’ve always wanted to… and he made it work.
    The skills required to be king of the playground are meant to be different from those you need as a pro, and you need only look at any player described as a 'wasted talent' to understand how that works.
    Making the step up requires compromise, at least for 99% of players, but Gerrard forced himself into that remaining 1%. And the same force of will that got him into the game acted as his most valuable quality in achieving what he did in a Liverpool shirt.
    Recalling his childhood kickabouts, the Merseyside-born midfielder would say of the makeshift hard playing surface outside his home in Huyton, Liverpool: “Back then, it was MY pitch – no cars allowed."
    It was there that he developed the nous to determine no game was too big for him to dominate, whether that meant a six-year-old Stevie going up against kids a few years his senior, or the local-lad-made-good, inspiring the Reds to a Champions League final comeback you wouldn’t think possible if you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes.
    When the bigger boys coming to play in your yard is all you’ve ever known, you’re going to play like every pitch you step on is your own turf to protect.
    <img alt="Steven Gerrard makes a trademark fierce tackle in midfield " class="Image-elem" height="1080" src="https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/704xn/p0763jvx.jpg" srcSet="https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/480xn/p0763jvx.jpg 480w, https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/624xn/p0763jvx.jpg 624w, https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/800xn/p0763jvx.jpg 800w, https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/1056xn/p0763jvx.jpg 1056w" width="1920"/>Getty Images
    Steven Gerrard makes a trademark fierce tackle in midfield
    There has been no player quite at the same level as Gerrard when it comes to sending shots into the back of the net through sheer strength of character.
    He might have fallen desperately short of a Premier League title, but his accolades show us that playing football the way everyone wants to play it can still bring the highest of highs.
    To get a feel for Gerrard’s longevity in Liverpool colours, all you need to do is look at an assortment of his team-mates.
    His early days at Anfield saw him share a pitch with Gary McAllister, who was born in 1964, while Gerrard’s team-mates in his final game included Jordon Ibe, a man 31 years McAllister’s junior. And yet Gerrard was worthy of his place in both generations – and every squad in between.
    While most Liverpool fans will point to Gerrard’s achievements in 2005 and 2006, there was one earlier goal which seemed to encapsulate his body of work even more.
    In the final minute of a Premier League game against Charlton Athletic in April 2003, in which Liverpool had trailed until five minutes from time, Gerrard found a way in between Luke Young and John Robinson where there ought to have been no space whatsoever, before squeezing a low shot beyond Dean Kiely.
    The concept of ‘wanting it more’ is deliberately nebulous, often shared by limited coaches unable to express what they really mean, but on this occasion it’s hard to find another way to describe the midfielder’s route to goal.
    It’s all down to a frankly inhuman sense of self-belief; a refusal to incorporate the term ‘impossible’ into his internal dictionary.
    There might have been moments in Gerrard’s career where such an approach worked against him, but when it served him so well on so many occasions it’s easy to see why he was so keen to persist.
    Refusing to give up
    Liverpool weren’t meant to be anywhere near the 2005 Champions League final, and that they even shared a pitch with AC Milan in Istanbul was down to Gerrard’s intervention against Olympiakos in the final group game.
    Needing to win by two goals to progress, the Reds fell behind to a Rivaldo free-kick and suddenly needed to find three unanswered goals. Obviously, it would be Gerrard who stepped up in the 86th minute to deliver the third and send Anfield wild.
    There was something cinematic about the effort, with the way the ball set up perfectly for the midfielder from Neil Mellor’s knockdown. For that second, those of us watching at home saw the game through Gerrard’s eyes, with that steely focus whereby the ball was only going in one place and goalkeeper Antonis Nikopilidis was not going to get a chance to interfere with destiny.
    Liverpool rode the momentum of that goal all the way through to the final in Turkey, and, having done it once, Gerrard had the belief to do the same once more when his team fell 3-0 down to Milan by half-time.
    Gerrard had a unique power whereby his own refusal to give up could flow through his team-mates. It didn’t matter if the perseverance could sometimes make things worse – if there was even a 1% chance of reviving his team, you could bet he’d give it a shot.
    One year on, in the FA Cup final at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, it was time for Act II. If Liverpool were never expected to be in the game in Istanbul, they were never expected to allow their opponents to compete 12 months on - and yet, as the clock ticked into stoppage time, they trailed underdogs West Ham 3-2.
    As the Merseyside club struggled, so did Gerrard. He had gone down with cramp, and the game looked beyond him. But as the ball dropped to him 35 yards from goal, he cobbled together every last ounce of strength in his body to hammer the ball past Shaka Hislop and into the corner of the West Ham net.
    Liverpool's Steven Gerrard Gerrard scores incredible 35-yard FA Cup final equaliser
    It was a case of his powerful spirit mending his broken body, however temporarily.
    Steven Gerrard could well have added more trophies to his cabinet by leaving Liverpool, and yet you got the sense he was only able to produce those against-all-odds recoveries by virtue of that red shirt giving him power. The one-club man is a dying breed in English football, but Gerrard was able to stay with his boyhood club for his entire time in the Premier League, without compromising his pursuit of trophies.
    Only a Premier League title evaded him, and the perfectionist in him explains why he’d later admit he will “never be at peace” with some of the near-misses, but he retired with a body of work any player would be immensely proud of.
    More importantly, though, he achieved everything by bustling his way into a leading role - and refusing to be a passenger.
  8. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to AlbertzLoyalRSC in Steven Gerrard article from the Beeb   
    NOT BBC Scotland, I assume...

