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The bigot Andy Muirhead now compares VB to KKK


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why do the Vanguard Bears get such a bad reputation I don't really know anything about them is there anything they have done or said to give them such a reputation?

It's the pointy white hats they wear that give them a bad name.

Burning crosses on the taigs gardens was where the line really got stepped over.


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He really is a scumbag, coming out with hate-filled pish like that. One can only take cheer from such individuals due to the knowledge that he is completely consumed by the hatred which he tries to spread.

I cannot overstate how disgusted I am by his latest tawdry and unfounded accusation.

It's not all that different from people on here comparing the SNP to the Nazi Party. Mods, no less.

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He's a fat ginger ugly wanker with a wife even fatter and uglier. Andy hates it when it gets personal because he has a log in for here and Follow Follow but not Vanguard. Ain't that right fatso?

His latest article was the stuff dreams are made of because we couldn't have come close to ridiculing him the way he did to himself.

And if i was Chris Graham I would be talking to my solicitor about his hate filled and defamatory comments.

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From VB - written some months ago in response to another catalogue of lies from this individual.

Its called “dangerous ground” for those of us who write. To pen an article based not on fact, but purely subjective opinion is always fraught with danger. To pull it off a writer has to possess an extremely captivating writing style coupled with an ability to turn his subjective opinion into cohesive argument.

Unfortunately for Scotzine article writer Andy Muirhead he appears to possess neither, if his latest offering “A NEW Rangers but bigotry and extremism has tupe’d over “ is anything to go by.

Furthermore by adopting such a stance he exposes himself to that little four letter word which has been the downfall of many – FACT.

“Now what this mild-mannered big handed Yorkshireman knows about bigotry is beyond me, the most he has had to deal with is a Sheffield derby or his yorkshire pudding mix not rising properly.

Or was his script written by those good auld Rangers men in the shadows?”

No it wasn't Mr Muirhead. It didn't need to be. For example a few articles ago I mentioned a Facebook page outlining details of a march against Rangers being admitted into the SPL. I highlighted the sectarian hatred penned by those who stated they were attending and supporting the march. Ironically, more penned sectarian comments than actually turned up for the march.

Small wonder then Celtic legend Davie Hay made the following statement a few weeks ago....

" Although the SPL decision not to admit Rangers is apparently fan driven, I do wonder about what type of fan we are talking about ?

Are these the vocal minorities who man their computers or the majority represented by fans' association's ?

So perhaps Charles Green knows a bit more about bigotry than appear willing to give him credit for Mr Muirhead. And if you are still in any doubt it might be to your advantage to pay a visit to the Nil By Mouth Sectarian Charity's website, they will detail there for you the type of sectarian behaviour both Charles Green and I allude to.

Or is sticking your head in the sand at selective times a far more easier option for you ? Remarkable that you write for a publication who claim to be dedicated to ‘The Beautiful Game of Football in Scotland’. I wonder what part of beautiful describes 55% of SPL supporters who would rather see their own club go bankrupt than see Rangers be admitted to the SPL (Source – Daily Record Poll). Perhaps with the news today that Sky have re-negotiated the broadcasting rights deal at a vastly reduced rate some may live to see their wish fulfilled. Perhaps you should be asking the question Mr Muirhead – Who are these people ?

In her book “Writing to change the world” authoress Mary Piper speaks about the intense moral courage required to write in a way which challenges the status quo, the accepted, the norm.

And one day in the future a writer, or writers, will expand on Brechin manager Jim Weirs' weekend comments that what has happened to this club has been a “Travesty”. Their moral courage will challenge those who have brought the game in Scotland to it's knees, through a mixture of petty jealousy, bigoted hatred and petulant behaviour, and examine their role in all of this.

But you can rest assured – Andy Muirhead wont be one of those writers.

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And as well as being a bigot, he's an absolute imbecile. I've never seen writing like it. A child could do better than the shite he puts out.

His piece trying to qualify the egg on his face after the EBT verdict was fkn priceless.

Now I will be the first to admit that we have had several contributors who have used the phrases like financial doping, cheating and title stripping, when discussing Rangers, the use of EBTs, dual contracts and tax liability. Personally, I have used them also on a number of occasions, but they were not in relation to passing judgement on a case that was still to be heard or ruled on, merely referencing to what could happen if Rangers were found guilty.


So...aye, I DID call Rangers cheats, but now that they've been proven innocent I didnae mean it.

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And as well as being a bigot, he's an absolute imbecile. I've never seen writing like it. A child could do better than the shite he puts out.

His piece trying to qualify the egg on his face after the EBT verdict was fkn priceless.


So...aye, I DID call Rangers cheats, but now that they've been proven innocent I didnae mean it.

it wisnae me Mr

a big boy did it an ran away

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