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Elgin statement today


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someone should hang for this :P

Kidding aside, i feel for the bears who had made plans for this weekend, and if you fight your case with elgin, you may get back ymore than the price of your ticket ( in cases like dunny who now owes some fkn hotel 268 bucks)

im giving them hee haw, fkn disgrace i said i would book again on resceduled date, said no their problem which it isnt but im no havin it!!

268 rappers they can chase elgin no me!!

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It was pure and utter greed that led to this...as well as trying to squeeze in more of us they also bumped up their price for us by 50%.....hope they get hammered for it!

But no doubt someone will try and blame us for it....

I've heard the stand building and H&S failure as well, but after listening to Radio Ireland this afternoon, in which they actually sais something I agreed with, namely that the basis for this was greed.

They had TV cameras there today, or would have had, next week they get a split of the gate money for playing at Ibrox in the Scottish Cup, yet they screw it all up, cost travelling fans money just to get another 1,200 seats in place.

It sure seems like greed to me.

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which means they just fecked up the amount they sold and should face any punishment that comes their way.

Thats correct! Although I do feel for the chairman as I know him well (wee fanny2 used to play for them :) ), the guy has carried the club for some time now and this will probably cost them a fortune. A wee club like this simply cant afford this.

Although I am still fechin beelin

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which means they just fecked up the amount they sold and should face any punishment that comes their way.

We should ask the spl clubs about what punishments the SFL can give them. They have plenty of ideas.

Elgin are out of pocket from this fuck up. An isolated administrative error by an obviously well meaning club. They may have been trying to maximize revenue, can you seriously begrudge them that? They have apologized. The club have accepted this apology and so should we. I see no reason why they should face more punishment than the consequence of having to refund the tickets.

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I'm more worried about this story in other ways. Rangers being in the lower divisions was meant to create good things for all these smaller clubs, now, who knows what might happen to these silly buggers for what can only be described as wholesale greed.

All these clubs, Elgin included, with the cup game next week, should make plenty of bucks, but they've certainly tried to squeeze the last drop of gravy for the train.

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If an SPL club did this the reaction on here would be so different. They would be getting called greedy, money grabbers etc. but because it's Elgin, an SFL3 club, it was all a big mistake. Nohing to do with them wanting more money out of us. :rolleyes:

I hope they lose out big time after this.

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We should ask the spl clubs about what punishments the SFL can give them. They have plenty of ideas.

Elgin are out of pocket from this fuck up. An isolated administrative error by an obviously well meaning club. They may have been trying to maximize revenue, can you seriously begrudge them that? They have apologized. The club have accepted this apology and so should we. I see no reason why they should face more punishment than the consequence of having to refund the tickets.

Surely this must fall under bringing the game into disrepute.

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Surely this must fall under bringing the game into disrepute.

Perhaps. I'm just not comfortable demanding punishments on a club that I can only see have made one massive mistake. I didn't like it when the spl clubs did it to us and I won't like it if we act like that now.

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Perhaps. I'm just not comfortable demanding punishments on a club that I can only see have made one massive mistake. I didn't like it when the spl clubs did it to us and I won't like it if we act like that now.

Retribution is coming to the people who landed us in this situation. Yes, Elgin fucked up but they did not conspire to this. Guilty of a fuck up. That's all.

The clamour for punishment is being directed the wrong way here.

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This was no 'mistake' or 'error'.

They knew fine well what they were doing. If it was only a handful then fair enough but 1100? Potentially putting lives at risk and if it wasn't for the polis n the council Elgin would have let it go ahead knowing the risks.

Now the game will most likely be midweek and most who go to it will have to take time off work.


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Perhaps. I'm just not comfortable demanding punishments on a club that I can only see have made one massive mistake. I didn't like it when the spl clubs did it to us and I won't like it if we act like that now.

So you're quite happy having peoples lives put at risk for a few extra quid?

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Just remembered Elgin visit Ibrox next Saturday. Without taking away from the seriousness of their greed and the shambles of the game being called off and the financial hit taken by Bears who'd made arrangments to travel, I wonder if there is a welcome we can give them when the visit (apart from us winning the game that is)?

Maybe the DJ could arrange some suitable music:

Money, Money, Money?

For a few dollars more?

Ticket to ride?

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There has to be some sanctions here. You can't grudge a smaller club cashing in while they can, this may be the only chance the players get to play Rangers, but this a massive cock up.

It's more than an admin error and left an outstanding fixture that has to get squeezed in and loads of Gers fans out of pocket. A problem of their own making but if I were an Elgin fan I would be raging. Makes the club look like dickheads and totally unprofessional ( I know they're part time but you know what I mean....)

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If an SPL club did this the reaction on here would be so different. They would be getting called greedy, money grabbers etc. but because it's Elgin, an SFL3 club, it was all a big mistake. Nohing to do with them wanting more money out of us. :rolleyes:

I hope they lose out big time after this.