  9. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to Gascoigne8 in New Champions League proposals   
    8 stars = 8 original teams
    AC milan 
    IFK gothenborg
  10. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to born a blue nose in New Champions League proposals   
    Yes one of the stars in the champions league design represent Rangers and other founders.
  11. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to Inigo in New Champions League proposals   
    It's aimed at Milan, Inter, Man U, Dortmund, Chelsea and so forth. Something similar was discussed a few years back when Chelsea finished 8th or thereabouts (and a few other biggies languished) at a time when Chelsea were one of the biggest guns. UEFA want to make sure the big money spinners are there every year, and that aint the mhanks. It's not aimed at sellic, however the press here are looking to spin it on their behalf. You can be sure Lawwell is trying to put his case forward, though. Which worries me, because he's a shrewd operator and propagandist. Our leadership need to keep tabs on this.
  12. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to Moody Blue Legend in New Champions League proposals   
    Something else with historical importance should see the bastards in front of the authorities, never mind fuckin shoehorning them into a cash cow.
  13. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to soulboy in Fine margins   
    What if that diving cunt hadn't dived against motherwell in the last minute to rescue a point. What if gordon their keeper had been sent off for his kung fu kick to a players chest. What if lego had been sent off for his elbow on naismith yeah they've had plenty of what ifs as well.
  14. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to Colin Traive in Fine margins   
    Not one league defeat by more than a single goal and top scorers in the division.
    ”Game management” in a handful of games is the difference.
    We’re a new team whereas Lustig, Brown, Forrest, Rogic, McGregor, Sinclair etc have  the experience of closing out games in recent seasons.
    We are very close and, deep down, they know it.
  15. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to magic8ball in Fine margins   
    what have they got to spend and what will they actually spend .
    2 huge questions .
    also due to needing a few players they will be buying from the same market as we are .they cant afford to be paying more transfer cash and wage cash than us as they have no guarantees that they have the future revenue to keep funding their far larger wage bill .
    this transfer window is MASSIVE  
    Im a glass half full guy and reckon they will struggle like fuck to start the season stronger than us .
    We have management stability and as proved in the last 2 or 3 games we can more than cope with the loss of our most valuable asset .
    Sell Morelos and we have a nice wee kitty .
    Keep him and we have a squad with one or 2 key additions a side easily capable of winning the league next year .
    I know the consensus is 4 players but apart from needing a better option on the right i believe this squad has the makings of winning the league easily 
  16. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to Malvern in Pre Season   
    Tims at a burning Paedo dome with no escape.
  17. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to Blumhoilann in Ant Middleton   
    SBS would test ship's security in Naval bases,training for them and sailors.Ships officers are tipped off over which weekend this will take place. Duty watches are doubled as a matter of course,other than that ,life goes on as usual.
    You see them (SBS) driving around in their landrovers towing their wee trailers behind them,hoping they stay away from your ship because they had been known to take 'prisoners' from ships crews as proof they'd broken security,so everyone's on their toes.
    So this particular weekend passed off peacefully wi nothing untoward.Come Monday morning a Staff Officer arrives in a pusser tilly and comes onboard,he presented the Captain wi our ships bell,we hadn't noticed it was missing nevermind anyone coming onboard and taking the damned thing🤔....Security had been breached,Officers get a bollocking,Officers give Chiefs and PO's a bollocking,the crew gets a bollocking and everybody loses 48 hours of shore leave☹️
    Glad these guys are on our side
  18. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to jim beam in Ant Middleton   
    I spoke too a few of them and I was really impressed with their professionalism the thing that stuck out for me was that most of them are wiry as fuck,I was expecting muscle galore somehow.
    The U.K. is very lucky that we have men willing and able such as the SBS and the SAS carrying out the operations/deployment’s that we never hear about.I have no hesitation in calling them the worlds finest special forces.
  19. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to 2nd Flute in Rangers Picture Thread   
  20. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to WeeJacksonRFC in Rangers Picture Thread   
    This Gentleman rite here is Mr Danny Mclardy ! he played for the Rangers reserves In the early-mid 1960s. 
    After coming on loan to a team in Canada he has remained since ! I hope he wouldn't mind me posting ! 
    We met one night when I listed one of my signed Rangers shirts ! he came by we spoke and he mentioned he had known many of the same people from my NARSA -Cambridge true blues Rangers supporters clubs. Figuring since we have a massive following in North America ! was just a fellow fan! Danny is truly one of the nicest people I have ever met and have had the pleasure to watch a few matches with him. 
    He had some amazing stories about Ibrox and what it was like back in those days. 

  21. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to Rmc54 in Rangers Picture Thread   
    I zoomed in on the corner of one of the photos you posted, Tom Morgan was the sports editor of the right sort.

  22. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to Johnny Dangerously in Rangers Picture Thread   
  23. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to 2nd Flute in Rangers Picture Thread   
  24. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to BLUEDIGNITY in Rangers Picture Thread   
    Love a Wee Spot in Europe Bud 
  25. Like
    DiamondBear reacted to denya in Morelos New Contract   
    Morelos will be with our national team for friendly with Japan and South Korea this month. Our team was announce today.
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