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Do you find you hate Celtic less the older you get?

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I'm challenging what they think, completely different.

Are you Oleg Kuznetsov in disguise? It may simply be your nature, or it may be me misreading most of your posts, but a bit less arrogance, condascension and holier than thou attitude may help you get the approval or converts that you seek.

No offence, honestly, but this is a football forum for like minded people to chew the fat and generally banter not a University debating board or platform to demean other peoples views.

My wife "challenges" what I think, dont be so presumptious. If someone has a view that you find obnoxious then just suck it up, after all, thats what the rest of us have to do.

Yes, I hate Celtic more as I get older, but I believe that they have become more poisonous as a club and wield more civic power now, including the majority of the media, as a group than they have ever had. I dont believe that its a coincidence that with each passing year less Orange walks are allowed, councils are now more pro tim than ever. Maybe you are due another stint living in our goldfish bowl as Aberdeen can make you abit stir crazy, especially at this time of year.

I am also humble enough to admit I may be wrong ........

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The older I get, the more I learn about them and the more I learn about them, the more I hate them.

I'm glad for you that you feel the way you do, but for me and I honestly mean this, I will despise them forever.

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Mines? No, why?

I think I remember you saying that you were doing a University course of some sort and thought your post might have been relative to what you were studying. Many people may deride you on here for your posts/opinions on certain topics, but I actually find the responses to threads such as this one quite interesting, not to mention entertaining at times....It certainly is an amazing overall view of 'football life in Glasgow' when you are sitting high in the tree tops 20,000 kilometres away.

PS...My "Despisation" of Cetic football club has just became a bit more sardonic as I've just watched them struggle to draw against Killie in front of a "packed house" at Paranoia palace. :pipe:

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Are you Oleg Kuznetsov in disguise? It may simply be your nature, or it may be me misreading most of your posts, but a bit less arrogance, condascension and holier than thou attitude may help you get the approval or converts that you seek.

No offence, honestly, but this is a football forum for like minded people to chew the fat and generally banter not a University debating board or platform to demean other peoples views.

My wife "challenges" what I think, dont be so presumptious. If someone has a view that you find obnoxious then just suck it up, after all, thats what the rest of us have to do.

Yes, I hate Celtic more as I get older, but I believe that they have become more poisonous as a club and wield more civic power now, including the majority of the media, as a group than they have ever had. I dont believe that its a coincidence that with each passing year less Orange walks are allowed, councils are now more pro tim than ever. Maybe you are due another stint living in our goldfish bowl as Aberdeen can make you abit stir crazy, especially at this time of year.

I am also humble enough to admit I may be wrong ........

Bit in bold - Oh the Irony in that - and rest of the post in general:

You are new here arnt you!! LOL

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Do you find that you hate them less the older you get? I certainly do.

When I was at school everyone was a Rangers fan so you didn't really mix with tims at all. I found it easier to believe that they were somehow different to us. But once I left school and went into the wide World I realised that, essentially, they are the same as us. Raise families, drive cars, pay the bills, drink in pubs, contribute to society and support their team the same as we do.

The rabid hatred I felt for them as a young teenager is now diluted. I still despise the team and hope they lose every game they play but I am probably far more mellow towards individual tims than I used to be as an ignorant schoolboy.

Nope. Hated them as a kid, but now that I know about their rape of young boys and have seen what horrible bastards they can be generally, I despise them a whole lot more today.

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I hate the club more than I did when I was a kid and I hate certain figures directly involved in the club more but I've never hated any individuals just for supporting the team. In fact I only know a handful of tims and they're either close friends or extended family.


You have summed up my feelings on the subject more less to perfection. (tu)

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I hate them even more every day, week, month and year. With every new story i here about them, with every embarassing moment their fans bring to the world, with every bigoted song their fans sing, with every tabloid tale told by a taig journalist against our club, with every tims uttered word i hear on the radio, with every picture i see of their players in the papers, i hate them even more.

Celtic are what Celtic are. The scum of the earth.

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I hate them even more every day, week, month and year. With every new story i here about them, with every embarassing moment their fans bring to the world, with every bigoted song their fans sing, with every tabloid tale told by a taig journalist against our club, with every tims uttered word i hear on the radio, with every picture i see of their players in the papers, i hate them even more.

Celtic are what Celtic are. The scum of the earth.

Think this sums it up best for me (tu) i also hate the sheep with a passion too :uk:

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The older I get the more I hate the celtic football club. I hate everything spouted from reid lawell lemon hooper stokes etc. The older one gets the smarter they become or in my eyes you can see the bullshit and bigotry more clearly. The scum football club can't beat the Rangers on the park at football so they have to try and do everything possible to stack the deck.....with bullshit, conspiricy, bigotry with every possible excuse in the world. When I was a wee boy Stein was the manager of the scum and he used the media every way possible but with out asking for clarity and strong referee's against us and every decision going against them. He was more subtle in his approach but meant the exact same as the scum management of today. They always have had no class just more classless today

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Hatred is a strong word and i use it advisedly.

Hated them when i was a school boy.

Hated them when i was a teenager.

Hated them was i was a young man.

Hate them now when I'm middle aged.

will take my hatred of them to my grave.

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I can't really say fairly. As I've always been a bear. I wasn't really a devoted supporter til I hit age 12 and started high school. Then with each passing year my hatred for them grows and grows with each time I find out about an underhanded tactic they've employed to gain an upper hand.

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I have a couple of mates that play in gaelic teams. Never asked what their political stance is though.

You shouldn't need to ask them you should know.

Northern Ireland is completly different than Scotland when it comes to this

we have a different bred of taig over here our taigs could get you a battering even the friendly ones just by pointing you out

and probably not meaning it but just telling certain ones where you're from.

Our lifes and culture cannot be compared to Scotland so this thread shouldn't interact with you at all.

But to the subject of hating Celtic they are the most hate filled tribe in the planet.

I have no time for any of them and as the older ive got the wiser ive got.

NOT to go anywhere near them over here if you support Celtic you're more than likely a republican.

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You shouldn't need to ask them you should know.

Northern Ireland is completly different than Scotland when it comes to this

we have a different bred of taig over here our taigs could get you a battering even the friendly ones just by pointing you out

and probably not meaning it but just telling certain ones where you're from.

Our lifes and culture cannot be compared to Scotland so this thread shouldn't interact with you at all.

I know. They aren't close mates, like I have never went out drinking with them or anything.

All of my close/proper mates are Protestant. Just know a few Catholics to speak to at work or in college etc.

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I know. They aren't close mates, like I have never went out drinking with them or anything.

All of my close/proper mates are Protestant. Just know a few Catholics to speak to at work or in college etc.

Yep same as mate.

I know ones at work and they were all friendly joking and all,

I went home turned on the TV watching the news the same boys i was chating to that day at work were on the TV

guess what at?

An RIRA/32countymovement rally at a DPP meeting them all shouting SSRUC :rolleyes:

That learned me not to take them at face value.

They are different at work and collage etc but when they get back to their Gettos

they are just all the same.

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