Yes a top league team would have been given a hefty fine, and the three points awarded to away team. No argument.

To a degree I am sympathetic to Elgin if it was due to a mistake, naievity, or incompetence, and would not wish them fined or points awarded against them.

However if there was a deliberate intention to make more money and there was deliberate wrongdoing by a club member(s), I would want them to receive a severe reprimand, and a season long suspended sentence of 12 points deduction.

Either way i believe Elgin should be ordered to pay reasonable costs to all fans affected. (the game at Ibrox will provide the funding).

Would prefer if game could be re-scheduled, but if 3 points awarded to us, we would have to respect the leagues authority to do so.

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A few points here.......

First of all, any talk of "putting lives at risk" is just absolute nonsense. Laughable even. There are no fences like wereHillsborough, and certainly no Stairway 13. Even the main stand is safer than the one at Valley Parade was. Anyone saying lives would be at risk is talking out of their arse.

The capacity at Elgin is approx 4500.............which is a joke because you could quite easily fit almost twice that amount into the ground. I've been to Borough Briggs on numerous occasions, and the fact is, they could easily have played the game today.

The problem is the police. In their infinite wisdom, they have decided that their segregation plans have been rendered futile (however unnecessary they were to begin with), with so many home end tickets going to Rangers fans. Make no mistake, this is another police stitch up, just like in Manchester. These cunts have an agenda, and don't want a large amount of Rangers fans in their area all weekend. The game will be played in midweek now, and that suits the police, as less Rangers fans will be able to make it up from the south.

The only thing Elgin City did wrong (if you don't count 1992 when they had their Highland league title stripped!) was to charge the extra £5 for Rangers visit.

This game could quite easily have gone ahead, without incident.

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with a story out about 2 Elgin directors admitting to selling the extra tickets , if true the SFL should hammer them

Is this a rumour or is it a proven fact?

As far as I can see we do not have the information at present to make any informed comment on how this happened. We have posters going on about temporary stands which don't even exist!!

I feel sorry for all fans who have lost out financially for whatever reason. Anyone who bought a ticket will receive a refund. Hopefully, anyone who booked accommodation or whatever can negotiate a refund, partial refund or credit towards a future booking.

As for Elgin City FC, they will be totally embarrassed by this monumental muck-up. This ridiculous situation will have cost them a considerable amount of revenue which I'm certain they could no doubt use.

I'm sure we will find out the cause very soon.

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A few points here.......

First of all, any talk of "putting lives at risk" is just absolute nonsense. Laughable even. There are no fences like wereHillsborough, and certainly no Stairway 13. Even the main stand is safer than the one at Valley Parade was. Anyone saying lives would be at risk is talking out of their arse.

The capacity at Elgin is approx 4500.............which is a joke because you could quite easily fit almost twice that amount into the ground. I've been to Borough Briggs on numerous occasions, and the fact is, they could easily have played the game today.

The problem is the police. In their infinite wisdom, they have decided that their segregation plans have been rendered futile (however unnecessary they were to begin with), with so many home end tickets going to Rangers fans. Make no mistake, this is another police stitch up, just like in Manchester. These cunts have an agenda, and don't want a large amount of Rangers fans in their area all weekend. The game will be played in midweek now, and that suits the police, as less Rangers fans will be able to make it up from the south.

The only thing Elgin City did wrong (if you don't count 1992 when they had their Highland league title stripped!) was to charge the extra £5 for Rangers visit.

This game could quite easily have gone ahead, without incident.

Their record crowd is 12,608 which tends to lend credence to your point.

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A few points here.......

First of all, any talk of "putting lives at risk" is just absolute nonsense. Laughable even. There are no fences like wereHillsborough, and certainly no Stairway 13. Even the main stand is safer than the one at Valley Parade was. Anyone saying lives would be at risk is talking out of their arse.

The capacity at Elgin is approx 4500.............which is a joke because you could quite easily fit almost twice that amount into the ground. I've been to Borough Briggs on numerous occasions, and the fact is, they could easily have played the game today.

The problem is the police. In their infinite wisdom, they have decided that their segregation plans have been rendered futile (however unnecessary they were to begin with), with so many home end tickets going to Rangers fans. Make no mistake, this is another police stitch up, just like in Manchester. These cunts have an agenda, and don't want a large amount of Rangers fans in their area all weekend. The game will be played in midweek now, and that suits the police, as less Rangers fans will be able to make it up from the south.

The only thing Elgin City did wrong (if you don't count 1992 when they had their Highland league title stripped!) was to charge the extra £5 for Rangers visit.

This game could quite easily have gone ahead, without incident.

Wasn't the area commannder quoted as saying Rangers fans are some if the best behaved in the country?

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